January 2017
Kevin Wing
Keith Sanders
Associate Editor
Membership Dues
You must renew your membership before entering the awards contest or you will be charged non-member rates
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or call
EMMYS® 2017
With the New Year, It's Time f
or Emmy® Entries
Call for Entries Deadline Jan. 13
By Wayne Freedman
Chapter Awards Chairperson
On behalf of your Awards Committee, this is our excuse to say, "We told you so."
Or we will say it if you Emmy
Award hopefuls miss the following deadlines.
Friday, January 13, 2017:
This is the deadline for entering. See the "Call for Entries" at
. You must join NATAS or renew your membership by this date in order to receive your discounted member entry rate. Please have your forms filled out, your money paid, and submitted. Log into your EmmyExpress account to enter. After January 13th, we must charge a $25 late fee to all unpaid entrants.
Friday, January 20, 2017:
This is your deadline to upload your videos.
Monday, January 23, 2017:
Please return to our website
to consult the Emmy
Awards Master List of Entries. Make certain that we received what you sent and all of the information matches.
As an entrant, it is also your responsibility to flag any submissions that you might deem as being inappropriate within a category. Please notify the Awards Committee in writing (
with references and explanations. No one knows your areas of expertise better than you. Help us to make this a fair contest.
Friday, January 27, 2017:
Having read the Master List and strategized, this will be your last opportunity to outsmart your competition by moving your entry to another category. Such tactical brilliance and conviction does come with a price. E-mail
with your request. A $25 processing fee will be charged.
Saturday and Sunday, January 28-29, 2017:
Entry Certification. This is when your Awards Committee will scrutinize more than one-thousand submissions. It is a daunting task. We search for double dips, duplicate entries, ineligible entries, and entries in the wrong categories. If you have any questions or concerns about committing those potential sins, please read your Call for Entries. Your entry acknowledges that you have done so.
Speaking of which...as noted last month, the Spanish and English contests will draw from slightly different Calls, this year. In both, we have added, subtracted, and consolidated categories. Assume nothing based on how and what you entered in previous contests. We will hold you accountable for the accuracy and validity of your entries. Need a refresher? See the story directly below this one.
Friday, March 31, 2017:
This will be your last opportunity to add names to your entries, and to pay for them. To add a name, e-mail
with the information.
Wednesday, May 3, 2017:
On this date, the Awards Committee announces nominations, via webcast.
Some of you will become deliriously happy.
Others? Not so much.
As Mick Jagger and Keith Richards once wrote, "You can't always get what you want."
Saturday, June 3, 2017:
Finally, it's the night our gala at the SFJAZZ Center in San Francisco. Time to fancy up and party down. Some of the still-deliriously-happy who entered will be even more deliriously happy as they depart.
Others? There is always next year.
The Rest of 2017:
Speaking of next year, as an Emmy
entrant you are required to judge entries from other chapters. Failure to do so will incur bad karma and, worse, disqualify you from receiving the lower member rates for your 2017 entries.
Thank you, and good luck.
EMMYS® 2017
Category Changes for 2017 Emmy® Awards
By Wayne Freedman
Chapter Awards Committee Chairperson
This year, with the blessing of The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter has set a precedent by creating two separate-but-similar
Calls For Entries
, one for English and another for Spanish. We sincerely thank the Spanish broadcasters for their help and guidance in fairly determining the changes. Last year, Spanish broadcasters entered 51 of 67 categories. This year, they will have 52 categories available to them.
Why two separate Calls? The one Call we have been using has evolved from 12 categories in 1972 to the more than 60 categories that we have today. Those additional categories came into existence due to demand from more entries and increasing competition.
Spanish entries, however, had not generated the numbers or the internal competition to support such a broad Call. And yet, Spanish entries received a higher percentage of awards.
Last year, 46% of 179 Spanish entries received a nomination.
23% of those received statuettes.
26% of the 757 English entries received nominations.
9% received statuettes.
Next year, we intend to see the percentages become balanced. As the number of Spanish entries increase, we will expand those categories.
Categories #1-5 are now exempt from double-dipping.
#2: Journalistic Enterprise
This has become one category with no delineation between 24 Hours and No Time Limit.
#7: General Assignment Report
Now, entries must have been produced within a 24-hour time limit.
Entries may not include feature stories.
#24A: Promotion, Single Spot
This category now consolidates News and Program entries.
Reporter, Transportation and Traffic
We have deleted this category due to a shortage of appropriate entries.
#27: Director
Expanded to include non-live direction.
Photographer, Video Essay
Deleted due to a shortage of entries.
#30: Editor, News
24-Hour and No Time Limit submissions are now combined.
#31: Video Journalist
Video journalists may now enter as producers in News and Program categories.
Categories #51-55 are now exempt from double-dipping.
#52: Journalistic Enterprise
This is now one category with no delineation between 24-Hour and No Time Limit.
#57: General Assignment News
Now, entries must have been produced within a 24-hour time limit.
Entries may not include feature stories.
#59: Investigative Report:
This category now consolidates Single Story and Series entries
#62: Documentary:
This has become one category consolidating Cultural Historical and Topical.
#63: Arts/Entertainment
This category now combines Feature/Segment and Program/Special.
#64: Informational/Instructional
This category consolidates Feature/Segment and Program/Special.
#68: Interview/Discussion
This category combines Feature/Segment and Program/Special.
#69: Health/Science/Environment
This category combines Feature/Segment and Program/Special.
#70: Technology
This category combines Feature/Segment and Program/Special.
#74: Promotion, Single Spot
This category now draws from the News and Program entries.
This category has been deleted due to a shortage of appropriate entries.
#77: Director
Expanded to include non-live direction.
#78: Writer
This combines the News and Program categories.
#79B: Photographer
News and Program combined.
Photographer Video Essay
This category has been deleted due to a shortage of appropriate entries.
#80: Editor
News and Program combined.
#81: Video Journalist:
Video journalists may now enter as producers in News and Program categories.
Help Your Awards Committee:
Read The Call For Entries and The Master List
Please check your
Call For Entries
for guidelines and specific requirements in your categories.
Look closely at the rules regarding duplicate entries and double-dipping.
You do not want to get contacted by a member of the Awards Committee during certification. Trust me on this.
Additionally, please help your Awards Committee volunteers by reading the
Master List of Entries
after we publish it online. It is your responsibility to make sure you have included all the names in your entries. We cannot make additions after we announce nominations.
Further, look closely at other entries within your categories.
If an entry strikes you as being inappropriate, please send a note to the Awards Committee, citing why.
Again, after we announce nominations, we cannot make changes.
Your Awards Committee members look forward to your entries this year.
Good luck!
KTSF News Director Shirinian Retires
Longest-Tenured Bay Area TV News Chief at Helm Since 1980
By Kevin Wing
Editor, Off Camera
The Bay Area's longest-serving news director in the history of the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose television market has retired after a record 36 years at the same station.
Rose Shirinian capped a 40-year career at KTSF on Dec. 30 when she retired from the station. Joining it in 1976, she founded the news department there in 1980 and, until now, was its sole news director.
Speaking neither Cantonese or Mandarin, Shirinian thrived at the Chinese-language station for decades. To add to her distinguished Bay Area television news career, she was also one of the first female news directors in the nation.
Geoff Roth, KTSF's director of content development, has also assumed news director duties as the station's second-ever news chief. Roth joined the station last summer. His background includes six stints as a news director, numerous news management positions and a career in education.
"It is with great ambivalence that I announce today the impending retirement of KTSF Director of News and Public Affairs, Rose Shirinian, said Mark Antonitis, KTSF's general manager.
Quoting the dictionary definition of ambivalence, Antonitis wrote in a memo to station staff that it is "the presence of two opposing emotions at the same time".
Rose Shirinian
KTSF news director retires after 36 years
"Given the circumstances, it's the proper characterization of Rose's departure from KTSF. We're both pleased that Rose will have an opportunity to enjoy a well-earned retirement, but we're also sad to see her depart," Antonitis said.
Shirinian began working part-time at KTSF beginning in 1976, anchoring news updates, while still managing her full-time day job as a dental hygienist. To go on-air, Shirinian drove to the top of San Bruno Mountain, where not only the station's transmitter was located but the studio as well.
On Nov. 11, 1980, Shirinian began working full-time as KTSF's director of news and public affairs -- the job she held until Dec. 30. Besides anchoring the news updates, she also hosted a public affairs program in English, and oversaw all aspects of locally-produced news and public affairs programming at KTSF.
Under Shirinian's watch as news director, locally-produced news broadcasts expanded on the station. In 1989, with the help of veteran Hong Kong journalist Mei-Ling Sze, Shirinian launched the first of the station's live, nightly Chinese-language news programs, a first of its kind in the United States -- a 30-minute prime-time newscast at 9 p.m. weeknights.
By 1991, a 10-minute Mandarin-language news update was added at 7 p.m.
Once the 21st century rolled around, Shirinian expanded the station's news coverage even more, beginning with the launch of a one-hour Cantonese newscast, in prime-time (at 8 p.m.), in February 2000. Mandarin news expanded to 30 minutes at 7:30 p.m. the following year. The Cantonese edition expanded to an hour at 7 p.m. with a one-hour Mandarin news being launched at 10 p.m.
In 2006, Shirinian launched a weekend news offering at 6 p.m. with Cantonese news on Saturdays and the Mandarin edition on Sundays. The station joined the morning news fray in 2016 with a two-hour early morning broadcast from 6 to 8 a.m.
"Without Rose's contributions, KTSF would likely be quite different," Antonitis said.
Under Shirinian, the KTSF news staff garnered numerous awards and honors.
"KTSF's news is not only held in high regard by the Chinese community in the Bay Area, but it's also seen by its viewers as an instrumental and vital part of that community," Antonitis added. "Rose deserves not only recognition, but praise for what she's accomplished in creating KTSF News.
Roth begins his duties as news director beginning Jan. 2.
National Media Joins Hawaii Journalists
in Covering Pearl Harbor 75th Anniversary
Pearl Harbor 75th Anniversary
Live shot vantage point on Dec. 7, 2016, the 75th anniversary of the Japanese military attack on Pearl Harbor.
Photo by: Ron Mizutani
By Pamela Young
Chapter Governor, Hawaii
Every city has its significant anniversaries that require newsrooms to dig out the archival footage, contact the living witnesses and schedule overtime for extended coverage.
For 74 years, Honolulu journalists have both eagerly awaited and dreaded being assigned to cover the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The assignment is simple
enough because there is always a ceremony somewhere, a missing-man-flyover and plenty of DVIDs. The challenge has been to make the story different every year. With 74 prior
years of excellent, meaningful coverage, there aren't too many unexplored angles left.
Problem solved in 2016. Someone in the National Park Service or Navy or one of the veterans' organizations dubbed this year's 75th anniversary "The Last Hurrah", and indeed
for many of these soldiers and seamen, this would be the last time they would make the trip to see the old battleground. There are only five surviving crewmen of the U.S.S. Arizona. Four
of them had committed to come to Pearl Harbor, as did President Barack Obama, singer Garth Brooks and actor Tom Hanks, the keynote speaker of this year's ceremony. Singers Beyonce, Bruno
Mars and Usher were rumored to have reserved concert dates at the stadium.
With such star power, the commemoration became an "event". International media organizations flooded the Joint Base PIO office with requests for press credentials.
All of this changed, of course, with the November election. A difficult and unexpected transition in D.C. had the President begging off, with Hanks declining soon after.
With the absence of the President, a layer of security was removed. With Hanks staying away, so did the entertainment press. The spotlight was now on the survivors and
veterans, as it should have been all along.
The logistics remained a nightmare, however. Pearl Harbor-Hickam is a massive military base accustomed to keeping its secrets. With hundreds of reporters, photographers and
technicians live-streaming to their mother ships on different frequencies and satellites, Navy-Air Force officials had to adopt a more flexible attitude, allowing access to
restricted zones and suspending some security regs. While those in the field had our leashes loosened, engineers back in the studio were still waiting for coordinates and locations.
Pearl Harbor 75th Anniversary
Saluting U.S. veterans, Dec. 7, 2016.
Photo by: Sean Ibara
"One of the biggest challenges was the lateness of the important technical details," says KHON/Fox Chief Engineer
Denise Viesta. "We didn't find out what satellite they were using
for the pool feed until November 20th so we had to scramble to see if our dishes could tune in, which they could not, so we had to manually steer our rooftop dish. A test shot was successful
but not 100 percent reliable, so we asked the Fox network to tune in the satellite and then feed to a satellite we knew we could
On that morning, our call was for
3 a.m. for military transport to the site. Unbeknownst to Viesta and other engineers, the National Park Service and PH-H base moved remote shot
locations at the last minute. We found ourselves 100 yards away from the venue gate. Figuring that not many 90 year old veterans would walk a football field to be interviewed,
we switched to portable backpack after the first 2 hits at
, weaseled our way to the front door and stayed there for the remainder of the 5 hour broadcast.
I was lucky to score a ticket for an actual seat inside. And as I sat and watched these WWII warriors struggle out of their wheelchairs to salute the flag with tears streaking
their cheeks, I was struck by how detached we news people sometimes force ourselves to become. It's often a professional necessity. We have to consider all the details of the content, and provide an on-the-scene documentation, but really, we are only on the periphery looking in at something we cannot be a part of emotionally. These proceedings compelled me to be
a little less professional. I put away my notepad and reached for a Kleenex. It is unlikely these survivors will ever return to Pearl Harbor. Their "Last Hurrah" might be ours, too....we journalists worrying about story angles and stand-ups. This might be the last time we see these Pearl Harbor heroes, until they join their fallen shipmates, their ashes interred in the sunken hull of the Arizona. It has been an honor.
Chapter Improving Online and Social Media Presence with Videos Spotlighting Activities
First Videos Feature October G&SC Induction, Scholarships
By Noemi Zeigler Sanchez
Chapter Governor, San Francisco
Editor, Off Camera
Beginning with the new year, the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences is enhancing its online presence with original videos showcasing Chapter activities, such as the annual
Gold & Silver Circle
induction luncheon in the fall, and the Emmy® Awards ceremony in the summer.
The new video offerings are designed to give you a glimpse at what is going on within our Chapter. The videos are viewable on our website
emmysf.tv and will appear regularly here in
Off Camera,
in addition to becoming a presence on the Chapter's YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.
The videos are edited by
Freda Zheng
and produced by
Noemi Zeigler Sanchez
Below are our first two offerings, featuring October's Gold & Silver Circle induction luncheon highlights and student scholarship recipients:
If these videos make you want to be a part of the
Gold & Silver Circle
annual ceremony, below are links and important dates for this year's
induction luncheon and the offering of student scholarships.
To nominate a television broadcast professional to the
Gold & Silver Circle
, or to nominate yourself,
please click
Gold & Silver Circle 2017 deadline: April 15, 2017
College Scholarship deadline: May 15, 2017
We also would like you to stay in touch with us online via our social media destinations at
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the latest Chapter news:
Cinema Club Sign-Up Gets Free Screenings
Bay Area Movie Screenings are being offered to NATAS members and a guest.
Many are previews with "Q & A" with the director and producer of the film following the screening.
To receive notifications, please sign up on the Cinema Club mailing list. Send an e-mail to office@emmysf.tv
and put "Cinema Club" and your name in the subject line. See you at the movies!
NATAS Members Save
20 Percent on Worlds Fair Nano Admission This Month
Coming to San Francisco's Pier 70 Jan. 28 & 29
Chapter Education Committee Chairperson
Worlds Fair Nano is
a privatized effort to organize the first U.S. Worlds Fair since the 1984 New Orleans World Exposition. The two-day technology festival takes place on Jan. 28 and 29 at Pier 70 in San Francisco. Single-day or two-day passes are available and NATAS chapter members can get 20 percent off admission for two.
Worlds Fair Nano has five exciting elements:
1) The Technology Playground where guests will get hands-on with the latest in VR/AR, drones, robotics, biohacking wearables, electric rideables and more...a la Disrupt or Y Combinator demo days.
2) Future-focused talks from the very people creating those futures, topics include: The Future of Art, The Future of Cities, The Future of Feminism, The Future of Cannabis, The Future of Artificial Intelligence, and more...a la TED talks.
3) Interactive art, from a projection mapped half pipe to motion sensitive LED wings, a lot of which you'd find at Burning Man.
4) Food, macaroni and cheese spring rolls and pork sandwiches from local food trucks and future food (think chewable coffee or cricket powder bars).
5) Music: different deejays will be spinning throughout the day to create a fun, festival-like environment.
Worlds Fair Nano borrows its mission from the Worlds Fairs of old: to make the future exciting and accessible to everyone. By combining a music festival vibe with demos of the latest technology, Worlds Fair Nano makes the future fun. Discover more information about this unique event here.
Worlds Fair Nano takes
place on Jan. 28 and 29 at Pier 70 in San Francisco's Dogpatch neighborhood. Tickets are currently on sale. Click on the
ticket purchase page
Then type "
" into the
box in the bottom left. Y
ou will see a "
20% off tix
" text box pop up.
Gold & Silver Circle Profiles
Charlie Meng
Silver Circle Class of 1986
Charlie Meng might not be a household name in Bay Area television circles these days, but he was one of our early pioneers of local television in northern California and, in his memory, we honor him in this month's Gold & Silver Circle Profiles as one of the very first inductees of our distinguished Silver Circle.
Charlie Meng
Silver Circle Class of 1986
Inducted into the inaugural Silver Circle Class of 1986 representing the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Meng was best-known for his many years a
s a broadcast engineer at Oakland's KTVU, where he spent more than two decades
working on the station's live Roller Derby broadcasts with host
Walt Harris
(SC '89)
. In fact, Harris always referred to Meng on-air as "Blue-eyed Charlie".
Meng was also known as the "Gibraltar" of Channel 2 for many years; he rarely ever called in sick.
Prior to joining KTVU, Meng got his start in broadcasting while working as a civilian radio operator for the military during World War II, stationed aboard various ships and aircraft.
After the war ended, he became the White House photographer and camera operator for NBC News. He also worked for local television stations in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles before leaving his indelible mark on Bay Area television, starting at KPIX in San Francisco before going to work across the Bay at KTVU.
A native of Illinois, Meng was 86 years old when he passed away in January 2002. And, as far as this Chapter is concerned, "Blue-eyed Charlie" will forever be enshrined among the organization's elite Silver Circle for his contributions to Bay Area and northern California television.
Kevin Wing has been writing 'Gold & Silver Circle Profiles' for 'Off Camera' since the summer of 2007. A 2013 Silver Circle inductee, he is a two-time Emmy® Award-winning producer, reporter and assignment editor in the Bay Area, currently associated with ABC News and 'Good Morning America'. He also has a production company, Kevin Wing Media Communications, and serves as alternate national trustee on the Board of Governors of the San Francisco/Northern California Chapter of The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. Since 2013, Wing has served as editor of 'Off Camera'.
Former KRON VP/GM Gold Joins Hearst
By Kevin Wing
Editor, Off Camera
It's a brand new year and with it comes a brand new job for Ashley Gold, the former Vice President and General Manager for San Francisco's KRON.
Exactly one week after the station announced that Messina would be leaving the station and its parent company, Media General, it was made public Dec. 5 that Gold, who went by
Ashley Gold
Joins Hearst Television
Ashley Gold Messina, is joining Hearst Television as Vice President of Sales, overseeing the station gr
oup's 30 television and two radio stations.
Gold joins the Hearst sales team this month, led by Eric Meyrowitz, Vice President of Sales.
After slightly more than two years on the job, the Vice President and General Manager of
San Francisco's KRON 4 has announced she is leaving the station at the end of December.
served as KRON's Vice President and General Manager, beginning in September 2014. She informed KRON staff Nov. 28 that she was leaving the statio
n at the end of the year.
She had been doing double duty, also serving as Vice President and General Manager at KOIN in Portland. KOIN is also owned by Media General. Gold also left her position at KOIN.
"Ashley is an accomplished broadcast executive with great success in both radio and TV markets of diverse size, affiliation and geography," says Jordan Wertlieb, President of Hearst Television. "The opportunity to strengthen our sales leadership by having Ashley join Eric's team is exciting for the future of Hearst Television sales."
On the Move
Lauren Seaver, weekend anchor and reporter at KSBW in Salinas, becomes weekday morning co-anchor. Seaver, who begins her new duties in February, joined KSBW in 2014.
Bryan May, reporter and sports anchor at KXTV in Sacramento, left the station Dec. 29. He joined the station in 1999.
Dale Julin, longtime weekend morning co-anchor at KSBW in Salinas, has joined WJCL in Savannah, Georgia, as evening anchor there. Julin left KSBW in late December.
Write us!
Have a new job? Get a promotion? Retiring? We'd like to know about it.
Please write to
On the Move
Off Camera
Kevin Wing
Our People
Patrick Sedillo
KGO-TV ABC7, San Francisco
Photo by:
Wayne Freedman/NATAS
Do You Remember?
Back to the 1960s for this one.
Clearly, you can see this is from
KPIX in San Francisco.
Do you know the names of the interviewer on the left,
and who is being interviewed on the right?
Last month, we asked you to identify the year and location of the
"Wild Wild West" Emmy® Gala.
Saturday, May 14, 2005, at the Palace of Fine Arts Theatre, with dinner and dancing following at the Exploratorium in San Francisco.
If you do, please write to
Write Us!
Off Camera Wants to Hear From You!
Off Camera wants to hear from you. Have a great story idea? Interested in writing a story for us? Want to tell us how we're doing? Whatever it may be, please feel free to drop us a line.
Write to
Thank you!
The Board of Governors
President: Steve Shlisky*, KTVU Fox 2/Laney College
Vice President-
San Francisco: Don Sanchez
*, KGO-TV ABC7 (Retired)
Vice President-Sacramento:
Cynthia Zeiden*,
Media/Sacramento State University
Vice President-
Kim Stephens*,
KMPH Fox 26
Vice President-
Pamela Young*, KHON 2
Vice President-
Reno: Landon Miller, KTVN 2
Vice President-Smaller Markets:
Scott Rates, KAEF/KBVU
Randy Forsman,
Jim Spalding,
Spalding & Company
Past President: Keith Sanders
, San Jose State University
Linda Giannecchini*,
KQED 9/Franklin Mieuli & Associates
(National Awards Chair)
John Odell*,
CCSF Emeritus
Steve Shlisky*,
KTVU Fox 2/Laney College
Cynthia Zeiden*, Zeiden Media/Sacramento State University (National Program Chair)
Kevin Wing* (alternate),
ABC-TV Good Morning America/Kevin Wing Media Communicatiions
Kent Beichley, Pac 12 Networks
Wayne Freedman*, KGO-TV, ABC 7
Alison Gibson, Media Cool (National Treasurer)
Luis Godinez,
KDTV Univision 14
Richard Harmelink,
Pablo Iacub,
KUVS Univision 19
Brian Johnson,
George Lang*
The Big Picture
Melissa Mapes Mainz, Mainz Media
Joyce Mitchell*,
4 U Productions
Michael Moya, fotografx/Laney College
Scott Patterson
, San Francisco State University
Pat Patton, KRON 4 (Retired)
Ross Perich,
ProMotion Studios
Manny Ramos*,
Manny Ramos Communications/Academy of Art University
Erik Rosales,
Terri Russell, KOLO 8
Don Sanchez*,
KGO-TV ABC7 (Retired)
Juan Serna, San Jose State University
Matt Skryja, AAA NCNU Insurance Exchange
Julie Watts, KPIX 5
Melanie Woodrow,
KGO-TV ABC7/Academy of Art Univeristy
Noemi Zeigler Sanchez, Laney College/Academy of Art University
Cynthia Zeiden*,
Zeiden Media
John Catchings*,
Catchings & Associates
Linda Giannecchini*,
Wayne Freedman*
Keith Sanders
, San Jose State University
Alison Gibson,
Media Cool
Mark Pearson,
ARC Law Group
Michael Moya, fotografx/Laney College
Patty Zubov,
Platonic TV
Darryl R. Compton*,
* Silver Circle inductee
Contact Information:
The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences San Francisco/Northern California Chapter Darryl Compton, Executive Director 4317 Camden Avenue San Mateo, CA 94403-5007 Phone: 650 341-7786 or 415 777-0212 darryl@emmysf.tv
The name "Emmy®" and the graphic image of the statuette, are registered trademarks of The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
"GC" and "SC" references, immediately following an individual's name in a story, refers to that individual being an inductee of the Chapter's Gold Circle and/or Silver Circle, followed by the year, or years, of induction.