Greetings Church Family,

I pray that this mailing finds you and yours well. Be assured that you are much loved and remain in the daily prayers of our church staff and leadership teams. 

Once again I want to say thank you to everyone who joined a Facebook Live or ZOOM broadcast this past week. To date over 900 people have viewed or interacted with one of the broadcasts. It is truly is amazing to see how God is using these digital gatherings to advance His kingdom work. My prayer continues to be that God will bless and powerfully use these live and on demand broadcasts to provide connecting points, encouragement, personal spiritual growth and disciple making opportunities for all who tune in

In the prayer and proclamation worship broadcast, FB Live 10:30am, we saw how God uses circumstances like these to “prune” those who are bearing fruit for the kingdom so that they will produce even more fruit. (John 15) We further discovered that the fruit Jesus is referring to is likely “inner fruit”...things like justice, mercy, love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

For many of us, things that we have previously invested massive amounts of time in have been temporarily taken away, leaving us more, and quality, time to spend with Jesus...reading His Word and in prayer. It allows precious time for silence and solitude. It allows us time to listen to God and think about these inner fruits in our lives and how we are sharing this fruit with others. 

One of my prayers for each of you is that during this “home” time, you will see Jesus more clearly, love Him more dearly and follow Him more nearly. 

Thinking about prayer, Rachael Moore’s (Bristol and Emmalee) mother passed away this week following terminal cancer. We also continue to remember Jim Helton as he is recovering from recent surgery; Suzie Watterson following shoulder surgery and Gene Roach who is still dealing with pulmonary issues. Several others in our church family are experiencing various degrees of illness and need our prayers.

Know that there are many prayer warriors in Riverchase Baptist Church. Please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can pray for you as well as those in our community. You may email your requests to me or click here to submit a prayer request via our website. 

Beyond prayer, we have church members that have volunteered to run errands for those needing assistance. If anyone needs someone to pick up and deliver a prescription or groceries, please let Becky or one of our ministers know and we will make the connections. 

Other current service opportunities include a group of volunteers who are knitting masks for medical workers. If you would like to help meet this need contact Elizabeth Messer for more information and instructions.

The best way to stay connected to each other and to our broadcasts or FaceBook Page.

Riverchase Baptist Church Facebook page .  
Riverchase Baptist Church Watch Page .

I also want remind everyone again that we have added a new after-hours emergency phone line for our membership to leave a message for our ministers. Members may dial 205-565-8359 and leave a text or voice message. The system will then alert the ministers of the text or voice message and we will return a call as soon as possible. Note also that Becky Jones , our Office Manager, is answering calls to the church office during regular office hours from home. 

Some have asked when we plan to gather together again. With so many things remaining unknown at this time, we are just not sure. My prayer is Palm Sunday, Holy Week or Easter Sunday. Join me and our leadership in prayer for wisdom, guidance and grace as we listen to state and local officials and follow their recommendations.  

I am glad we are family and that we are in this thing together. I love you and I am honored to serve as your Pastor. Give me a shout if you need anything. 

Peace, Hope, Love, Joy and Jesus to all!
Senior Pastor, Riverchase Baptist Church
RBC Current Schedule of Events
During this time of COVID-19 Quarantine, RBC is offering several ways to connect with your RBC Family!
(Click the calendar icon for the church calendar.)
Sunday Mornings:
9am — Adult Sunday School via Zoom Meetings led by Chase McLain & Carol Causey: Contact Chase McLain to be invited to join other RBC Adults in continuing the study of Romans.
10:30am — Guided Prayer & Worship: Join us via RBC’s FaceBook page for a Live stream or click this link to our website’s Watch page .
Wednesday Evenings:
6pm — On Wednesdays we are continuing Gospel Foundations via Zoom. Contact Chase to receive the meeting invitation.
Saturday Mornings:
10am — Children’s Talk: If you’d like to join our short talk, contact Claudia Johnson to get the link for our Zoom call.
Dear Church Family,
As the Deacon of the Week, I’ve been asked to share a word of encouragement with you all. This is a bizarre and unnerving time for all of us and we are all making adjustments. I feel grateful that I am healthy and have a good job where I can work from home, but so many people are in very difficult situations with their health, employment, etc. As God’s people we are called to pray for those adversely affected by current circumstances and help in any ways that we can.
As the RBC family, we are called to support our staff and each other through prayer and keeping in touch. The online services on Sundays and Wednesdays are off to a great start and I hope you all will participate; it’s easy to click on the links from the RBC website . It’s also easy to give online from the RBC website so please keep your tithes and offerings coming since we still have bills and salaries to pay during this time.
I’d like to share two passages that come to my mind: Psalm 46 says God is our refuge, strength, and help in times of trouble. Be sure to read the whole chapter. Habakkuk 3:17-19 reminds us that even in tough economic times, we can find our joy in our Savior.
Looking forward to the time when we can gather together again, Sherry Loper
Opportunities to Serve
  • Do you like to knit or sew and would like to put those talents to good use? Our medical care workers are in need of masks to protect them while they carry out their regular service to our community.If you would like to help meet this need through knitting contact Elizabeth Messer for more information and instructions.
Please see our week of prayer points by clicking above.
Good Friday Prayer Vigil
We are still anticipating holding our annual Good Friday 24 Hour Prayer Vigil from 7pm, April 9th to 7pm April 10th . However, we will likely move to a virtual, stay at home and pray where you are format. A prayer guide will be distributed to you prior to the vigil. Sign up for a 30 minute slot at .
Easter Offering For North American Missions
  • Our goal for this offering is $6,000. You may give online and designate your gift to "home missions."
Holy Week at RBC (Tentative)
RBC will host the Riverchase Community Holy Week services each day, Monday—Friday, at 12noon in our sanctuary. Each service will be followed by a lunch in the Fellowship Hall. Holy Week schedule:
Sunday, April 5th — Palm Sunday
Monday-Friday — Noon Worship Followed w/Lunch
Thursday, April 9th — Tenebrae (Maundy-Thursday) Service 6pm | 7pm Prayer Vigil Begins
Friday, April 10th — 8pm Prayer Vigil Ends
Sunday, April 12th — 6:30am Sunrise Service Riverchase Country Club | 10:30am - Easter Worship at RBC