January 6th, 2022
Pastor Connection

The Day/Feast of Epiphany: January 6 Matthew 2:1-12

Epiphany is the celebration of the revelation of Jesus to the Magi and correspondingly to the world. Known as the Season of Light, Epiphany marks the end of the Christmas season with the journey of the wise men led by the star to the birth of Jesus.

Epiphany is observed each year twelve days after Christmas on January 6. For many years it was traditional for people to keep their Christmas trees, decorations, and gift opening until the day of Epiphany. Epiphany means manifestation, a showing forth or revelation of God’s presence in the world in the person of Jesus.

Epiphany has often been depicted In churches by three children dressed in robes as kings with crowns on their heads, each carrying a gift to the baby Jesus. Scholars suggest, however, that it is unlikely that only three persons, and not necessarily all men, would have journeyed that far from the East alone. Rather, they would have been in a larger group for safety. The journey has been estimated at somc 9,000 miles, traveling at a rate of ten miles per day, led by a star. Jesus was likely two years old by their arrival, no longer newborn baby in a manger.

The revelation of God in the person of Jesus to the visitors from the East is significant for its inclusion of all peoples, all nations. As we celebrate Epiphany this week it is good to recall this gesture of mutual respect and generosity. The travelers sought no favor, only celebration and goodwill. By contrast, Herod’s power was threatened, and he plotted evil, later acted out in the murder of all boys under the age of two.

We celebrate Epiphany as God’s Light to the world in the person of Jesus: light from the star that led the visitors, light from the dream that sent the visitors safely home another way, light that led Joseph, Mary, and Jesus on their flight to Egypt to avoid Herod’s massacre of the children.

As we celebrate Epiphany on January 6, 2022, we rue the dark cloud of the violent assault on the U.S Capitol just one year ago and the many injustices that continue to exist in our world today. May we ever seek the Light and leading of the Spirit in our individual and collective lives, even through the darkest of days, praying and working for the healing of the brokenness in our lives and the world today. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome us.

Thanks be to God! Amen.
Volunteers Needed

We are seeking volunteers to lead coffee hour following worship service on Sundays. A schedule is being prepared for the year. If you are willing and able to help or have questions about what this would entail, please contact Dianna Powell at 319-240-0255. Thank you!
First Church Book Club

Please join the book club on Thursday, January 13th. The club is currently reading "Sing Unburied Sing" by Jesmyn Ward, to be discussed at this meeting. We will be meeting at The Market at Jorgenson Plaza at the Western Home South Campus, 5307 Caraway Lane in Cedar Falls, at 9:30am. Counter service starts at 10:00 am. Coffee or other beverages will be available and muffins and sweet rolls.

Next up: "Simon the Fiddler" by Paulette Jiles.
If you are interested in joining, please reach out to Mary Kabel for more information!
Piecemakers Quilters Meeting

The Piecemakers will meet on Saturday, January 15th, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. This month's project offers three options: a set of four 14.5" placemats, a 19.5" table topper, and a 24.5" table topper. This pattern lets us practice our use of partial seams. For fabric requirements or questions, contact Jackie Bass. Chicken Tortilla Soup or Cheeseburger Chowder will be provided for lunch. Bring a salad, dinner rolls/garlic bread, or a dessert to share if you wish. Remember to bring your "Show and Tell" following lunch!
Thank You for Pledging

We thank each of you for your commitment to fulfilling your generous pledges for the previous year, 2021. Also, thank you all for your generosity in returning your 2022 pledge cards. It is never too late to return your pledge card. If you need a blank card, copies are available; please contact the office.
Christmas Joy Offering

Thank you all for your generosity giving to the Christmas Joy Special Offering. The total raised is $1,005.00! The offering opens doors of opportunity for our leaders who are shaped and supported through your gifts—doors that lead to hopeful futures for young people at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. Your gifts also open doors that lead to relief for church workers and their families when critical financial needs arise. Many thanks to you all.
Presbyterian Disaster Relief Tornadoes Special Offering

The special offering collected to provide assistance for those affected by tornadoes raised $1,020.00 in much needed relief. We are grateful to you all for your generous spirit of giving. Thank you.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Please join us this Tuesday, January 11th, at 9am in Calvin Hall. All are welcome! Coffee will be provided. We will be looking at the upcoming sermon text. We hope you can join us!
Upcoming Church Meetings

Stewardship & Finance Committee: Mon., Jan. 10, noon Church Office
Christian Nurture & Fellowship: Mon., Jan. 10, 2:30 pm
Deacons: Tue., Jan. 11, 6:30 pm
Piecemaker Quilters: Sat. Jan. 15, 9:00 am Fellowship Hall
Presbyterian Women: Wed., Jan 19, 9:30 am
Session: Tue., Jan. 25, 5:30 pm

*All Meetings Held in Calvin Hall unless otherwise noted
Live Streaming Operator Needed

We are still searching for someone to live stream our Sunday worship services. This is a paid staff position. All training will be provided. If you or someone you know is interested please reach out to Pastor Amy, amy@1stpresby.org, for a job description and application. Your assistance in finding the right person is very much appreciated.
Pulpit Flower Volunteers Needed

We are once again accepting donations of flower arrangements for our Sunday Services. We currently have openings on January 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th (and the entire year of 2022 if you would like to lock in a later date). If you would like to donate, please contact Amber in the office to find a date that works for you. You can call the office or email Amber directly. 319-233-6145 or amber@1stpresby.orgAlternatively, you can let Nancy Valentine know on Sundays after service and she will relay your information to Amber. Thank you!
Church Prayer List

Ongoing/Continuing Prayers:
Joann Lockard, health issues; Jan Schwab, recovering at home from surgery on her toe; Lorraine Baker, heart concerns; Marsha Platt, recovering from surgery, Cindy Trepp, health concerns; Barbara Benskin's brother, Bill Brenton, who is in hospice care; Joe Fernau, son of Marie Fernau, who has been diagnosed with lymphoma; Mable, great-granddaughter of Skip and Judy Mulock and their family, struggling with health issues; Steve Miller, ongoing health issue

Add to the Prayer List
Click HERE to submit a prayer request online. Our pastors will be praying for you and sharing concerns with the congregation as requested.
Church Family Birthdays

We celebrate our members with birthdays in January. If you get a chance, please join us in wishing them a very happy birthday!

04 Jackie Bass
05 Donna Beaver, Rick Mananga, Dianna Powell
06 Breanna Platt
07 Marie Fernau
11 Billie Hesse, Terry Sage
12 Mary Kabel
13 Tristan Euritt
14 Erwin Jaeger, Beth Klann
15 Tom Christensen
16 Zachary Pruis
18 Sue Bickley, Alex Matthias, Jennifer Smith
21 Brad DeSerano, Stephanie Swenson
22 Steve Miller, Nancy Newhoff, Ethan Smith
27 Jennifer Bass, Libby Whyte
31 Stacy Robinson, Mike Shea

First Presbyterian Church | Waterloo, IA | 319-233-6145 | www.1stpresby.org
Office Hours: M-Th 9:00am to 4:00pm