Monday Morning Memo

May 17, 2021                Esperanza Estates                    Green Valley, AZ
9:00 AM
8:00 AM
7:00 AM
Desert Meadows Park
A great place in Green Valley for a nice stroll
Maintained by the Green Valley Gardners, and
located at 999 S la Huerta, off of Abrego
photo by Hugh Rhine
EEHOA  Board Meeting
The EEHOA Board will meet today, Monday May 17th, 2021, at 1 pm online via Zoom.  Residents are invited and encouraged to attend.  This is the best place to learn about what's going on in Esperanza Estates.  The agenda is shown below. The Zoom meeting will be opened at about 12.30 pm and the meeting will be brought to order at 1.00 pm.

Topic: EEHOA Board Meeting
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Password: EEHOA
Please Replace the Spa Cover After Use
From Dave Sielken, EEHOA Board President
A "friendly reminder" about coving the spa....
Spa users, we need your help to keep the spa clean, especially in these days of high winds. When you exit the spa, please cover it if there are no other neighbors at the pool. If there are, please ask if anyone has plans to use the spa. If the response is "yes," please remind them to cover it.  If no one voices plans, please cover the spa yourself.  This applies to any time of day.  
Thank you for your help.
Dave Sielken on behalf of the EE HOA
From Mary Harp
The Gardeners work meetings will resume in the late summer.  For all the people who have helped during this last year, the parks are looking good.  Your help is very much appreciated.
For people who are helping with the watering during the summer, thank you so much for your help.  If you have any questions, call Rod at 520.329.9103.
Book Club
From Linda Sielken
Four of us attended our meeting last week. We had a good, lively discussion about Anxious People, which was very good for me in that I chose to not finish it, and now I think I will!  Our first meeting of the 2021/2022 season will be in September, on September 9 at 10 am to be exact.  This will be an organizational meeting where we will decide on our books for the season and catch up with each other.  Bring your lunch!  We did assign the book for October, a biography of Audrey Hepburn, The Dutch Girl.  The discussion will be led by Linda Hoy.  See you in September, if not before.  Stay cool and keep reading!
Access to HOA Minutes
The access to EEHOA Board minutes on the Esperanza Estates website has been changed.  Click on the link in the left panel titled "HOA Meeting Minutes."  A page will come up with a message advising "Minutes of EE HOA Board Meetings
are available to all EE homeowners."  Below that message is a link, "EEHOA minutes" which opens up a list of all the EEHOA Board minutes.  If you have any problem accessing the minutes, please contact Judy Hayes,
Exterior Walls
From Kay Bonham, Architectural Control Chair
Last week we asked residents to check the condition of their exterior walls, and we are pleased to report that some repairs/repainting has been done.  Some remain in poor condition, but it could be that the owners have left for the summer.  If you are a full time resident please take care of your needed maintenance.  If you are gone for now then we will follow up with you in the fall. Thanks again for helping to keep our neighborhood nice.
Yard Waste Collection
From Cyndie Alto, Common Area Maintenance Chair
The Points West Landscaping crew has moved their starting time to 6 am, so will be collecting yard waste clippings before 7 am.  Please have your clippings out the night before.  Thank you for your patience with our changes.
Common Area Walls
From Doug Syme, Capitol Projects Chair
Miguel Lopez was awarded a contract at the April Board Meeting to repair and paint the Common Walls in Esperanza Estates.  Those walls mainly include the wall by the wash along Calma and the wall north and west of the Pickleball Courts (as well as a number of smaller locations).  Miguel began work last week and, in view of the temperatures, will start working early.  Noise levels should not be significant.
Please direct any questions to Doug Syme - 610 724 5361.
Patti Johnson has a "Thank You" messge:
Thank You...we had three responses to our request for a garage to use for the summer.  Actually our next door neighbor offered!!  Thank you to the folks who offered....people can be very neighborly! 
A Lady and The Bank
Thanks Neighbor Andy Kramek
An old lady handed her bank card to the teller and said "I would like to withdraw $10".
The teller told her ,"For withdrawals less than $100, please use the ATM."
The old lady wanted to know why....The teller returned her bank card and irritably told her, "These are the rules, please leave if there is no further matter. There is a line of customers behind you".
The old lady remained silent for a few seconds and handed her card back to the teller and said, "Please help me withdraw all the money I have." The teller was astonished when she checked the account balance. She nodded her head, leaned down and very respectfully told her, "You have $300,000 in your account but the bank doesn't have that much cash currently. Could you make an appointment and come back again tomorrow?"
The old lady then asked how much she could withdraw immediately. The teller told her any amount up to $3000. "Well please let me have $3000 now."
The teller kindly handed $3000 very friendly and with a smile to her.
The old lady put $10 in her purse and asked the teller to deposit $2990 back into her account.
The moral of this story is....
Don't be difficult with old people, they spent a lifetime learning the skill.
Source:  The Blind Lady Cafe
Source:  Paycheckology
Source: Beyone The Far Side Group
Source:  Unknown
Thanks Neighbor Jeff Ries
Thanks Neighbor Jeff Ries
Please share your jokes....Judy Hayes at  
Let's keep Esperanza Estates laughing!!
Quorum Determination
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer's Report
Committee Reports: Architectural Control, Capital Projects, Common Area Maintenance, Green Valley Council, Recreational Facilities, Finance, Neighborhood Relations, Hospitality, Neighborhood Watch, Enhancement Team, Gardeners
Old Business
New Business
Quick Links... 

The MMM, published weekly and sent to Esperanza Estates residents, is the Newsletter referred to in the EE HOA Bylaws for providing official notice of Board actions to homeowners.  Back issues are available on the EE website. Clicking the 'SafeUnsubscribe' link below will remove your email address from future mailings.