COVID-19 Creates Another Excuse to Use Cells of Aborted Fetuses

by CRTL Contributor - Monica Justin, J.D.
On May 3 rd of this year, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò published a letter, " Appeal for the Church and the World — to Catholics and to those of goodwill , ”discussing the various infringements of fundamental human rights due to the current pandemic. [1] Archbishop Viganò urges the public to be vigilant of these infringements and take a stand against governments favoring these violations of fundamental human rights. Cleveland Right to Life, leading the way, is one of the original signatories on the appeal along with other Church leaders, medical specialists, legal experts, scholars, and other professionals. 

Archbishop Viganò noted the seriousness of this pandemic but censured motivations based on commercial and political interests. He warned governments and leaders to be ready to take action against companies that would take advantage of the COVID-19 crisis just for their profits. The Archbishop reminded leaders and the Catholic community of the moral duty to spurn the development and use of aborted fetal tissue in vaccines. 

A technology called PER C6, developed in the 1980s derived from fetal tissue, was recently found within the British vaccine development. [2]  Unfortunately, another pharmaceutical company has reported using this technology in their development of a vaccine.

Johnson and Johnson [3] , through Janssen Pharmaceutical, discussed the use of this technology during their attempts at creating a vaccination for COVID-19. One of their scientists derived it, years ago, from the retina tissue of a fetus. [4]

The COVID-19 pandemic caused the loss of many freedoms conferred to people as basic rights that should not be interfered with in any situation. As the Archbishop warned, there is another underlying interest, which lies with the abortion industry and its supporters.

It is imperative to stop this process at its beginning, by informing others and refusing to participate in the trials of these developmental vaccines that have used these technologies derived from aborted human fetuses.

[3] COVID19 Vaccine Makers Using Aborted Fetal Cells - Vaccine Impact - Republished the Children of God For Life
--This time it’s Janssen Pharmaceutical, owned by Johnson and Johnson, that is using their PER C6 Ad5 technology, derived from an aborted baby’s retinal tissue. Dr. Alex van der Eb revealed the information on this abortion at FDA hearings in 2001.

The information it is on page 77 and 91 of the transcript:
"whereas the PER.CG cell was made by Ron Bout and Frits Fallaux in 1995 from an embryonic retina cultures that were made from fetal tissue by me ten years before that, in 1985" p.77
“So I isolated retina from a fetus, from a healthy fetus as far as could be seen, of 18 weeks old. There was nothing special with a family history or the pregnancy was completely normal up to the 18 weeks, and it turned out to be a socially indicated abortus – abortus provocatus, and that was simply because the woman wanted to get rid of the fetus… what was written down was unknown father, and that was, in fact, the reason why the abortion was requested.” p91

Cleveland Right to Life Contributor: Monica Justin, J.D. --  Monica Justin graduated and received her Juris Docor (JD) from Western Michigan University Thomas M Cooley Law School in 2016. She is currently working on her Legal Master's degree (LLM), and her focus is on International Human Rights. She believes the right to life applies to the unborn and should cancel out abortion completely. She is also an active member of Young Catholic Professionals and The Collaborative to End Human Trafficking.