Views sought on Murray-Darling Basin water markets
The ACCC is calling on irrigators and other water market participants to share their views on the operation of water markets in the Murray-Darling Basin.
An issues paper has been released outlining the key issues the ACCC will consider in its Murray-Darling Basin water markets inquiry and a series of public forums are being held across the Basin during November. The forums are an opportunity for irrigators and other water market participants to provide information and make submissions to the ACCC inquiry in person, and the inquiry is keen to hear from a broad range of people and organisations with an interest in the use and trade of water in the Murray-Darling Basin.
The forums commenced yesterday and run until 29 November. Access the full list of dates and locations, along with links to the issues paper and submission information,
The Environment Minister has been sharing hers …
The Environment Minister has argued only people who have a "connection to farming" should be allowed to own water in the Murray-Darling Basin. Speaking on radio station 2GB, Sussan Ley, who represents the regional NSW seat of Farrer, said rules around water trading needed to change.
Passion: W2 Olives' owners Geoff and Jenny Masters at their olive grove after securing multiple gongs at the 2019 Australian Olive Association's conference. Picture: The Daily Advertiser.
One of Wagga's olive oil producers has beaten a number of heavyweights to secure a clean sweep of trophies in the extra virgin category at the 2019 Australian International Olive Awards. Held by the Australian Olive Association in Albury, the awards' judges gave W2Olives Wagga's Hardy's Mammoth EVOO product the Best of Show by rating it 96 out of 100.
Just one of the press articles on this year’s AIOA winners published since the results were announced. Great promotion for both the winners and our high quality local products.
Farmers in southern states reported the most difficulty with sourcing seasonal labour under the backpacker tax (ABC Gippsland: Laura Poole).
Farmers are not surprised by a Federal Court's decision on Wednesday, to overturn the controversial backpacker tax. The Federal Court in Brisbane ruled in favour of an international tax accounting company, US-based, which had mounted a legal challenge on behalf of British citizen Catherine Addy against the 15% tax on working holiday makers.
and since …
The shock court ruling won't see the scrapping of the federal government's unpopular backpacker tax, but it's an embarrassing defeat which industry says should spur reform to end the confusion which has dogged the horticulture sector since 2016.
Looking for medal-winning AEVOO? Or maybe you’ve got olive pits/seeds you don’t have a use for. We can help you hook up with your
target market!
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.
Australian olive oil is held to stricter standards than anywhere in the world. Photo: Shutterstock.
Licorice and sharks come to mind when I think of Australia. Extra virgin olive oil, not so much—but, as I recently learned, it should.
Great information on “why you can trust what's coming from the fine folks Down Under”.
Australian exporters have listed 30 trade barriers since Food Innovation Australia Limited (FIAL), the Export Council of Australia (ECA) and Industry Growth Centres collaborated to launch a new Trade Barriers Register (TBR) recently. The TBR was launched to better understand the challenges that impede the ability of Australian exporters to compete globally, and to assist them to overcome these.
Smart Farms Small Grants – round 3 now open
Grants of $5,000-$50,000 are now available under Round 3 of the Smart Farms Small Grants program.
The program funds organisations and individuals to undertake sustainable agriculture projects and build the capacity and capability to adopt best practice natural resource management methods. This will deliver more sustainable, productive and profitable agriculture, fishing, aquaculture and forestry industries, protect and improve the condition of natural resources, especially soils and vegetation, and assist in protecting Australia’s biodiversity.
2020 Farm Biosecurity Producer of the Year
Do you know an Australian biosecurity champion? If someone you know goes the extra mile to protect their property from diseases, pests and weeds, nominate them for the 2020 Farm Biosecurity Producer of the Year Award.
Our primary producers are on the front lines of the national biosecurity system and the everyday actions carried out on-farm are vital. The Farm Biosecurity Producer of the Year Award recognises excellence in on-farm biosecurity practices and the contributions made by producers to the wider biosecurity system.
Access more information and nomination forms
here and learn more about the Farm Biosecurity Program’s six on-farm biosecurity essentials at
Nominations close Friday 6 December.
Book now for WCOF 2020 Workshops
Registrations are filling fast, so book your place now for the WCOF 2020 Pre-Congress Workshops, part of the World Congress on Oils & Fats 2020. Being held in Sydney on 8-9 February 2020, workshop topics include: Optimum Frying – Practical and Theoretical Aspects, Infant Nutrition, The Mediterranean Diet and an Olive Masterclass.
31-Oct-2019 By Pearly Neo
The consumption of plant foods rich in fibre and polyphenols, as well as probiotic supplementation, has been identified as beneficial to restore microbiota balance in the gut and improve sleep, according to researchers.
“Plant foods rich in fibre and polyphenols” – sounds like table olives! Interesting research by NZ scientists.
Following a new methodology, the JRC assessed a list of quarantine pests for their potential economic, social and environmental impact on EU agriculture and forestry. The bacterium Xylella fastidiosa affecting olive trees, almond, grapevine among other important crops, as well as the Japanese beetle, Citrus Black Spot, Citrus greening and the Asian long-horned beetle are among the top ranking pests affecting plant health in Europe.
Which is why it’s good that this event happened last week …
The second scientific conference on ongoing research into Xylella fastidiosa is being held in Ajaccio, Corsica, from 29 to 30 October 2019. A post-conference field visit organised by the OEC on 31 October will allow participants to become familiar with the Corsican landscape, crops and potential host plants for X. fastidiosa and its vectors in this environment.
In 2018, the surface area of organic olive groves increased by three percent in Spain. A country-wide push toward sustainability and better profit margins on organic oils are among the contributing factors.
Photo by Joseph De Leo, Food Styling by Anna Stockwell.
A shallow fry in a pool of olive oil turns torn bread into something that's salty, savory, crispy, and chewy all at once.
What’s not to love about a recipe which constantly uses ‘fried’ and ‘olive oil’ together – and then says to use extra virgin!
01-Nov-2019 By Nathan Gray
People with depression or vulnerability to depression should be encouraged to eat plant-based diets with higher levels of grains, fibres and fish, according to new recommendations published by the MyNetGut consortium.
Among the beneficial elements referenced are the Mediterranean Diet, high levels of polyphenols, fermented foods and high-fibre plant foods … olives and EVOO, surely.
EBRD, FAO and EU support Tunisian producers in their export ambitions. In Tunisia, the harvest season for olives is about to start. There are more than 300,000 olive growers and about one million people in the country who depend on a good season and strong harvest. The EBRD and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations support the production of local extra virgin olive oil. This includes innovative training activities, supported by European Union funds, on how to make high-quality olive oil and promote it to promising export markets.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
With 2019 now well underway
Friday Olive Extracts
(FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them,
you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!
Beaten olives with garlic and rosemary, Photo by Antonela Stjepcevic.
Beaten olives are a gastronomic delicacy without which no traditional household along the Montenegrin coast awaits winter days. Many of them prepare themselves, and it is also possible to buy beaten olives at markets of local products. If you want to make them yourself, learn how Grandma Jane did, taught by her mother, and she learned it from her mother, and so for generations.
If you’re after a new product to differentiate your brand …
16-Oct-2019 By Oliver Morrison
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development has published a seven-point action plan that aims to positively transform the global food system and potentially unlock $4.5 trillion in new business opportunities.
At an Italian a restaurant and bakery in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of central Brooklyn, canned and bottled olive oils are being nixed for an on-tap experience. Saraghina provides shop-goers with a green-tinted glass bottle that they then fill and refill themselves with Italian olive oil.
12-14 November
Food & Hotel China 2019 – Shanghai, China
14 November
Awards presentation, 2019 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW
14 November
FTA Seminar – Barossa Valley, SA
21-22 November
Savantes Melbourne, Australia
22 November
Hort Innovation AGM – Sydney
26-28 November
SITEVI – Montpellier, France
20-24 January
Olive Oil Sommelier Certification Program – London, UK
7-8 February
Sensory Masterclass – Geelong, Vic
9-12 February
World Congress on Oils & Fats – Sydney, Australia
29 February
TasteBook™/OliveCare® workshop – Campbell Town TAS
6 March
TasteBook™/OliveCare® workshop – University Adelaide Waite Campus SA
23-25 April
2020 London International Olive oil Competitions – London, UK
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September Issue
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