December 10, 2021 | | Job Board
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Join the 52 Hike Challenge!
Have you made your New Year’s resolutions? Start 2022 off right by taking on the 52 Hike Challenge. Going on one hike each week for the course of the year is not only a positive way off keeping yourself physically active but it can also do wonders for your mental well-being. This challenge is very easy to adapt to the needs, lifestyle, and capabilities of everyone. Whether you are looking for a solo journey, a group activity or even a family friendly adventure, California is filled with trails which could provide any experience you wish to seek. Check out Camp-California’s conveniently compiled list of 52 hikes, ranging in length and difficulty, across the state for some great ideas on where to start! Sign up for the 52 Hike Challenge today to join over 51,000 participants hiking their way to a healthier and happier tomorrow.
Geminids Meteor Shower December 4-17, 2021
December 4th brought us the arrival of the Geminids Meteor Shower, one of the most anticipated annual celestial events for stargazers. The shower is on track to peak December 13-14, at which point Geminids is capable of producing up to 150 meteors per hour, however there is still plenty of activity to see leading up to those dates. Grab some blankets or a sleeping bag, and a warm drink to sip on and head away from the city lights. Views of the meteors are best in the early morning, in between the moonset, and the sunrise. Make sure you give your eyes plenty of time to adjust to the dark, typically about 20 minutes, so that you don’t miss out on the spectacular views the night sky has to offer.
International Mountain Day: December 11, 2021
Did you know that mountains cover 27% of Earth’s landmass? Or that their peaks help to provide freshwater to half of the world’s population? International Mountain Day was established to promote awareness for the importance that mountains and the communities within them hold. Here in California, we are lucky to be surrounded by seemingly endless ranges including wonders such as Mount Shasta which is pictured above. Curious how to celebrate? Head up to the summits, take in the spectacular views, and appreciate the beauty and resources that these massive landforms provide. 
Featured RV Park
Only minutes from the Mendocino Coast, Pomo RV park in Fort Bragg is a popular return destination for RV and tent campers alike. Pomo RV Park offers a lush meadow for camping or picnicking, horseshoe pits, a fish cleaning station and even a Group Meeting Room. For over 20 years Pomo RV Park has been owned and operated by Janet and Ray Carter, who dedicated themselves to making the park the most beautiful on the North Coast. Unfortunately this year, Jan lost her long battle with Cancer however her memory will live on forever in the Pomo RV Park family. 
Favorite Recipe
Nutella Hot Chocolate
by Fresh off the Grid
Must-Have Gear
Portable Buddy Heater
from Mr. Heater