A Reconciling in Christ synod
ELCA Church Council welcomes 23 new members
The Church Council of the ELCA met at the Lutheran Center in Chicago, Nov. 7-10. Twenty-three new members, elected by the 2019 Churchwide Assembly, were welcomed. The council serves as the ELCA's board of directors and interim legislative authority between meetings of the Churchwide Assembly.
The council took several key actions, including:
- Authorized use of ministry rites for pastors and deacons in response to constitutional changes by the 2019 Churchwide Assembly that identified ordination as the entrance rite for ministers of Word and Service. The ministry rites for ordination to the ministry of Word and Service, ordination to the ministry of Word and Sacrament, installation of a deacon and installation of a pastor will be effective Jan. 1, 2020.
- Created an advisory team to receive updates, track progress and provide periodic reports on the "Strategy Toward Authentic Diversity in the ELCA," adopted by the 2019 Churchwide Assembly.
- Received an update on development of the resource "Trustworthy Servants of the People of God," the replacement for "Vision and Expectations," which articulates the church's hopes and expectations for its rostered ministers.
In a special order of the day, the council received a greeting from Ms. Rose Simmons, whose father, the Rev. Daniel Lee Simmons Sr., was one of the nine congregants martyred in June 2015 at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C.
The council also received reports from the church's presiding bishop, treasurer, secretary and vice president, from the ELCA Conference of Bishops, and from the ELCA's separately incorporated ministries. They also received greetings from ecumenical partners.
eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the Neighborhood
Trinity Lutheran, Laramie WY and Shield 616
Trinity Lutheran
supported the Laramie police while joining a nonprofit called
Shield 616
. Shield 616 and Angel Armor provide rifle-rated vests to our Laramie law enforcement officers.
Most agencies only provide armor against handguns due to the high cost. Thank you Trinity for walking alongside those who come to our aid in our scariest moments.
Rocky Mountain Synod Middle and High School Youth Gathering
Saturday, January 18 - Monday, January 20, 2020
The registration deadline has been extended to December 1 and it will remain open as long as there is space available!
YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO
Get ready for a fun and faith-filled weekend as we delve into the transforming love of God and what it means to take that love into our everyday lives.
Get more information and register
Every year the ELCA's Young Adults in Global Missions (YAGM) program sends out dozens of young adults, ages 21-29, into a year-long journey of international service. This experience of global service invites young adults to serve as Jesus’ hands and feet in the world, as they form global friendships, provide critical support to communities in need, and reflect on how their identity connects with God’s work in the world.
For the next few months the Rocky Mountain Synod Global Mission Committee will be highlighting one of the eight current YAGM's hailing from the Rocky Mountain Synod with the hope that you as individuals and congregations will consider supporting them through prayer, communication and financial support.
This week's featured YAGM is Kendra Hernandez, who is currently serving in Hungary. Kendra's home congregations are Lutheran Campus Ministry at New Mexico State University and Peace Lutheran Church in Las Cruces, NM. If you would like to support Kendra this year, please
go here
Courtney Steitz
Word & Sacrament
King of Glory,
Loveland, CO
6:30pm, Friday, November 22
Color of the day:
Nicole Garcia
Word & Sacrament
Christ the Servant,
Louisville, CO
10:00am, Saturday November 23
Color of the day:
RMS Prayer Cycle
- Week of November 24 -
Bishop James Gonia
Rev. Sarah Moening
Rev. Kent Mueller
Ruth Hoffman
Deniese Estrada
Janice Ladd-Horkey
Andrew Nakatani
Deacon Erin Power
Peter Severson
Rev. Leslie Welton
Rev. Michael Tassler
Rev. Dana Peterson
Julie Nelson
Kristen Lee
Ron Beckman
* Ministry Partners*
Tina Kvitek-
ELCA Foundation
Andrea Aray-
Janice Kibler-
Mission Investment Fund
Join us in daily prayer:
ELCA Prayer Ventures
for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.
Sunday, November 24
Christ the King Sunday
Last Sunday after Pentecost
Prayer of the Day
O God, our true life, to serve you is freedom, and to know you is unending joy. We worship you, we glorify you, we give thanks to you for your great glory. Abide with us, reign in us, and make this world into a fit habitation for your divine majesty, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
In God's Hands: Ecumenical Prayer Cycle from the World Council of Churches
Denver Author and Race Activist Theo Wilson To Speak at Saint Peter Lutheran Church, Greenwood Village
Wednesday, November 20 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Theo Wilson, a Denver author and activist, will be visiting St. Peter Lutheran Church
9300 E Belleview Ave. Greenwood Village, CO (
to share his experience
as a black man who went undercover as a digital white supremacist
Dinner and childcare will be provided by Saint Peter at no cost to you. RSVP to hold your space and to join this important conversation.
St. Stephen’s Annual Christmas Gift, Craft, and Bake Sale
Saturday, November 23 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church
10828 Huron St.
Vendors include:
Pampered Chef, Handmade Cards, Book Lady, Tole Painting, The Amethyst Rose – Gems and Jewelry, Christmas Decorations, Handsewn items for kitchen/dining, Thirty-One totes and bags, Avon, Woodcraft, Norwex.
Refreshments and baked Goods by St. Stephen’s Bakers.
Proceeds go to camperships for our youth.
Christmas Gift, Craft & Bake Sale
Saturday, November 23, 2019 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
St. Stephen's Lutheran Church
10828 N. Huron Street
Looking for gifts this Christmas season? Come support small businesses and your Northglenn community.
Proceeds from the baked goods sale will be used to send youth to camp!
Alternative Gift Fair
Sunday, December 1, from 10:00 a.m. to noon
Glory of God Lutheran Church
12200 W 38th Ave.
You are invited to our Alternative Gift Fair on Sunday, December 1 from 10:00 am to noon.
Products sold will include handmade crafts, clothing, greeting cards, jewelry, bags and wallets, jams, natural cosmetic products and more! The Alternative Gift Fair supports various non-profits who help those in need both locally and globally.
Holiday Family Sing-Along, A Time of Wonder
Saturday, December 7, 2019, 2:30 p.m.
It's the time of year for cookies, cocoa and the best holiday deal for families! The Chorales will be joined again by Kent Jones and the Colorado Saints Chorale for one of our most fantastic shows of the year at a price that won't pinch your budget. This annual Sing-Along includes a beautiful choral concert followed by a holiday festival that includes games, cookie decorating and photos with Santa Claus himself. The music includes stunning choral classic like Handel's
Hallelujah Chorus as well as caroling favorites. Expect lots of audience participation! Fun for the whole family. Get your tickets
The Lutheran Chorale Holiday Concerts
Sunday, December 8
at 3:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
You are invited to welcome the Advent/Christmas season with a concert of familiar carols presented by The Lutheran Chorale on Sunday, December 8. The afternoon concert will be at 3:00 p.m. in the beautiful Chapel of the Good Samaritan at SCL Lutheran Hospital, 8300 W. 38th Avenue in Wheat Ridge (
map), and the evening concert will be at Concordia Lutheran Church, 13371 W. Alameda Parkway in Lakewood (
map) at 7:30 p.m.
No tickets are necessary, although a freewill offering would be appreciated at the door. The concert at Concordia will also feature a bake sale and silent auction prior to the concert, beginning at 5:30.
The Lutheran Chorale, under the direction of David Hodel and accompanied by Coreen Wells, is made up of singers from across the metro area who are eager to share familiar and classical sacred music with our community.
Augustana Arts presents-
Colcannon: Authentic, Joyous Irish Music
Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.
Colcannon has developed a distinctive, inventive, and contemporary musical style while still keeping in firm touch with the heart and essence of traditional Irish music. Their appeal crosses lines of age, gender and ethnic background.
While their musical focus is on the beautiful wealth of traditional Irish music -- all acoustic instrumentation, traditional as well as original tunes and songs, with some of the songs in Mick’s native Irish language --
Colcannon’s true message is the story of the resilient and joyous human spirit. Get your tickets
Save the Date:
Carols & Cheer
with Luther House
Sunday, December 15, 2019 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Luther House
, 1805 Las Lomas Road NE, Albuqurque (
) for our second annual
Carols & Cheer
We will follow Martin Luther's tradition of gathering in pubs to enjoy local beverages from Broken Trail Brewery & Distillery to share the songs of the season. A percentage of the beverage sales made will benefit the ministry and programming of Lutheran Campus Ministry.
Our musicians will again be Pauleta Hendrickson, director of music at St. Luke Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, and Clara Byom, director of music at St Tim's Lutheran Church. Come and celebrate Luther House with us!
Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp
on Colorado Gives Day
Tuesday, December 10, 2019 !!!
Colorado Gives Day is an annual day of giving to non-profit organizations all across Colorado. Whether you live in Colorado or not, you can donate to Rainbow Trail on December 10.
Each donation helps RTLC receive additional funds from Community First Foundation through a sum that's divided among all participating non-profit organizations as well as prizes at the end of the day.
Sky Ranch Advent Retreat
Friday, December 6 through Sunday, December 8, 2019
Are you seeking peace for your family during a whirlwind pre-Christmas season? We invite you to take advantage of this important season and grow closer to God with your family through reflection, fellowship, activities and music.
Begin this Advent Season at Sky Ranch in a time of reflection and preparation for the birth of our Savior. Activities for all ages include worship, advent-themed projects, and cozy campfires.
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Your Stewardship Toolkit for Congregations - December 2019
Here's the
December 2019 "Stewardship Toolkit"
brought to you by Rev. Rob Blezard, Assistant to the Bishop Lower Susquehanna Synod. It has an original newsletter article, RCL-based "stewardship snippets" for your Sunday bulletins, and links to explore the monthly theme. This month's theme is
"Your perfect Christmas gift," get it
How will you welcome your friends and neighbors to worship this holiday season? To support your communication needs, we offer
several invitational tools
specifically for congregations.
Add your congregation’s location and service times to customizable posters, social media images, postcards and more.
These tools include:
and find links to a variety of communications support solutions. Thank you for the work you do to help engage your congregation, share the good news of Jesus Christ and welcome your community.
From Admin Matters - November, Issue 67
Keeping data secure for remote workers
- Working remotely or working from home has become one of the biggest workplace trends. Allowing staff to work remotely gives employers more options in hiring the best employees. For the employee, working from home eliminates the stress of commuting and creates more time to focus and be productive. >More
Maintaining a parish register
- These guidelines will assist pastors and other congregational leaders in keeping a parish register. >More
Boiler maintenance: A necessary cost-saver
- When boilers are serviced regularly, they’re safer, more efficient and less likely to break down. Regular boiler service will reduce your energy bills and ensure that the boiler and its main components have a longer life. Should your congregation need funds for infrastructure repairs or improvements, contact the ELCA Federal Credit Union for a cost-effective loan solution either by phone at 877-715-1111 or by visiting their website. >More
The ALOA November Newsletter is here!
Adult Lutherans Organized for Action is a nationwide resource to the church that strengthens ministry by and for adults in the second half of life.
ALOA offers events for individuals and provides resources to encourage adult ministry in Lutheran congregations. To find out more,
visit our website
our November newsletter to discover insights and resources for Aging with Resilience.
Let us know your comments or suggestions. Or, connect with us to share a valued resource. We always like to hear from you!
You’ll find resources for many aspects of ministry to those in the second half of life in the resource section of ALOA’s website.
Find more resources
Choral Director
Augustana Lutheran Church - Denver, CO
Augustana Lutheran Church, a large ELCA Lutheran church with a thriving music program in Denver Colorado, is seeking a part-time choral director for their adult choir. The position is open January 1, 2020. The Augustana Chancel Choir, an adult volunteer choir with four professional section leaders, has an established reputation of excellence in the Denver community, singing for the majority of worship services throughout their 9 month season and presenting 3-4 concerts in collaboration with Stratus Chamber Orchestra, an in-residence orchestra, throughout the year.
The ideal candidate will exhibit excellent proficiency and knowledge in conducting choirs and orchestra in a range of musical styles, be familiar with liturgical worship practices, be effective in interpersonal communication, work well in a team environment, have excellent organizational skills, be creative, and enjoy working with adult singers of various skills. A Master's degree in Music and three years' experience is preferred.
Time commitment: weekly Wednesday evening rehearsals and Sunday morning worship (August/September-May/June), special worship services and festivals, 3 retreats, 3-4 concerts per season, planning, contracting musicians, some meetings. This position is considered. time at 12-15 per week. Compensation is commensurate with experience and professional salary guidelines.
Download this employment opportunity
here. For more information or to apply, please e-mail a cover letter and resume by December 16 to: Dr.Cindy Lindeen-Martin, Minister of Music and Organist at
Director of Youth Ministries
Glory of God Lutheran Church - Wheat Ridge, CO
We are seeking a part- time Director of Youth Ministries who will build and implement youth programs and activities for 6-12th grade youth.
Responsibilities include:
- Be a visible and consistent presence in the congregation and develop meaningful personal relationships with a wide circle of youth and families in the congregation.
- Direct Youth events focusing on spiritual growth, learning, Christian fellowship and service
- Plan, implement and promote synod and ELCA youth gathering, outdoor ministers, servant events and mission trips.
- Develop programming and relationships with middle school and high school students and families.
- Recruit, train, and support parents and other interested adults, gaining their support of congregation’s youth ministry program.
Please send resume and letter of interest to: Glory of God Lutheran Church, Attn: Pastor Emily Cardin, 12200 W 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Choral Director
Augustana Lutheran Church - Denver, CO
Director of Youth Ministries
Glory of God Lutheran Church - Wheat Ridge, CO
Director of Music (part-time)
Messiah Community Church - Denver, CO
Administrative Assistant-Communications
Faith Lutheran Church - Golden, CO
High School Program Director
Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp - Fort Collins, CO
Director of Economic Justice
Interfaith Alliance of Colorado, Denver, CO
Director for Leadership and Candidacy - Domestic Mission Unit
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Musicians for Ministry!
Zion Lutheran Church - Loveland, CO
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Jim Gonia
- DEM-Interviews
- Ordination of Courtney Steitz, King of Glory, Loveland, CO
- Ordination of Nicole Garcia, Mt. Calvary, Boulder, CO
- Grace, Colorado Springs, CO
- Vacation Nov 25-29
Pastor Dana Peterson (Interim, 1/2 time)
- New and Renewing Ministries
- Ordination of Nicole Garcia
Ruth Hoffman
Peter Severson
- Financial Equity Taskforce
- FAMLI Coaltion
- Vision 2020 Gathering
Tina Kvitek
Pastor Sarah Moening
- DEM Interviews
- Off/Vacation Nov. 23-Dec. 1
Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)
Deacon Erin Power
- Assembly Planning Meetings
- RMS Communication Planning
- Dean's Zoom
Pastor Leslie Welton
- In-office appointments
- Candidacy appointments
- Ordination of Courtney Steitz
- Ordination of Nicole Garcia
- Dean's Zoom
Feel free to contact
Andrew Nakatan
, Communications Assistant, with your questions and comments about eConnection and our website!
Rocky Mountain Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax
are due noon Monday each week's issue.
Past issues of eConnection may be found