Amid the ever-changing reality of coronavirus, Gales Creek Camp is making contingency plans for the summer.
We want our families to know that, because camp happens in a close community, we’ve always taken great care to develop and maintain medical practices to address a variety of communicable diseases, both common and rare.
While we already have communicable disease plans in place, our Medical Committee (made up of practicing doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals) will be evaluating and revising them in cooperation with public health authorities as additional COVID-19 guidance is provided.
At this point, it's too early to know what the summer will look like, but we will continue to keep our families updated as new information becomes available.
While it is the very last thing we would want, if camp is not able to take place this summer, all campers will be given the option of a refund or credit for next year. So continue to make plans for camp!
When camp does start, we remind parents and camp staff to not come to camp it you have any symptoms of illness or if you have recently come into contact with anyone with COVID-19.
Gales Creek Camp will continue our regular pre-camp and arrival day health screening procedures that we conduct each session—and we will update these health and wellness screening policies and procedures to reflect the current best practices recommended by public health authorities.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Gales Creek Camp Foundation office at (503) 968-2267.