Numbers 14: 2 - 4
2 All the Israelites criticized Moses and Aaron. The entire community said to them, “If only we had died in the land of Egypt or if only we had died in this desert! 3 Why is the Lord bringing us to this land to fall by the sword? Our wives and our children will be taken by force. Wouldn’t it be better for us to return to Egypt?” 4 So they said to each other, “Let’s pick a leader and let’s go back to Egypt.”
Thank you for joining us in worship!
If you are interested in hearing more about Avondale, please take a moment to fill out our Next Steps form!
Our next new member/inquirer class starts soon!
December 6th and 13th / 10:30AM - 12:30PM on Zoom
Sign-up using the link below!
We look forward to hearing from you and the opportunity to share how God is working through the Avondale community!
Children's Moment
Parents, read over the lesson below and use it to stir conversation as a family!
In our scripture today we hear the Israelite's fussing at Moses and Aaron. Do you know why they are so upset?
They are afraid and filled with worry! They are worried they will not have enough food and afraid they will not have shelter and a safe place to live and care for their families.
What have you been worrying about? What do you do with your worries?
Instead of keeping your worries to yourself, share them with someone you trust and spend some time talking to God about them. Tell Him what is on your mind and ask for help.
Guess what?
In todays Bible story, God goes on to provide for the Israelite's all that they need! He gives them plenty of food and brings them safely out of the desert. Remember, that just like the Israelite's, God loves you and knows exactly what you need!
Dear God, Thank you for always knowing what I need. Help me to remember that when I start to worry. Amen.
Today we join the Presbyterian Church, USA in celebrating the gifts and sacrifices of our caregivers. Please join us in prayer and celebration for those who give so freely of their time and talents to care for others.
God of compassion, as the heart of your son Jesus was broken by the needs of the vulnerable around him and your mercy extended through Christ’s healing care, so we recognize how Christ himself is present in the hands and hearts of caregivers. We give thanks for those who care so deeply beyond the bounds of family and friends that they give themselves to this high and holy work, serve strangers and put themselves at risk for the well-being of their community. Cover them with your grace and protect them by your power. Help those of us who benefit by their calling to see and support them with gratitude and justice; in the name of Jesus the Christ, amen. -Rev. Dr. Laurie A Kraus
If you know of any member concerns or needs, please email Jim.
Member Directory online...
Prayer Requests
Lee Ballard; Michael Booher; Terry Brodof; Ruby Cathey; Abigail Corriher; Cal Hamilton; Janet Harrison and family; James Higgs; Marilyn Nolan; Deidrea Pavlin; Floyd Privette; Sarah Sperry; Billy Stanley; Lyn Sweet and family; Tina Taylor; Gail Trippodo; Blake Wallen; Lynn Wilkerson.
Dear Avondale,
For many years, we have served as a warm and comfortable resting place for our homeless neighbors during the winter months, through the Room in the Inn program of the Urban Ministry Center (now Roof Above). Because of the pandemic, Room in the Inn will look different this year, but there will still be plenty of opportunities to help. In lieu of hosting neighbors in churches this year, Roof Above and the Salvation Army will be operating dedicated facilities providing emergency winter shelter for men, dorm housing for working men, and emergency winter shelter for women and families. In total, these facilities will provide more beds than in a typical Room in the Inn year, while operating in a safe and socially distanced way.
Roof Above seeks help from churches primarily through providing food and item donations (volunteers at the shelters will primarily be professional staff, for safety reasons). Avondale will continue our monthly "lunches for the homeless" ministry through the winter months. In addition, look for opportunities in the near future to make donations of needed supplies for our homeless neighbors.
Mission Ministry Team
Your Avondale Pledge
For those of you who contribute to your pledge through the offering plate on Sunday, there are many opportunities to fulfill your commitment including, mailing a check, PayPal or a one-time or reoccurring bank draft. Drafts can be setup or changed at anytime. Please contact Jacqueline for more information.
Using the link below, you may contribute to your 2020 pledge or make a gift to the church.
Submit your 2021 pledge card electronically!
Advent Walk at Avondale
Sundays beginning
Nov 29, 2020
Every Sunday during Advent from 4:30 to 6:30 PM, we hope you and your family will join us for an “Advent Walk.” We will have prayer stations, music, and a children’s activity tent on campus. Find Hope, Peace, Joy and Love at Avondale as you connect with your Avondale family and friends, in a safe/responsible manner, this Advent season. Stay tuned for more details including Mission opportunities and a fundraiser.
Every morning, Monday-Friday at 7 AM, we are joining on Zoom for a morning devotional and prayer. These last about 10 minutes with an opportunity for fellowship following. If you miss it, don't worry! A recording is available on Facebook and YouTube! The devotional follows along with Bob Goff's, "Live in Grace Walk in Love - A 365 Day Journey." The book is not required to participate. No sign-up necessary!
Start your day in community!