October Newsletter

Dear Church Family,

I’m so thankful for the promise of resurrection--the promise that it’s already started. Sometimes I think Christians relegate the good news of resurrection to “end of human life” good news. It’s nice to know, when we breathe our last, that we live on, somehow, in the God of resurrection--the God of life after death.  

But the good news of resurrection wasn’t just some sort of good news for life after death. Resurrection was good news for right now! We are already a resurrection people. The spirit that raised Jesus from the grave to live life on this earth again is raising you up now, while you’re still on the earth. You are raised, already, to live new life on the earth--fearless, love-filled, radical lives.  

This country needs resurrected people right now. We need resurrected people who will challenge sell-out religiosity that has co-opted the name Christianity. We need resurrected people who will defend the oppressed. We need resurrected people who will tear the mighty from their thrones.  

Let us be shaped by Christ Jesus and by the kingdom of God that Christ claimed to be implementing. Let us stand up, boldly, against any expression of politics or community that is an affront to the “last are first” way of the kingdom of God. 

The Peace of Christ to you,

Pastor Seth


Outdoor Worship and Education Hour

Our regularly scheduled in-person, COVID-conscious worship service looks to be met with beautiful weather this Sunday, October 4. We worship at 10:00am in front of the church (on South 2nd Ave). We will livestream the service to our Facebook page, and will upload the video to our church website by 12:00pm.

We also hold education classes for ages Pre-K through Adults, featuring outdoor "classrooms" under tents outside the front of the church. We invite all who feel comfortable gathering in-person to come and participate with the family.
Children and Youth

Middle School & High School Youth Group

If you'd like to be included on the junior and/or senior high mailing list, please send Pastor Terry an email terryjon.stokes@gmail.com
If you use google calendar and would like access to the Fall schedule of events, please reach out to Pastor Terry.
In addition to the weekly youth group and Sunday school, we'll be having a service opportunity (gardening with Emily Wilkes) on Oct 17 and a bowling night on Oct 24. More details to come, so stay tuned!

Sunday School

Sunday school continues outdoors from 9:00 - 9:50 a.m. each Sunday in October. Come join us under tents in the side yard for a time of Bible stories, prayers and outdoor activities as we grow and learn together. Please reach out to Pastor Terry for questions about Middle and High school Sunday school and to Wendy Jager with any questions about pre-school - 5th grade Sunday school. In order to protect each other and ourselves, masks are worn at all times during Sunday school.

Kids in the Cave

Kids in the Cave Youth Group will meet on October 18 from 11:30 - 1:30 p.m. in the church yard. If you are in 4th or 5th grade come join us for a pizza lunch and games outdoors for our October meeting. Please reach out to Lara Arp or Wendy Jager if you have any questions. In order to protect each other and ourselves, masks are worn at all times during KITC events.

First Voices Choir Returns!

Starting October 7th, outside, Pastor Seth and Pastor Amos will begin to again offer singing for our youngest kids. We’ll be holding First Voices Choir from 5:30-6:00pm, just before Gospel Choir.  
Connecting With God

Sanctuary Open for Prayer and Meditation

Just because we cannot worship together indoors at this time doesn't mean you cannot enjoy the quiet and sacred space of RCHP's beautiful sanctuary. Church members have signed up to "staff" an open sanctuary during the following days and times. Please come by and sit quietly to connect with God mid-week in a sacred space.

Mondays: 5:30 to 6:30pm
Tuesdays: 5:30 to 6:30pm
Wednesdays: 12:00 to 1:00pm
Thursdays: 12:00 to 1:00pm
Fridays: 1:30 to 2:30pm

Morning Prayer on Zoom

Since March 15th RCHP has offered a morning time of prayer, reflection and care. All are invited to this zoom gathering, which occurs at 9am. You can reach it by going to https://www.rchighlandpark.org/ and clicking on the picture of the Dove that says “Time Together Online”

Adult Education Opportunities During Covid-19

RCHP has not slowed down its opportunities for adult bible study during Covid-19.  

Tuesday morning, 6:45am, join Joe Livingston and Pastor Seth. Call Seth for more details.

Wednesday morning, 7:45am, join Pastor Seth and a group of 7-10 outside in front of the sanctuary.

Wednesday evening??, If you’d like to see an in-person bible study form on Wednesdays, around 5pm, please let us know. We could provide leadership for such a group.

Sunday mornings, 9am, Each week adults are gathering from 9am-10am, during the Sunday School Hour, for fantastic discussions. For October we’ll continue exploring the concept of the Kingdom of God, as it is described in the gospels and letters.
Connecting With One Another

Nature Hikes at RCHP!

One of the greatest ways to enjoy each other’s company, and still remain socially distanced, is to walk together in the woods. RCHP’s nature hikes are excellent events for people of all ages.  

October 10th: Join us at 9am in the church parking lot. We’ll be walking in Rutgers Preserve.

November 14th: Join us for a walk in Hellier Woods at Rutgers Gardens

December 12th: A Walk in ‘the Meadows of HP’, decorating the woods with edible Christmas ornaments for the Animals

SAVE THE DATE! Outdoor Holiday Bazaar - Saturday, October 24th, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

This year , in lieu of our mid-November Holiday Bazaar, we’ll be holding a fall bazaar, outside the church. Come and mingle, outside, with church and community friends. Additionally, Who is My Neighbor will be leading a "music walk" to coincide with the bazaar. Stay tuned - more details to come!

Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"

All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry caca98@aol.com for more information and for a Zoom link.

"LitLovers" Reading Group

If you love reading and a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Turner cjteddpc@mac.com for more information and for a Zoom link.

Coffee & Conversation

Meets the 4th Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. All members of the LGBTQI community are welcome. For further info., email Nicci at niccispinazzola@gmail.com
Global Grace Garden
Serving and Working For Justice and Peace

Global Grace Garden Is Off to a Great Start!

Former RCHP seminary intern Emily Wilkes has been hired to start Global Grace Gardens for Interfaith-RISE! We are off to a great start. Though this garden is paid for through a grant for refugee resettlement, a central role of the garden is for community integration (pictured is Mr. Aloko, originally from Afghanistan). Please, if you are interested in working the land and meeting refugee friends reach out to Emily at emily@interfaithrise.org

Global Grace Cafe and Marketplace

The Cafe is open for take-out business, and, since Covid, we’ve been serving 80 hot meals a day to those in need in the community. Come and eat! Or, go to https://global-grace-marketplace-cafe.square.site/ to order online for yourself or to make a donation for us to serve those in need!

Support our effort to purchase fair trade goods from cooperatives around the globe! We are so proud to have our small business open through the pandemic. All day, M-F, you can come and buy coffee, chocolate and beautiful goods for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, house warming etc…You can also order refugee-made masks. Online shopping is a possibility! https://global-grace-marketplace-cafe.square.site/

Thrift Shop

RCHP’s Thrift Shop is going strong, with new hours . We are open M-F, 9-Noon, Sat 10-1 and Sunday Noon-2. Encourage anyone with need to come and get whatever they need for $3/bag. Also, we are always in need of more sorters and preparers of the space.

Voting Info + Need a ride to the polls?

If you are a citizen and you did NOT receive a ballot in the mail. it is NOT too late to register and get a ballot mailed to you. People who intend to vote and still need a ballot must register by Oct. 13.
If you received a ballot in the mail and have not yet returned it, FILL IT OUT TODAY and put it in the mail, OR drop it into the nearest ballot drop box. 
If you are planning instead to go to the polls on Nov 3, BRING WITH YOU the ballot that came to you in the mail! That is the only way the Board of Elections can be sure that you did not already vote by mail.
A GREAT RESOURCE for all you need to know about registering for and voting by mail or in person is the NJ Voter Info Portal, which includes info on drop box locations.
NEED A RIDE TO THE POLLS? Please send an email to missionjusticerchp@gmail.com


Walk-A-Thon: Interfaith-RISE will hold its 6th Annual Walk-A-Thon on November 8th! With masks and social distancing we’ll complete our annual journey around Highland Park, from 2pm-4pm--stopping to meet newly arrived friends, to hear updates about new I-RISE programs and to remain enthusiastic about resettlement in Central NJ. Join us for a beautiful day that helps us have the funds available to support new arrivals! Visit interfaithrise.org to donate.

Interfaith-RISE has its next monthly meeting at noon on October 15th, via zoom. Visit the website to sign up for regular newsletter communication from our own refugee resettlement agency http://www.interfaithrise.org/


As tensions rise as we near the election, and as immigration enforcement continues to be a politicized issue, our church expects to be called to the safety and protection of immigrants once again. If you are a fluent spanish speaker, and you’d like to learn about being a dispatcher for the DIRE Hotline, please reach out to Pastor Seth at seth.kaperdale@gamil.com

Black Community Watchline

In September RCHP participated in the launch of a new hotline, set up by local black leaders and allies, that will give black people and other minorities a place to convey experiences of racial violence. The number is 1-888-300-8105. Please watch this news coverage to learn more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DunV6RnZC0s Also, you can find BCW at https://www.facebook.com/BCWatchline/
Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times

Latina Support Group

This new group meets every Tuesday via Zoom from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm and is designed to create a safe space for Hispanic & Latina women. Our goal for this group is to build connections as we navigate living in a new country, raising kids, or simply the challenges we face day-to-day as women. You MUST register prior to the meeting date to save a space, as capacity is limited to 10 per session (18 years and older). Please contact Andrea Mendez (moderator) at 732-470-0358

Online Grief Support Group

A new RCHP Grief Support Group is currently forming and will meet on Tuesdays from 7-8p.m. on Oct. 27, Nov. 24 & Dec. 22. If you would like to learn more about this group, please reach out to Kristy Lauricella at kristylauricella@gmail.com or Nicci Spinazzola at niccispinazzola@gmail.com

Trauma-Informed Care for Socially Engaged Communities

Church Based Mental Health Services is pleased to sponsor a two-part (virtual) workshop on Trauma Informed Care for professional staff and non-professional volunteers on October 7 and October 14, from 9:30 to 11:30am. Please email Carol Turner at cjteddpc@mac.com to learn more about the training or to register for the Zoom link.

Pastoral Care

The past 6 months have been trying for all of us. If you feel you’ve needed more pastoral care please don’t hesitate to reach out to us! seth.kaperdale@gmail.com, and stephanie.kaperdale@gmail.com are the best ways to get lined up to have regular or occasional care visits.

Church Based Mental Health

Asking for help is a sign of strength. Call our Warmline for free non-crisis confidential mental health care (866) 777-2380 Email: ayuda@improvingNJ.org www.NJCommunityMentalHealth.org

Bereavement Calendar for October

The following names have been offered for remembrance in October 2020:

Marie Lavelle, Beloved Mother, 
and Tim Lavelle, Beloved Brother of Lisa Berman

Kathy Beszterczie, Beloved Mother of George Beszterczie

Edward Francis Corcoran, Beloved Brother of Frank Corcoran

Sharlene Petersen, Beloved Mother of Kathleen Malkiewicz

Wayne Molnar, Beloved Brother of Joan Molnar-Schafer

Jean deKoster, Beloved Sister of Cecilia Rowedder

If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349.

Many of you know Kathi from the thrift shop, but she has also volunteered for the HP Community Food Pantry for quite a few years now. On Sept. 24th, Kathi was presented with the Feeding Middlesex County Hunger Hero Award for her selfless and tireless service to the pantry clients of HP. Congratulations, Kathi - an award well deserved!
Kathi & Award
Kathi accepting her award on Piscataway Local Access TV
And last but not least...........
Celebrating the marriage of Jenny and Damian - congratulations and blessings on their union!
Retaining wall
If walls could talk......many a conversation has happened here, along with little ones practicing their balancing skills. Thanks to the Property Committee for overseeing the repair of this retaining wall!