Fall 2020 Community Newsletter

Upcoming Events
Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic we will be unable to hold our annual Directors Update, Childrens' Christmas Party , and the Residents Social normally held annually in December.

However, we will be holding the following COVID friendly events to assist local charities:
United Way Christmas Gift Drive:
The Coldwell Banker Realty office will be collecting donated gifts for children up to the age of 18 during the week of November 30 to December 4. These gifts will be provided to the United Way for their annual Christmas gift drive. Unwrapped gifts can be left on the front porch of the Realty office on Sun Rivers Drive between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm and staff will collect them to store inside.
Winter Food Bank Drive:
During the week of December 7 -11, the Coldwell Banker Realty office will be collecting food and monetary donations for the Kamloops Food Bank. Donations can be brought to the Coldwell Banker office between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. The Food Bank will be picking up the donations on the afternoon of Friday December 11. We ask that you leave the donations on the front porch. Our staff will collect the donations and store them inside.
No shoveling of snow onto streets.

Shoveling snow from driveways and yards creates both a hazard and inconvenience to other residents and visitors. At the Annual General Meeting in December 2019 the Community Association adopted a Rule prohibiting this practice. Please keep all snow within your yard. Shoveling snow onto the roadways or sidewalks could result in a fine being assessed as permitted under the Bylaws.
Road Clearing

Corix Utilities provides winter road snow clearing under their contract to provide municipal services. Road snow clearing has been subcontracted to Lyons Landscaping. Lyons has crew and equipment dedicated to maintain our roads with clearing to begin once 1.5 cm of snow has accumulated. Prior to forecasted snowfalls, Lyons will treat the roadways with magnesium chloride which melts snow, helps prevent ice from forming on the roads and minimizes the use of sand. As temperatures drop the magnesium chloride becomes less effective and sanding of streets will occur.

Main roads and roads with steeper slopes are given the priority, with side roads plowed after the priority streets have been cleared.

We remind residents that Sun Rivers is built on a hillside and proper winter tires are needed to safely navigate our roads during the winter months. Care should be taken anytime snow or ice is on the streets. In particular, the 4-way stop can become quite slippery due to cars spinning their tires. Be careful when approaching this stop and any intersection or slope.

Sidewalks in the Community are cleared by the Community Association. Clearing will take place after the accumulation of 2.5 cm of snow, within 24 hours of the snowfall.
Once again we need to remind dog owners that they are required to pick up after their pets. Just because there is snow on the ground is not an excuse to leave droppings. Come spring this practice results in a disgusting and smelly mess for someone to clean up. There are dogi-bag dispensers and garbage cans located throughout the community for you to use.
The Community of Sun Rivers Owner Association is incorporated under the BC Societies Act. The Bylaws of the Association set out how meetings are conducted, the appointment or election of directors and their roles and duties, who can become members, and other terms which control the operation of the Association.

The Bylaws permit the adoption of Rules covering specific items. Rules so adopted must be followed by all residents.

To read the Bylaws and Rules, click HERE
Our Playground committee is busy looking into equipment and design of a playground for Sun Rivers. The location and more details will come soon.

Funding for the playground will come from the Capital Projects Fund.

Did you know the your Community Association has a Capital Projects Fund? If you or your neighbourhood have an idea for a project that will benefit the residents of Sun Rivers, email us your ideas to
Open daily, 2 pm to late
Dine in, or try the take-out menu
Closed for the season.
For terms of use of the golf course over the winter months, click HERE
Your Sun Rivers Experts
Have a story, event or news to share in our quarterly newsletter? Let us know at
Community Office Hours: 9 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday, except holidays