Vol. 6, No. 8 January 2022
Brownsville Navigation District Chairman Sergio Tito Lopez, left, presents the 2021 Chairman’s Award to Ken Schaefer, president and CEO of Schaefer Stevedoring, during the Port of Brownsville's annual Customer Appreciation Luncheon held Dec. 14, 2021, at Rancho Viejo Convention Center.
Port of Brownsville Recognizes Schaefer Stevedoring with 2021 Chairman’s Award

The Port of Brownsville presented Schaefer Stevedoring with its 2021 Chairman’s Award in honor of the company’s achievements throughout its 30 years of operation.

Brownsville Navigation District Chairman Sergio Tito Lopez presented the award to Ken Schaefer, president and owner of Schaefer Stevedoring, on Dec. 14 during the annual Customer Appreciation Luncheon held at the Rancho Viejo Convention Center in Rancho Viejo.
Headquartered at the port, Schaefer Stevedoring is an international stevedoring company providing shipping services within the maritime and port logistics industries of the United States and Mexico. The family-owned company currently employs 85 staff members at its Brownsville headquarters.
"Throughout the past 30 years, Schaefer Stevedoring has been an integral part of the port’s logistical operations," said Chairman Lopez. "Through their expanding networks, reliability and safety, the company has proven to be an asset to the Port of Brownsville, seamlessly forming ties with companies, in the United States and Mexico, for the benefit of the region."
Year In Review:
2021 Highlights
While the aftereffects of 2020 continue to reverberate across industries, the Port of Brownsville and its community overcame significant challenges to develop sustainable infrastructure and job creation for local families and businesses.

As we look back at the quarterly highlights of 2021, we celebrate the successes and look forward to the promise of 2022.
Photo Courtesy of SteelCoast
The USS Shreveport arrived at the SteelCoast shipyard on Dec. 19. The USNS Hayes is set to arrive in the first quarter of 2022.
SteelCoast Awarded Naval Contracts
SteelCoast, a demolition and recycling specialist at the Port of Brownsville announced on Dec. 14, its two newest Naval contracts. The U.S. Maritime Administration selected SteelCoast to recycle the USS Shreveport and USNS Hayes. The remediation of these vessels will continue throughout 2022.
Pictured From left to right: Deputy Port Director of Administration Melinda Rodriguez, Deputy Port Director of Operations Arturo Gomez, and Executive Assistant Janie Velasquez with staff and patients from the Moody Clinic.
Port Toy Drive Delivers Christmas Cheer
In December, port staff continued an annual holiday tradition to hold a toy collection drive for local non-profit organizations.

The Port of Brownsville would like to thank the Brownsville Navigation District Board of Commissioners and their families, port staff, OmniTRAX/BRG, Citgo Petroleum, International Shipbreaking Ltd./EMR, and the Brazos Santiago Pilots Association for their support in the port's annual toy drive and adopt-a-grandparent campaigns.

The toys and care packages donated were delivered to the following organizations:

  • Moody Clinic
  • Proyecto Juan Diego
  • Monica's House
  • Alta Vista Rehab & Healthcare
  • Brownsville Nursing & Rehab Center.


Vice Chairman




Port Director & CEO

Contact Us:
Ph: 956.831.4592 / 800.378.5395
Fax: 956.831.5006
January 5
BND Board Meeting 

January 6
Epiphany Day 

January 13
Propeller Club Meeting
January 17 
Martin Luther King Jr. Day 
January 19
BND Board Meeting 
February 14 
Valentine’s Day 
February 21
Presidents Day- Port offices closed 
Port, County to Restore Beach
The Brownsville Navigation District and Cameron County have partnered in an interlocal agreement to restore and protect the Beach at Cameron County’s Isla Blanca Park on South Padre Island.

County commissioners on Nov. 23 approved pursuing the "preferred alternative" for phase-one engineering to restore and protect the beach presented by Mott McDonald Coastal Engineering, the consultant procured by the Texas General Land Office for the project.
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