Congratulations to Wendy, our Cataloger!

Congratulations to Wendy Wood on her retirement, after 40 years of serving Somerville's library users!
Upcoming Programs

Tuesday, September 22 at 11 am, on Zoom (with meeting link)
During this workshop you will learn how to create your own website in Wix. Learn to navigate; make pages and posts; add photos; and customize the appearance of your website. Students will also explore how to create contact forms, custom menus, photo galleries, how to add additional users and integrate social media on your website. This workshop is in collaboration with the Somerville Media Center and will be taught by Tim Devin, our Technology Librarian.

Wednesday, September 30 at 6 pm, on Zoom (with meeting link)
Join us for a book talk with local Somerville author Rosemarie Day! Day is the founder and CEO of Day Health Strategies, a successful, mission-driven, woman-owned consulting firm. An expert on health reform, she was the founding COO of the Massachusetts Health Connector.  She is the author of the book,  Marching Toward Coverage: How Women Can Lead the Fight for Universal Healthcare (Beacon Press, 2020). 

First Session on Friday, October 9 at 4:30 pm, on Zoom (with meeting link)
Marcos Santos, a contemporary percussionist, educator, and creator of Grooversity will be leading three FREE thirty minute remote drumming sessions. 

Recommended for grades 4-6. Participants will pick up kits from the East Branch. Limited kits available, please register early! Register with Marita at

Week of September 24 through 30, on Zoom
 We're excited to participate in Climate Prep Week, hosted by Communities Responding to Extreme Weather! Virtual events are being held all across Massachusetts, the theme this year is the intersections of climate resilience, racial justice, and social resilience.

Want to help out your Somerville community? Take part in the Keep Cool Somerville PhotoVoice by taking the survey and submitting a photo or drawing of what you're doing to keep cool. This project is a part of the Somerville Heat Health Assessment & Toolkit, a collaborative project between The City of Somerville and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council.

Our Favorite Banned Books
September Recommendations

Banned Book Week is September 27 through October 3. Here are some of our favorite banned books.

by Angie Thomas

Marita says that this book is especially timely. The story of a black teenager whose good friend is killed by police right in front of her.

Recommended by Marita, Head of East Branch
Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart

The book tells the stories of two unique and inspiring teenagers who find themselves and each other. Lily is a transgender girl and Dunkin a boy with bipolar disorder. 

Recommended by Annamarie, Children's Librarian

A Separate Peace by John Knowles

A realistic portrayal of an intense adolescent friendship, along with the potential that all such passionate friendships carry for loyalty, betrayal, admiration, jealousy, love, and pain.

Recommended by Jim, Head of Circulation
The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald

 This poignant novel about the clash of illusion with reality is a cautionary tale of the American Dream. In 1987 students at the Baptist College in Charleston, South Carolina, asked it be removed from required reading lists for "language and sexual references."

Recommended by Kevin,
Head of Reference

Meghan says: "I read it on the cusp of puberty and it sparked many conversations with my mother and peers about the looming prospects ahead (none of us wanted our bodies to morph into womanhood). I was amazed there was such a book. I was equally amazed and relieved to learn about the 'belts' that had to be worn as part of your sanitary 'kit' - so thankful that was something of the past."

Recommended by Meghan, Children's Librarian
Drama by Raina Telgemeier
Fantastic graphic novel about a middle school drama production.
Recommended by Alison, Children's Librarian

by Shel Silverstein

Challenged many times over the years, Kerry's favorite reason is because it "encourages children to break dishes so they won't have to dry them." Oh, and it glorifies cannibalism. 

Recommended by Kerry, Reference Librarian
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
Heidi's favorite reason why this series was banned was 
because reading it could cause actual spirits to be conjured!
Recommended by Heidi, Reference Librarian

Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss

Mary's favorite 'story' about a banned book is that this book was challenged in 2014, because it encouraged children to use violence towards fathers

Recommended by Mary, Reference Librarian

It's So Amazing!: a Book About Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies, and Familes by Robie Harris, illustrated by Michael Emberley
Much loved in Ellen's household. The full page illustration of a baby about to be born was a source of fascination.
Recommended by Ellen, Interim Head of Teen Services

Contactless Printing is Here!

We are offering contactless printing at all of our locations!
Email with the attached document, or link to a webpage that you would like printed.
We can print up to 20 pages per person, for free per day! We will attempt to process your request within 24 hours of receiving your email.
*Please be aware that requests received after 1 pm on Fridays may not be available until the following Monday.*
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