First Presbyterian Church, Sarasota
September 25, 2020
You can now watch the worship service
any time, starting at 7:00 am on Sunday morning.
No more waiting until 11:00 am!
Join us whenever it works for your schedule just join us!

Updates from the Session
and Administrative Commission
The latest information from the Session and Administrative Commission can be readily accessed on First Presbyterian’s website home page, using the weblink below:
We want to see YOU at our virtual Coffee Hour

Families at First

Sunday School and Confirmation class continues to be a "virtual" success. 

The confirmation class continued their discussion about sin this week. A special thank you to Landon Cook, Patrick Monahan who participated in the food pantry this week supporting the latest mission of our church.

The middle school continued their trivia of the bible and focused on the New Testament. Specifically on the ways letters offer guidance and direction to those seeking to live a new, transformed way of life. Pastor Margret was a guest in the middle school class this past week and very graciously answer questions the students had about the church and scripture.

3rd-5th grade - The young disciples kept up their knowledge of the bible, they learned about how letters were written to make up the sections of the Bible. They even make their own scrolls that told the stories of the Old Testament.

Pre-K - 2nd - Continued learning about God's promise and the class learned the story of Abraham. The children learned about Abraham though interactive story telling, signing along to "Father Abraham had Many Sons" and telling the leaders what they would bring on a trip. 

If you have not been able to attend a Sunday school class and would like your child/children to do so, please use the links below. If you have an questions please do not hesitate to contact, Lydia Chapdelain, Children and Youth Leader. 941-914-6244/   

We would love to see you,
Pre-K – 2nd grade
Leaders: Rebecca Clissold, Lydia Chapdelain, Haleigh Smoot
10:30 - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mornings
3rd – 5th grade
Leaders: Sue Nurczyk, Mariah Martin, Lauren Reasoner
9:15 - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mornings via Zoom
Middle School Youth
Leaders: Darla Gulliver and Scott McLeod
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mornings via Zoom
Confirmation Class
Leaders: Jessica Armstrong and Abbey Tyrna
10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mornings via Zoom
Fall Adult Education Classes

Elaine Barnett, Facilitator

This class continues through October 13, exploring two important terms of Reformed and Presbyterian identity and conviction: "Grace and Gratitude.” We see ourselves as receivers of grace daily, and express gratitude to God for this grace in Christ by our actions and commitments.

The class is offered via ZOOM teleconference on Tuesdays, at 11:30 a.m. for one hour.

September 29: Passing the Peace - Foundation of Grateful Living
October 6: God's Law - Guide for Grateful Living
October 13: Living Gratitude

Rev. Doug DeCelle, Facilitator

This subject of this class is Racial Justice. We are examining our Christian beliefs in light of today's concern.  
This virtual class is on Wednesdays at 12:00 noon for one hour.
It continues September 30 and October 7 & 14.
World Communion Sunday - October 4, 2020
On World Communion Sunday, we gather in unity with believers around the world to break the bread of life and drink from the cup of salvation. We gather in suffering, celebration, and hope, remembering that in a broken and fearful world, God’s call for justice and healing continues to give life and purpose to the church.

Born amid the gathering clouds of war and great economic uncertainty of the 1930s, World Communion Sunday draws the global community of believers together to proclaim God’s reign over the powers that threaten the world. As we gather around a table that knows no bounds, we remember our communal commitment to live boldly, with courage and hope, as witnesses to the resurrection.

This year we will gather in our own homes, each supplying our own bread, our own cup. Around the world, matzah, frybread, rice crackers, corn bread, tortillas—all will find a place at this table. You do not need to buy something special. Jesus used what was common to his culture, what was close at hand. He wanted us to know that the ordinary stuff of life carries God’s blessing and provision to us. God’s invitation, through Jesus, is simultaneously universal and particular. So bring what you have and join our service of worship at the moment you feel called, participating joyfully in a feast that will be happening all day, all night, all over the globe.
A Place for You! Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl artisans meet on Tuesdays, 1:00-2:30 p.m. via Zoom. If you can knit, crochet,  or use other means to make small blankets or shawls consider sharing your talent. The prayer shawls are given to comfort those from our congregation in need, whether through illness or bereavement.

As a way of honoring the legacy of Marti Clapp, long-time prayer shawl coordinator and knitting contributor, we would like to keep this unique ministry active. If you are interested, please contact Becky Fingerle, deacon liaison (phone: 423-280-5561 or email: To receive the weblink for the Zoom meeting, contact Meg Larrabee (phone: 703-581-2713 or email:
FPC's Mission Partnership
with All Faiths Food Bank Is Underway!

Our new partnership with All Faiths Food Bank as an emergency food distribution site is now into its third week. The food distribution is by drive-through with volunteers loading cars as clients circle in the parking lot during the allotted time. It is exciting to serve our many community neighbors who are receiving food.

Dave Householder, Co-moderator of the Mission and Justice Committee, is the liaison for this partnership. Bob Kirkpatrick, also Co-moderator of the Committee, is coordinating the FPC volunteers.
Please consider becoming a part of this exciting new ministry
to our community!
Sign up NOW to volunteer at First Presbyterian's new

8 to 10 volunteers needed for (part or all of) the 3 1/2-hour
time-frame each Thursday. Task options include sorting and distributing food, setting up, cleaning up and directing traffic.

First, third and fifth Thursdays: 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Second and fourth Thursdays: 4:00 - 7:30 p.m.

You can volunteer every week, once or twice a month,
or whenever you are able—for a time-span that suits you—
even help for 30 minutes is welcome! Invite friends to join you.

All safety measures are in place:
Masks and closed-toe shoes required for volunteers;
gloves and hand sanitizer provided;
masks required for walk-up food recipients

Bob Kirkpatrick, or (941) 761-2455
or Dave Householder, or (724) 462-4235

TO SIGN UP, click the link below
Invest in Children
News From Our Partner School, Brentwood Elementary

The "Welcome Back" breakfast provided by our church on August 24 offered a much needed lift to the spirits of the Brentwood staff as they prepared to receive their students the following week. Enjoy two notes of appreciation . . .
Thank you all so much for that delicious breakfast for all of us at Brentwood Elementary. It has definitely been a stressful and anxious time for us and to have such a nice breakfast was very much appreciated.

Many blessings!
The Brentwood Staff

Dear First Presbyterian Angels,

Thank you so much for the wonderful and thoughtful breakfast on August 24. Our staff is so grateful for your church's dedication to supporting us both in and out of a pandemic. 

I'm sorry we couldn't all send you a letter telling you how loved and appreciated you are. We have to minimize what we all touch!
Thank you for touching our hearts during a "touch less" period.

The Brentwood Staff

In spite of the stress and anxiety prior to the opening of schools, the first three weeks have gone very well! Brentwood had the honor of welcoming the new superintendent, Dr. Brennan Asplen, at the beginning of the very first day the students returned. As he greeted the students and toured the campus, it was obvious that there was excitement and enthusiasm among students and teachers alike. We give thanks to God for the amazing teachers and administrators who prepare their students for the future!
Preschool News
We are so happy to be back on the playground. At First Presbyterian Preschool, we Play Strong to #GrowStrong! Gross motor play not only builds muscles and balance but has also been linked to improved attention and memory! What is your child’s favorite gross motor activity?
College/Continuing Education/  
   Technical School Scholarships
Scholarship money is available for the 2020-2021 school year. Interested students and families should pick up an application from the church office (call ahead to make arrangements) or print the application from the church website (weblink below).
Transcripts, including those from the spring 2020 semester, should be included or forwarded as soon as available. Returning applicants only need to send their current contact information and have their updated grades (via official transcripts) mailed directly to the church from the school. All college and technical school students are encouraged to apply.

The application and transcripts must be received by next Wednesday, September 30.
Congregational Election Last Sunday, September 20
 Last Sunday, September 20, via Zoom teleconference the congregation elected Elders and Deacons in the Class of 2023 and Church Officer Nominating Committee at-large members for 2021. The seven nominees for the new Designated Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (DAPNC) were also elected. We are grateful to the Church Officer Nominating Committee members for their prayerful recommendation of these leaders. Thank you to our membership for participation in the congregational meeting and for strong support of those who have been elected. Please keep them in your prayers for God’s guidance in their new and continuing roles.
Giving Options
Please continue to mail your contributions to us at the church or donate online. Your gifts make a great difference during this challenging season.

Online: If you are interested in giving electronically through our secure e-giving process, please visit and select the online giving button.

Texting: Are you interested in the convenience of contributing by text message? Text FPC2050 to 73256 to donate via text. Standard rates may apply.

Mail In: During this time when the church campus is closed, all mail, including contribution checks, securely arrive to our church office.
Peace and Global Witness Offering
 A gift to the Peace and Global Witness Offering supports the efforts of the church at every level and provides witness to God’s gift of peace in the world. Gifts to the offering are divided in the following manner: 25% is retained by FPC Sarasota for support of our own peacemaking ministry and 25% is used to support presbytery and synod peacemaking efforts. The remaining 50% is forwarded to the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program to be used to advocate for peace and justice.

Our church’s 25% portion will be
sent to Second Chance, Last Opportunity in the Newtown area of Sarasota. We will receive this special offering on World Communion Sunday, October 4.
We hope everyone will participate with generous giving.
Remembering Our Church Family in Prayer
Thank you for upholding members of our congregation with special prayer needs during this time. Click on the attached link for a complete list:

The next blood drive is Sunday, December 6—mark your calendar!
First Presbyterian Preschool GROWING STRONG
We have had an amazing first three weeks of the Grow Strong campaign. Over $15,000 has been given to First Presbyterian Preschool.
The staff and the families are very grateful to the individuals and families who have contributed to our preschool community. 
We still have a long way to go. If you have not had the opportunity to donate, please consider how you can help offset the anticipated decrease in needed income due to lowered enrollment this fall (from the impact of COVID-19). You can be a part of helping our preschool continue to GROW STRONG with gifts over-and-above your regular church offering.
For online donations, use the weblink below. Thank you again for keeping our church / preschool community STRONG!

Grace and peace,

Clare Carter, Preschool Director
We’re Here for You!
The FPC care team, Stephen Ministers, deacons, elders and church staff want you to know we are here for you. Please feel free to reach out to Cheryl Track, faith community nurse (941) 320-3828 if we can be of support to you.

Hurricane Preparedness
We are in the midst of Hurricane season. Be sure to check your hurricane supplies and fine tune your evacuation plans.

For information and resources check out Sarasota County Emergency Services.