August 17, 2020
Impact Looked a Little Different This Year
by Mikayla Barnes

Impact! Mission Camps had to cancel in-person camps for the first time in 26 years due to COVID-19, but that did not stop us. While so many had to cancel plans for the summer, we had other ideas. Impact turned virtual with our Impact Virtual Camp through social media, live–streamed worship, individual mission projects and lots of fun. We were able to keep our summer college staff who helped lead worship, organize fun daily challenges, and grow in their faith.

Grant Application Now Open for This Year's Alma Hunt Offering Allocations

The Virginia Missions Offering named for Miss Alma Hunt has provided funds for countless ministries across the life of the Woman’s Missionary Union of Virginia and the Baptist General Association of Virginia. This offering has always been used to make a direct impact on individuals, churches, and partner organizations that bring hope to our hurting world. Together we have been able to accomplish much more than we ever could individually.

This same mindset holds true for this year, maybe even more so than in the past. We are all well aware of the havoc that the COVID-19 pandemic has created in practically every area of our daily living. But this havoc has also created new opportunities to reach our communities with the love of Christ. And our desire is to continue to assist our churches in reaching their communities.

The distribution and allocations for the 2020 offering have been altered in order to better assist our churches and organizations in meeting the most pressing needs of the day. These changes were not made lightly, as we are aware that some of the ministries that traditionally receive funds from the offering will not be receiving funds this year. However, we believe that we must remain nimble and flexible in order to continue to be relevant in our society today. Our communities are looking at the church today as never before to ascertain if “that building on the corner” really cares about those outside of their walls. We believe that the changes made to the offering will give our churches the opportunity to do just that.

We encourage you to apply for these grants! And if you have any other ideas about how we might help you creatively use funds to make a difference in your community regarding your COVID-19 response, then please send an email to Dean Miller to share your thoughts and ideas.


Save the Date for This Year's BGAV Annual Meeting: November 9-10, 2020
Join us for this year's BGAV annual meeting - to be held virtually on Monday, November 9 (evening worship celebration) and Tuesday, November 10 (breakouts and other opportunities) - featuring NT Wright and Kate Campbell! Visit the BGAV Meeting website for more details as they are finalized.

Relief for Our Ministry Partners in Beirut, Lebanon
The world was shocked by the devastating explosion that rocked Beirut on Tuesday, August 4, 2020. Our prayers are with the people of Lebanon as they move forward with recovery. Please donate to our international relief efforts in Lebanon and visit the BGAV website for updates.

Kairos Ministries Seeking New Student Info for the Fall
Are there students from your church and community heading off to college in the fall? The BGAV supports a vibrant network of Collegiate and Young Adult ministries on college and university campuses all over Virginia called the Kairos Initiative. If you know a first-year undergrad or transfer student, we would love to reach out to them and invite them to be a part of one of our Kairos ministries in their area. Share your student information and learn more about Kairos.
Favorite Scriptures from the BGAV Staff Family

This summer, every issue of Advance Notice will feature a favorite scripture verse or passage submitted by a member of the BGAV staff. We hope these scriptures will inspire you in your daily walk with Christ and also help you get to know our staff a little better.
Philippians 2:5-8, NIV
In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 

Who, being in very nature God, 
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 
rather, he made himself nothing 
by taking the very nature of a servant, 
being made in human likeness. 
And being found in appearance as a man, 
he humbled himself 
by becoming obedient to death— 
even death on a cross! 

“Out of obedience and love, Christ Jesus gave up something he technically had the right to hold onto. When we have his mindset, we are free from the attachments which might keep us from doing what is best for each other.” - Craig Waddell

Craig is Partnership and Short-Term Volunteer Coordinator for the Mission Development staff. He has served with BGAV since 2003. 
Upcoming Events of Interest

offered by V3 Church Planting Movement
Use code BGAV15OFF for $15 off!

August 24-26, 2020

September 1-29, 2020

September 17, 2020

offered by Fresh Expressions US
September 21, 2020

Children/Youth/Family Certificates:
Church Finance Course of Study:

November 9-10, 2020
Baptist General Association of Virginia
800.255.2428 | |