March 9-13, 2020 - 10 Lyons Plains Road Westport, CT 06880 - Phone: 203.227.7205
CLICK HERE for 2 week calendar PDF. CLICK HERE for past issues of SOUNDINGS.
The Campaign: Critical for the Church, and Fun and Collaborative in the Process

Houseparties…visiting stewards…testimonials…stirring music ... inspiring sermons…story slams: our funding campaigns build bonds and relationships while also raising funds to keep us going year in and year out. Rev. John has said “In our work ... it really has been about building community.” Indeed, our campaigns continue to be an extension of our church’s community-gathering and -building. And while these campaigns are critical - crucial, in fact! - to ensuring salaries get paid, children's programs continue, lights stays on, and music keeps flowing - they also give each of us opportunities to connect and collaborate, and appreciate what TUCW means to us.

Note that PLEDGING is NOW OPEN. Click HERE to make a pledge for the '20-21 year. Full payment not due until June 2021. Questions? Contact stewardship@uuwestport.or g
HOUSEPARTIES ! It's not too late to experience community, and glean wisdom from Rev. John, in a fellow congregant's home: Saturdays March 14 (Fairfield); March 21 (Westport); March 28 (Wilton) also Friday March 27 (Westport). All meetings 7-9PM.
Email Elena Rockman-Blake to sign up.
Linda & Jay Lubin
Rev. Dr. John Morehouse's Report
to the Congregation
Get the Vote Out! Write VoteForward Letters!
Wednesday, March 11, 7:00 – 8:00 PM

RSVP: for location and information -

To help get the vote out, come to Janet Luongo’s house to write letters to encourage people to vote. If you like, bring your food and come early, at 6:00 PM, so we can get to know each other over supper. Everyone is heartily welcome as we gear up for this election season. Sponsored by TUCWomen. #VoteLove
Coming Next Weekend:
Join the UU Players for an Evening of FOUR ONE-ACT COMEDIES
Directed and performed by our very own! A night to remember.
Friday and Saturday, March 13 and 14 at 8:00 PM, Sunday, March 15 at 3:00 PM

Suggested Donation: $20.
Tickets available at the door or online at
Women at TUCW: What's On Your Minds?
Sunday, March 15; 12:30-2:00 PM, Meeting House

TUCWomen's overarching goals are to provide a rich set of opportunities for people identifying as women to build deeper relationships and to support women’s engagement -- social, spiritual, political, educational or healing -- in the TUCW community. 

Let's come together to share our ideas for the TUCWomen's group moving forward: what's on our minds, and what can we do together?

As a Ministry by women for women, we want to dream big! Let's make plans together for the upcoming year. Please bring your ideas, energy and your own lunch to the meeting. Questions? Contact Sudha Sankar

February 2020
Read about our plans for construction, based on planning efforts since January. CLICK HERE FOR WRITE-UP.
Healing after Loss:   Grief Support Group   Starts Up April 6
"Everyone grieves in their own way, but there is no reason to grieve alone." 
“I would not have survived without the support the group provided.”
“I learned tools to help me cope with my mother’s passing in the most welcoming environment. I am forever grateful….”
If you are experiencing deep sadness over the death of a loved one, you are welcome to join the Grief Support Group at TUCW. You will find a safe space to share your loss, receive support and to support others in their grief. All are welcome, including people from the wider community. Click  HERE  for more information.
Sessions will be Mondays April 6 – May 11, 7-8:30PM.  Register in advance please Pat Francek  203.893.1781 or  Chuck Harrington   203-664-1653
Why Clean Slate?
Because a criminal record should not be a life sentence.
“Clean Slate” bill HB 5712, currently before the Connecticut General Assembly, would automatically expunge the records of persons convicted of certain crimes. This would apply to misdemeanors three years after finishing their sentence, and nonviolent felonies after five years. I will be asking you to contact your State representatives about this in the next few weeks. Please click here to view the CONECT fact sheet. And please contact David with any questions:
AGING TO SAGING Planning Meeting
Saturday March 20, Noon-2PM in Meeting House

Revs. Jim Francek and John Morehouse will be leading a planning meeting centered on a new group inspired by candleboat conversations and the book From Age-ing to Sage-ing , as outlined in Rev. Jim's Minister's Message of February 18.

"What are Elders? 'They are the wisdom keepers who have an ongoing responsibility for maintaining society’s well-being and safeguarding the health of our ailing planet. They are pioneers in consciousness who practice contemplative arts from our spiritual traditions .... [E]lders come to terms with their mortality, harvest the wisdom of their years and transmit a legacy for future generations. Serving as mentors they pass on the distilled essence of their life experience to others.'"

Please join us. All wise – and unwise! – elders welcome. RSVP Rev. Jim Francek
Our Neighboring Faiths Program Resumes with a Study of Christianity
March-April 2020
Facilitators: Tom Hearne, Tom Croarkin, Matthew McPartland

  • Session 1 Learn – Friday, March 20, 7 PM West Wing
  • Session 2 Experience 1 – Sunday, March 22, 9 AM Church Christ Church, Rye, NY (2 Rectory St, Rye NY)
  • Session 2 Experience 2 – Friday PM/all day Saturday March 27/28 –Retreat – Holy Cross Monastery (1615 Rte 9W, West Park, NY) $150 fee
  • Session 3 Reflection – Friday, April 3, 7:00 PM East Wing

Includes a 1-day retreat at a monastery overlooking the Hudson. This is a unique experience for us: Go through the same rituals and observances as the Monks, which is special during the ‘high season’ for Christians: Lent. Prayers, observations of silence, meditation …. Our stay includes 3 meals and lodging.
Register for retreat by Monday March 9 :
These opportunities for learning and connection are ongoing and currently offered. Visit Adult Faith Formation on our website or email leaders as listed below.
Mondays 6:30-8:00 PM Meeting House Buddhist Practice Group Let Nina know you are attending.Teachings offered on a donation basis.

Mondays 7:00-8:30 PM. Rev. John's Office - April 6 to May 11 - Grief Support Group or . Must register in advance .

2nd and 4th Tuesdays,  7:00-8:30 PM Meeting House.  Sacred Circle with Grandmother Nancy Andry  

Wednesdays 7-8:15 PM. Meeting House The Power of Now
Saturday April 4 9AM-1PM East Wing Creating Theology Together

Sundays March 15, 22, April 5. 12:30-2 PM. East Wing Long Strange Trip

Monthly, various dates and times. Small group ministry meetings . These must be signed-up for ahead of time; they depend on host availability, group size.

Last month our board agreed to co-sponsor the Ordination of Margalie Belizaire in partnership with her home congregation, the Unitarian Society of Hartford . The congregation of TUCW is invited to this event on May 30th at 3:00 PM in West Hartford. READ MORE HERE
All women welcome at all events; visit our website for complete info.
Sacred Circle with Grandmother Nancy Andry
Tuesday, March 10, 7:00 PM Meeting House
A storyteller leads a Native American talking circle. Learn more HERE .
Our Spring Series offers workshops where women can feel safe to explore their creativity and inspiration. Learn more about all the workshops HERE , including those on April 8 and May 22.

Workshop 1: Awakening Mentorship: Giving and Receiving
Wednesday, March 18, 7–8:30 PM in East Wing  
Cheryl Dixon Paul will lead a workshop on how a teacher, mentor or friend has make a difference in our lives, and how we can mentor others in return.
Guns to Garden Tools , Saturday, March 21 10AM-4PM
Youth Sunday March 22
Special Project Choir Concert Sunday March 29
Our complete calendar is always on our website. Click HERE for quick access.

If you are going through a challenging time or know somebody in the congregation who needs support from our Pastoral Care Chaplains, call to leave a confidential message in the PCA voice mailbox 203.227.7205 ext. 19 or email .

CLICK HERE  to learn more about our Pastoral Care Associates.
For individuals or families of our congregation seeking confidential support or information about addiction issues...  please contact our Addiction Recovery Ministry by calling 203-227-7205 ext. 19 or emailing .
STAY CONNECTED! Find us on digital and social media : website: , Facebook public page ( Unitarian Church in Westpor t ) and private, members-only group ( uuwestport ), and Instagram ( uuwestportct )
The Unitarian Church in Westport is a diverse and welcoming religious community, free of creed and dogma, and open to people of all backgrounds and beliefs. 
  WE INSPIRE  and support individual spiritual growth. 
 WE CONNECT  through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries. 
  WE ACT  in the service of peace and justice.