To Get to the Other Side.
Maybe stories are just data with a soul
-Brene Brown

Hi Fabric!
We are sure lucky to be woven deeply with the compassionate and creative Katy Schalla Lesiak and Bjorn Westgard. Thanks for an excellent podcast ! Who knew data could be three stranded? I bet the justice nerd Phillip Atiba Goff and the director of Urban Indian Health Institute in Seattle Abigail Echo-Hawk could convince you. I'm glad you're here and I greet you wholeheartedly however you are showing up.
Love, Maia
Choose the tools that fit you and your group best.

Get Started
  • Warm Up: Check in with your body. Take 2 minutes to be silent and move your body in whatever ways it tells you to. Feel free to turn your video off on zoom so you feel extra able to listen to your body.
  • Read through the Brave Space poem to set the tone for your group.
  • Check in! If your day was a graph, what would it's trajectory be? Today mine would start high with a delicious breakfast and great company, then taper off a little to a flatline of a pretty good, but not exciting day.
To Get to the Other Side - Episode 3: The Stories that Data Tell
Check out the Episode Page here .

Defining Data: What we call data is our modern way of seeing the parts of a whole bunch of stories at one time to understand patterns.

Before digging into initial thoughts about the podcast, get the whiteboard up on zoom and make a KWL chart. What do you K now about data, what do you W ant to know about data. Discuss, Share, and Listen to thoughts around this weeks podcast.

SOAP: Use the S.O.A.P. tool to connect the author Adrienne Maree Brown from Erin Tripolino's podcast a few weeks ago to this week's podcast.

But emergence notices the way small actions and connections create complex systems, patterns that become ecosystems and societies. Emergence is our inheritance as a part of this universe; it is how we change. Emergent strategy is how we intentionally change in ways that grow our capacity to embody the just and liberated worlds we long for. --Emergent Strategy pg 3

Story time: Just like tracking our health, we each get information from all the personal interactions we are a part of, and it’s worth asking questions about how we use that to make more meaning than the simple stories we’ve been “dealt”.

Tell your stories about the #homeworkpractice! Today and this week - notice times when your assumptions about something or someone turned out to be wrong. Pause for a moment to consider what the assumption was, what it was based on (gender? age? language? appearance?) Consider whether that assumption is something you want to carry forward with you.

Closing: Check in with your KWL chart on the whiteboard (or however you did it!) Share one thing you learned during this time to the L column.

I'll leave you with a little bit of how I think the poet William Blake saw data all around us:

To see a World in a Grain of Sand 
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower 
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand 
And Eternity in an hour
Mark your calendars for one of two Fabric Pop-Ups on Tuesday, July 28… one at 6:30pm and one at 7:30pm in a neighborhood near you! At each location, the Fabric Band will play a few songs and some general merriment will be had... lasting no more than 30 minutes. Physical distancing will be practiced. Watch for an email with more details, and a way to sign up for your spot!
Please check in this week here
Our communication cards and Sunday conversations have been a critical way for us to be a present, dynamic, responsive community. We miss that! Please share your needs, prayers, capacity or questions via the Virtual Communication Card this week sometime. Encourage your group to do the same. If you gather virtually as a group, take 5 minutes for everyone to do one.

Thank you!