WILPF US e-newsletter. A monthly publication of the US Section of the
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

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October 18, 2019
National call-in day for HR-2419, help push for US policy changes in Cuba & Venezuela, WILPF national proposes program changes, World Beyond War Ireland conference report, Mary Hanson Harrison presents Food Sovereignty Prize, update on Yemen & Middle East tensions, Humboldt & Pittsburgh branch news, and MORE, in this month's eNews. 

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WILPF US is announcing a National Call-in Day to promote the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, on Friday, November 1, while our US Congress members are back in their local district offices.


The US government is increasing its attacks on Cuba and Venezuela and promoting policies intended to cause suffering. We are expanding WILPF's Cuba and the Bolivarian Alliance Issue Committee, and we hope WILPFers from across the country will join this important work.


The Holistic Committee, meeting since March to review program functioning, is proposing a new plan for more strategic program work. All WILPFers will have an opportunity to provide input into this proposed "Program 2.0."


World Beyond War's fourth annual conference in Limerick, Ireland, held October 5-6, 2019, included international speakers, reports from new WBW branches, and a protest at the Shannon Airport.


The Humboldt Branch had a busy few weeks in late September/early October, including two climate events and an International Day of Peace Celebration, and a meeting with our congressman.


Mary Hanson Harrison was part of the ceremony honoring this year's Food Sovereignty Prize winners, Urban Tilth and Plan Pueblo a Pueblo.


In the wake of the September drone attacks on Saudi Aramco oil facilities, the Middle East Committee urges WILPF members to call or write their elected officials asking for the U.S. to exercise restraint.


On October 12, WILPF Pittsburgh organized a showing of the documentary Scarred Lands & Wounded Lives: The Environmental Footprint of War, co-sponsored by the local Veterans for Peace and Izaak Walton League. A discussion was held after.


On September 24, 2019, the national board discussed membership development, WILPF's improved finances, and new proposed guidelines for issue committees that are already leading to greater activism.


Share your news and keep informed

Next eNews Deadline: Sunday, November 3
Submit stories and photos for the November eNews to [email protected]. Editor may not publish all stories submitted, including late submissions. For more information, contact Wendy McDowell at above address.

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Women's International League for Peace and Freedom/US Section
Friends House | PO Box 13075 | Des Moines, IA 50310 | 617-266-0999 | www.wilpfus.org