to our Chodesh Teves sponsors for your support of the BY PTA!
Elementary School Sponsors:

Sleeptime Bedding in honor of Sara and Laya Belsky and their wonderful teachers Ms. Bernstein, Ms. Tesser, Mrs. Berkovich, Morah Waldbaum, and Ms. Paskoff who continue to instill in them the beautiful ways of Hashem and help them grow as Bnos Yisroel.

Judy Birnbaum in honor of her teachers

The Fishkind Family in honor of Ahuva Fishkind's 9th birthday.

Grandma and Grandpa Lewin in honor of Meira Lewin's birthday.

Bubby and Grandpa Rosenberg in honor of Atara Rosenberg, Rena Rosenberg, and Esther Weingschneider.

Mr. and Mrs. Silberstein in honor of Tiby Silberstein's 9th birthday. We are so proud of you.

Ben and Allison Strauss in honor of Kayla Strauss' amazing kindergarten teachers.

Middle School Sponsors:

CJ and Malkie Elefant in honor of Chaya Elefant's upcoming bas mitzvah.

Tzipora Shuvalsky Frager (class of 1974) in memory of Pesha Minna Bas Yehoshua Benyamin whose yahrzeit is on 20 of Kislev, and Tzipa Bas Ben Tzion whose yahrzeit is on 21 of Kislev.

Toby Passe in honor of Huvi Passe's 11th birthday.