Tidbits Session 11

Dear Community,

this weeks Tidbit Session is in English, with German translation . Please log in to my website and find my newest tidbit  here . Password: Tidbits108.

Dharma Talk
How can we deal with the tendency to sabotage ourselves and instead become our own best friend and ally and take our health/business/and practice seriously?


Greetings from Portugal where I’ve had some days of deep rest and rejuvenation. 

I am amazed at how effective resting really is and I suspect that much of how we sabotage ourselves could be avoided, if we just got enough rest.

What are your ways of sabotaging yourself when it comes to your practice or business or health?
Giving yourself some time to rest and play, will restore you in ways you can’t imagine and it will make you way more effective in the long run. 
Listen to my newest Dharma Talk here (link) and learn more.

Take a look at the Copaiba in the text and video - it’s well worth your time to study up on it. 

Copaiba is a must. For me it has been literally a life saver, as it has helped me to actually sleep! You can have all the intention of resting, but if you can’t sleep, you will exhaust your deeper stores of Prana, and that is not good, especially for Vata people.

Watch this little VIDEO to learn more.

The endocannabinoid system  regulates the endocrine system and is the overall function for balance.The endocrine system is responsible for immunity, pain and inflammation. Receptors consist of CB1 and CB2 which are all over the body. CB1 receptors are in the brain and are responsible for appetite, nausea, hot and cold receptors and the reward center. The CB2 receptors are in the body.
CBD is in cannabis but it's NOT psychoactive.

Copaiba is a great as an alternative to Cannabis (or in conjunction with it - I take the Copaiba in the morning and the CBD in the evening) it's calming for the nervous system and I take one drop under the tongue.

It is also great for the skin and you can add it to any of your cremes (with lavender or Ylang Ylang) for example. 

On an emotional level Copaiba asks - who can I be?
Worthiness, self-aware, clarity, purposeful existence, helps you realign when you're feeling scattered and when you need abundance.

Happy resting!