Election Update
Absentee ballots are now available. Ballots have been mailed to everyone who has submitted an application.

You can still request an absentee ballot. If you want to pick up your absentee ballot, be sure to bring a photo ID. The lobby is open for business from 9am to noon on weekdays.

We can also mail you your ballot. You may email a photo of your application to vote@springlaketwp.org, mail your application, or drop it in one of our drop boxes - behind Stan's next to the USPS box, at the front of our building, or behind our building.

Remember to sign your absentee envelope and return the postage-prepaid envelope by USPS. Alternatively, you may put your ballot in one of our drop boxes or drop it off at the Clerk's office. We must receive your ballot by 8pm on November 3.

You may check the progress of your absentee ballot on the Michigan Voter Information Center website.

We have received many questions about the absentee ballot process. Answers to some common questions:

Signatures - We compare the signature on the ballot to signatures collected with driver's licenses. Reasonable variations of the signature are acceptable.

Receiving your ballot - All requested ballots have been mailed. if you do not receive your ballot by October 5, please contact us so we can investigate. We can reissue a ballot if necessary, but we would prefer to wait long enough for the mail to work through the system.

Voting in person - if you requested an absentee ballot due to uncertainty about the COVID situation, but decide to vote in person, we would prefer to have you spoil your ballot at Township Hall by Friday, October 30. This will allow you to vote in person with the least delay. If you do not return your ballot early, you may still vote in person. Bring your ballot with you to spoil, or sign the Affidavit of Absent Voter stating you do not have the ballot. NOTE - if you have voted and returned your absentee ballot, you will not be able to vote in person.

We do not want to reject any absentee ballots. We will make every effort to contact you to resolve any issues that may arise during processing. The most common issue we see is voters forgetting to sign the ballot envelope, so remember to sign!

If you have any questions about the election process, contact Clerk Carolyn Boersma at cboersma@springlaketwp.org or 616-844-2101.
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Spring Lake Township | 616-842-1340 | info@springlaketwp.org | www.springlaketwp.org