St. Louis Catholic School
July 22, 2020

Dear St. Louis Families,

As many of you saw yesterday, Fairfax County Public Schools announced a change in their reopening plans as many of the other local counties have also done. I just want to reiterate that St. Louis’ plans at this time remain the same for our reopening. We do not follow the county decisions for COVID-related responses. St. Louis Catholic School follows the directives issued by the Diocese of Arlington Office of Catholic Schools and the Governor of Virginia as outlined in his “Forward Virginia” phased reopening plan. I will continue to monitor the state and local health directives, and if there is a need for a change to our plan, I will notify you in a timely manner.
Thank you to the many families (approximately 75%) who have already shared your enrollment preference for your child for the 2020-2021 school year. Please note that according to our plan for reopening at 6 feet, I can only place 18 students in a classroom per day. While I do understand everyone feels essential and is trying to balance work with child care and educational needs, it is imperative that we partner together to allow for some in-person instruction to safely happen. I do appreciate those who have reached out and shared their personal circumstances as well as the fact that others have indicated flexibility. Creativity and flexibility will go a long way in helping to get everyone into the building safely for as many days as we can do so while adhering to the state phased opening requirements in addition to the guidelines set forth by the CDC.
As a reminder, July 28th is the cut-off day for your response. After that, I will place your family where I have space. I am grateful for the outpouring of support to St. Louis School and to the faculty and staff—we are truly blessed to have an outstanding Hawk community.
Continued prayers for all of you.
Anne Dyke
Re-opening Plan Q&A with Mrs. Dyke