Dear friends and fellow disciples,

What a wonderful day Sunday was! We gathered and gave thanks, rejoiced and remembered. Here are a few of the remembrances folks shared on the walls of the Fellowship Hall.
You can enjoy great photos from the day here . Thanks to Dorene Palermo for sharing her photography talents and documenting Westminster history in the making.

If you weren't able to be with us last Sunday, we encourage you to stop by the Fellowship Hall to add your message to the wall and enjoy what other members of the WPC family have written as well.  We'll leave the Fellowship Hall unlocked during business hours this week and on Sunday morning for you.
Grateful to be on the journey with you ,
PS: I am away on vacation through July 28. The Rev. Paul Ransford and the Rev. Carrie Tuttle are the pastors on call through July 20, while Associate Pastor Alex Stayer-Brewington is at Montreat with the youth. If you have a pastoral care need during this time, please contact the church office, and Barb Schmidt will contact the on-call pastors for you. Alex will return from Montreat and be available for pastoral care July 21-28.