Isabel Cosio Carballo
Executive Director
Mario Bailey, Chair
~ Leaving A Legacy ~
In Memoriam
Jack Osterholt
(1949 – 2021)
SFRPC Executive Director
1986 - 1991
and December 2010 to July 2011
Miami-Dade County Deputy Mayor, 2011 - 2020
Congressman Alcee Hastings
(1936 – 2021)
U.S. House of Representatives
1993 - 2021
District Court, 1979 - 1989
Florida's 17th District Court, 1977 - 1979
South Florida & Treasure Coast Regional Planning Councils Met in Joint Session
The South Florida and Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (RPCs) met in Joint Session virtually via GoToMeeting on Friday, March 19th at 10:00 a.m. The Joint Workshop was co-chaired by Councilmember Mario J. Bailey, Chair of the South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC), and The Honorable Jeff Hmara, Vice Mayor of the Village of Royal Palm Beach, Chair of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC).
The Councils received important updates on Everglades Restoration, Water Supply and Infrastructure, Economic Opportunity, the Central and South Florida Control Project (C&SF) and Resilience Study, and legislative matters. Special guests included:
Drew Bartlett, Executive Director of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD)
Dane Eagle, Executive Director of the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity
Michael Davis, Sr. Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer, WGI
Jennifer Reynolds, Director of Ecosystem Restoration (U.S. ACOE, Lt. Col ret), SFWMD
Jennifer Leeds, PMP, Bureau Chief, Ecosystem Restoration Planning, SFWMD
Jennifer L. Jurado, Ph.D., Deputy Director & Chief Resiliency Officer, Broward County
Bradley Macek, Utility Systems Director, City of Port St. Lucie
and Donna M. Rhoden, City of Port St. Lucie
2021 American Rescue Plan ~ Resources
Provided for your reference, the newly released American Rescue Plan Federal Investment Guide issued by the U.S. Conference of Mayors along with NACO’s legislative analysis for Counties under ARPA. They are both good summary documents to share with your economic development stakeholders.
COVID Economic Recovery ~ Resources
The SFRPC is expanding its economic development COVID-response activities including technical assistance, and enhancing regional planning, collaboration, and intergovernmental coordination among local governments.
In August 2020 the SFRPC was awarded an EDA CARES Act Supplemental grant to enable the Council to help the region prepare for, prevent, and respond to existing and future impacts by expanding its economic development COVID-response activities. These response activities include technical assistance, and enhancing regional planning, collaboration, and intergovernmental coordination among local governments, economic development organizations, the business community, and other key stakeholders.
Financial Assistance ~ During a Pandemic
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration is partnering with the South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC) to oversee and administer a new $5.9 million CARES ACT Business Revolving Loan Fund program that will alleviate sudden and severe economic dislocation caused by the coronavirus in Monroe, Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties. Designated a U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development District in 1994, the SFRPC welcomes this new program into its lending portfolio as it continues to expand its economic development activities.
Are you in need of financial assistance
to help your small or medium sized business
recover from the COVID pandemic?
Please take a few minutes and tell us how we can help you.
How to Get Flood Policy Discounts in 2022
When: May 11, 2021
Time: 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Where: Virtual
The Honorable
Michelle Coldiron
Mayor, Monroe County
SFRPC Council Member
Due to Monroe County’s efforts over the past five years in the voluntary Community Rating System (CRS), most of the nearly 14,400 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policyholders in unincorporated Monroe County are expected to receive new automatic CRS premium discounts of 35 percent beginning April 1, 2022.
Unincorporated Monroe County will join a very elite group of other communities in a Class 3 or lower designation, hoping to situate itself and county citizens for upcoming FEMA risk rating related to the cost of flood insurance.. The County is also underway with resiliency planning, including sea level rise modeling, analysis of SLR on capital/critical facilities and infrastructure, roads elevation and drainage study, and creation of SLR adaptation action areas, to govern public infrastructure and private development.
Join the webinar on May 11, 2021 from 1:30m – 3:00pm,
hosted by the South Florida Regional Planning Council,
and learn how this was achieved, lessons learned, best practices, and how you can apply these efforts to benefit your communities.
For more information,
please call:
DEP Publishes Notice of Sea Level Impact Projection
DEP Publishes Notice of Proposed Rule for Rule 62S-7,
F.A.C.: Sea Level Impact Projection (SLIP) Studies
for State-Financed Coastal Construction
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has published the Notice of Proposed Rule for Rule 62S-7, F.A.C.: Sea Level Impact Projection (SLIP) Studies for State-Financed Coastal Construction. This notice and additional information can be found at the Florida Resilient Coastlines Program and in the Florida Administrative Register.
Pursuant to rule-development protocol, the public has the option of requesting a public hearing. If a public hearing is requested, it will be held virtually on April 26, 2021.
Florida's 2021 - 2025 Strategic Highway Safety Plan
Our collaborative effort has resulted in a statewide plan that provides a framework for eliminating fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. This SHSP:
- Introduces the Safe System approach, which acknowledges that humans make mistakes, the human body is vulnerable, and that we should design and operate our transportation system to ensure that if crashes do occur they do not result in serious human injury.
- Recognizes the complexity of crashes and categorizes emphasis areas into three components: roadway; road user, including demographics and mode of travel; and road user behavior.
- Expands our strategies beyond the 4Es of traffic safety: Engineering, Education, Enforcement, and Emergency Response to include the 4Is: Information Intelligence, Innovation, Insight into Communities, and Investments and Policies.
Thank you to all who participated in updating the SHSP, including the Florida Transportation Plan Steering Committee and its Safety Subcommittee, Florida’s Traffic Safety Coalitions, metropolitan planning organizations, other safety partners, and the public.
Achieving zero takes everyone working together. None of us can do this alone, but we can all do something. Together, we can make progress each year – and together, we can achieve our vision of zero.
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
As part of the Council’s responsibility to maintain the region’s CEDS document, Council Staff is organizing a CEDS Strategy Committee to formulate an approach for revitalizing the economic development strategy of the region and guide economic development investment by identifying the most significant needs of the region and incorporating the new recommendations from the Economic Development Administration to increase the focus on economic resiliency and Opportunity Zones. The 2022-2027 CEDS document is to be submitted to EDA by September 2022.
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Regional Broadband Workshop
The South Florida Regional Planning Council, in partnership with the Florida Office of Broadband at the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), hosted a workshop on February 9, 2021 that included leaders from various sectors of the region, including Economic Development, Small Business Development, and Community Organizations, Colleges/Universities, K-12 Education, Private Businesses, Local Governments, and Internet Service Providers.
The input gathered during the meeting will help direct the Office of Broadband in understanding the regional availability and accessibility of broadband internet in the region, ultimately assisting in the design of state programs and resources for broadband adoption, deployment, expansion, and resiliency. The information shared during the workshops will also be used in the development of the Florida Strategic Plan for Broadband.
Florida Statewide Evacuation
Study Program
Council Staff continues working with the Northeast Florida Regional Council and the other eight Florida RPCs to continue the efforts of the RPCs and the Florida Department of Emergency Management (FDEM) in the Statewide Regional Evacuation Study Program. Recent accomplishments of the study include updating baseline demographic and economic GIS data inputs for FDEM’s evacuation model, called Transportation Interface for Modeling Evacuations (TIME). Council Staff is coordinating with regional County Emergency Managers to review the inputs and results of the FDEM model and update the region’s Operational Scenarios if necessary. Further, Council Staff is hosting regional County Emergency Managers for a presentation of the draft Behavioral Analysis update, which is led by a consultant team of Cambridge Systematics and the University of Central Florida. Council Staff will continue working with the working group to finalize the Evacuation Study and post the Study information on an online dashboard instead of a long-form report as done previously. The project will conclude June 2022.
Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization’s COVID-19 Travel Behavior Trend Analysis
Council Staff continues its partnership with the Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization with its ongoing COVID-19 Travel Behavior Trend Analysis. In its analysis, the Council is assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on commuters’ travel patterns in the Miami-Dade County by comparing pre-and-post lock down traffic movement for passenger vehicles and freight vehicles, vehicular travel volumes, transit ridership volumes, bicycle and pedestrian movement activity volumes and patterns, hotel bookings, airport enplanements, as well as seaport embarkations/debarkation and other data as available. The goal of the effort is to understand the impact the pandemic has had on travel patterns and the transportation network and project forward how behavior shifts may impact long-term mobility trends in the future. This project will conclude in June 2021.
The SFRPC announces the recent promotions of
Ms. Christina Miskis, MURP, and Mr. Mark Cassidy, MRP
Ms. Christina Miskis, MURP, has been promoted to the position of Senior Planner. Christina leads regional mobility and resilience initiatives, working closely work with the South Florida Regional Transportation Authority, the Miami-Dade TPO, Broward MPO, and other organizations on aligning transit and land use planning.
Mr. Mark Cassidy, MRP, has been promoted to the position of Economic Development and Research Manager. He leads staff efforts in economic development planning, research, GIS, and data analysis. Prior to joining the SFRPC family, Mark served the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council for over two years as a part-time economic development planner.
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Next Council Meeting:
Monday, April 26, 2021 at 10:30 a.m.