Beloved, let us do our part to lighten up,
to let go, to stand ready
to walk in the light of Lord.  
O house of Jacob,
come, let us walk
in the light of the Lord!      Isaiah 2:5
Keep awake …
because if we are awake … we are ready! 

There is indeed an urgency required to stay awake. Many people live in that state of constant ready. I expect public service folks, emergency room staff, people who live near or around or with trauma – they’re tuned up, tuned in, ready in their own particular way, anticipating and ready to provide help in their particular training area.
So as Christians – as followers for the light -- as those modern-day  house of Jacobeans  who want to walk in the light of the Lord are, we ready, prepared, awake? Trained as it were for a particular response to the world around us.
Some days are better than others, am I right? 
Advent means the coming- not just preparation for Christmas [although it’s part of it]. It’s about a turned heart. Our hearts are the managers of this current Nativity. The Holy Spirit will send a star over our heads when our hearts are ready to receive love come down at Christmas.

Being awake is the first step. 

Vigilance toward love, mercy, kindness, gentleness, and self-control. Our attentiveness to use our gifts in service to an awakened, alive world. Alertness toward readiness for the coming of light into darkness.
Beloved, let us do our part to lighten up, to let go, to stand ready to walk in the light of Lord.  
Come build an Advent Wreath this Sunday morning. Advent wreaths help mark the time of 'awakeness'. Also, devotional material is available in the narthex to accompany you and your family on this Advent journey toward the light of Christ. 

Alison Schultz+
Priest in Charge
1060 Chandler Road, PO Box 447, Lake Oswego, OR 97034