New Ad Campaign Promotes New Adult Coverage in Southwest and Southside
Do you live or work in the Southwest or Southside regions of Virginia? If so, you might be hearing radio ads, seeing ads on social media, or noticing some new billboards driving Virginians to text COVER to 268782, or go to

There is a new marketing campaign that aims to connect Virginians newly-eligible for Medicaid to Application Assisters in their communities for 1:1 help obtaining health insurance from Medicaid. The message makes the point that their tax dollars help pay for the program.

Know someone needing 1:1 application assistance in Southside or Southwest Virginia? Go to to find help. For 1:1 help in other parts of the state, go to  

The campaign, funded by a generous gift from Optima Health, will run through October. 

Registration Open for Fall SignUpNow Workshops!
SignUpNow is back on the road! Check out to find a SUN training near you! 

SignUpNow teaches the “ins and outs” of the eligibility requirements, application procedures, and post-enrollment information for Virginia’s Medicaid and FAMIS programs:
  • New adult coverage
  • Programs for children and pregnant women
  • Plan First (family planning)
  • Low Income Families and Children (LIFC) program

SignUpNow participants will be able to provide hands-on assistance to individuals and families who want to apply for Medicaid or FAMIS. 

Need a refresher, or can’t make it to a face-to-face workshop? SignUpNow’s online, on-demand training is now LIVE here. Those who complete the online training modules are welcome to attend a live training, too.

Help Promote the New Medicaid Health Insurance!
The Virginia Health Care Foundation ( VHCF) is on the lookout for stories highlighting the value of Virginia’s new Medicaid health insurance for adults. If you know someone who has benefited from the new Medicaid ( for example: someone who has gotten diagnosis and treatment for an injury, medical or behavioral health condition, or needed medicines), we’d love to meet them!

Why? Stories of real enrollees are a powerful tool for communicating with newly-eligible adults, to let them know that Virginia’s Medicaid rules have changed. Click here for an example.

Although Virginia has enrolled more than 312,000 newly-eligible adults, 100,000 Virginians remain eligible and not yet enrolled. Some may not know that they now qualify for Medicaid, especially if they have been denied in the past. Others might think the new Medicaid is “too good to be true!”

Sharing a story takes only two minutes, and can make a big impact! Please click here to share information about an adult who has benefited from the new Medicaid health insurance. It would be great to receive it by September 20. We’ll follow up and do the rest!