Children's Vision Massachusetts Newsletter
Seasons Greetings and Thanks
Children's Vision Massachusetts (CVMA) began 10 years ago by Prevent Blindness as a pilot program when federal funding was awarded by the Health Resources and Services Administration through the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Today we are a 70-member coalition whose voluntary contribution of time and expertise has allowed us to achieve much progress toward our mutual goal to build a statewide systematic approach to vision care for children; and our vision:  that every child have the opportunity to develop and maintain their best possible vision. 
This season gives us a chance to pause and give thanks. CVMA achievements would not have been possible without our coalition members, parents and partners. Each  coalition member has made a difference, each parent given us a voice, and each partner collaboration a step towards our goal.   Prevent Blindness Northeast and Children's Vision Massachusetts thank you. We wish you the best for the Holiday Season
Update on the Special Commission of Childhood Vision and Eye Health
The next meeting of the Special Commission will be held on Thursday,  December 5th at 11:00am, at the Department of Public Health, 250 Washington St, Boston, MA 02108
The Commission is tasked with studying, reporting and making recommendations to legislature on childhood vision and eye health in the Commonwealth. The final recommendations are currently being drawn up.  The Special Commission meeting is under Open Meeting Law. Interested members of the public are welcome to attend.    
News from the National Center of Children's Vision and Eye Health (NCCVEH)
The new Guide to Vision Health for your Newborn, Infant and Toddler   is now available in English, Spanish and Chinese. 
All brochures are downloadable from the  Prevent Blindness  and the NCCVEH  websites, and can also be ordered for printing. 

NCCVEH also recently released a  Myopia Fact Sheet: "Seven Answers to parent Questions about Myopia". 
The sheet is available for download in English, Spanish and Chinese. 
Do you have children aged birth to 5 years old? 
Recently formed, the T he Massachusetts Partnership for Infants and Toddlers (MPIT) represents a unique collaboration between early childhood professionals inside and outside of government, at the state and local level, spanning early education and health. MPIT is  helping the state write a plan for programs and services for young children, and would like advice and ideas on what is most useful and helpful for families.  The survey is voluntary and answers will be kept confidential. 
To fill out the survey click  here.     To learn more about MPIT, click  here  
December is Safe Toys and Gifts Awareness Month
Prevent Blindness has declared December as Safe Toys and Gifts Awareness Month. Before purchasing any gifts for children, Prevent Blindness Northeast Region, recommends buyers make safety the priority. Last year, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a report stating that of the 251,700 estimated toy-related, emergency department-treated injuries, an estimated: 
  • 184,000 (73 percent) happened to children younger than 15 years of age 
  • 174,300 (69 percent) occurred to children 12 years of age or younger 
  • 89,800 (36 percent) happened to children younger than 5 years of age

By taking a few cautionary steps to give gifts that are meaningful, safe and age-appropriate for children, you can help make sure that the holidays are festive and bright.

Click here for Safe Toys Checklist
Please Make a DONATION and Support Children's Vision Massachusetts 
Children's Vision Massachusetts | (617) 587-5723 ||
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