In This Issue:
  • Technical Assistance

  • Chapter Changes

  • Jon's Corner

  • Kile's Corner

  • Blog
December 2021 Newsletter
Our final newsletter of 2021! What a year it has been. In our final staff meeting of the year, the staff reflected over the past year and wanted to highlight some of the accomplishments:
  • Self-advocates have requested trainings on topics such as domestic abuse, consent, self-care, making choices, taking risks, and more.

  • SUFU staff were able to start Technical Assistance Trainings around the state.

  • SUFU Members pulled together to speak at the Listening Session regarding Restraints and were heard quite loudly that they want changes to these rules.

  • The Board of Directors has worked well together as team and worked very hard.

  • We were able to have Bangor Savings Bank come to our statewide meeting and talk about the Able Accounts that are available now.

  • Even while continuing on zoom, it is quite amazing at how many trainings have been presented and how much learning continues to happen at SUFU!

Please note that the SUFU Offices will be closed starting December 24, 2021, and will reopen on January 3, 2022.
Chapter Changes
As the year has gone on SUFU has been working to include more self-advocates in our chapter meetings around the state. In an effort to do that it was decided along with the Chapter Rep Committee that our Chapters names would have a makeover to include regional areas. This has been well received by many and we look forward to having more self-advocates join us at whatever meeting works best for them, whether it is in their region or in another part of the state.
If you would like to find a chapter in your area please check out our website! There you will find a list of all the chapters, their meeting times and zoom links. We hope to see you soon!
Technical Assistance
From Kile Pelletier
I wanted to tell you what I have been working on for the last couple of months. I have been working on the Technical Assistance Presentation. This Presentation helps others to know what we do in Speaking Up For Us and how we become self -advocates. As a self- advocate myself, I tell people about my story and how I became a self-advocate. and the wall I had break through to being a self-advocate. Like one person told me that I wasn’t ready for a car and that time I didn’t know how to be self -advocate. I was able to push one place then another place. When I got my Social Security Benefits, I was able to buy my first car. Now if I could talk to that person that told me I wasn't ready for a call I would tell that was not cool.

A few years ago, I chose to join the Knight of Columbus to give back to my community. Other people just like me can volunteer in their own community and give back. You can tell people this is my life not your life, this my story not your story. Just seeing other Self-advocates opened my eyes to what I could do, and I hope that by sharing story I can help open their eyes. Being a Self-Advocate changed my life and would change yours also. I speak up for myself and others.

 I just want to tell people to step up, get a seat at the table. Speaking up so your voice is heard will change your life.
If you would like to participate in this training, please contact Speaking Up For Us.
Jon's Corner

I have enjoyed the variety of trainings we have been doing. We did one recently on scams that was a good refresher on what scams are and how to protect myself. I liked watching some of the videos that are being used in the Technical Assistance trainings.

At our recent statewide meeting we were able to learn about Able Accounts from Bangor Savings Bank. It was easy to understand on what an Able Account and how it helps people with disabilities. You can learn more about Able Accounts at these two websites. At the SARTAC Meeting we learned about how to apply for a SARTAC Fellowship. It was interesting to learn about this.

I've been able to get a lot of good information from attending Chapter Meetings. I go to both the Western Foothills Chapter and the Central Maine Chapter.

I spent some time writing the SUFU blog. I hope this helps you get your mind off of Covid and onto something else. Look for that on December 21st on our website.

Kile's Corner
Hi everyone, it is Kile. I hope people liked the statewide meeting that happened yesterday. We had people from Bangor Savings Bank on as they had worked on the Able Accounts.
What? You don't know about the Able Accounts? Yes, they are available in Maine! Yes, an Able Account will help us save money so we can live without going broke.
If you want to watch the recording of our meeting you can find it on our website.
I am so happy that people with disabilities can start save money in order to buy a home, go to school, buy a car or purchase food when we need it. I know I will be applying for an able account so that my wife and I that we can start family, and have home. I just cannot wait to get my account open so we can start to save money for the future. I hope other people can also start their own Able Account.
We all need and want to save money without a penalty. When you read this and think about starting an able account know that it can get you on the path to a better life. If what to learn more about an Able Account you can go to Bangor Savings web site and read more about it. 

What's on the blog?
Our Blog is a space where Self-Advocates share their stories. We invite you to check them out here.
If you are a self-advocate that would like to submit an entry for our blog please reach out to Laurie Coldwell or Jon McGovern.

We invite you to check out our website . Read our most recent blog post and subscribe to future blogs. You can also find the list of our chapter meetings, or follow us on Facebook. If you are a SUFU member we want you to join our members only Facebook Group. To do that please email Laurie Coldwell or Jon McGovern. We don't want you to miss anything.
Have an Idea for Something to be in The Connector?
Contact: Laurie Coldwell
Program Coordinator and Administrator (207) 956-1004 / Ext. 4
Speaking Up For Us of Maine