Road Clearing
Corix Utilities provides winter road snow clearing under their contract to provide municipal services. Road snow clearing has been subcontracted to Lyons Landscaping. Lyons has crew and equipment dedicated to maintain our roads with clearing to begin once 1.5 cm of snow has accumulated. Prior to forecasted snowfalls, Lyons will treat the roadways with magnesium chloride which melts snow, helps prevent ice from forming on the roads and minimizes the use of sand. As temperatures drop the magnesium chloride becomes less effective and sanding of streets will occur.
Main roads and roads with steeper slopes are given the priority, with side roads plowed after the priority streets have been cleared.
We remind residents that Sun Rivers is built on a hillside and proper winter tires are needed to safely navigate our roads during the winter months. Care should be taken anytime snow or ice is on the streets. In particular, the 4-way stop can become quite slippery due to cars spinning their tires. Be careful when approaching this stop and any intersection or slope.