April 2021
Individuals and families that qualify for the CalEITC, likely qualify for the Golden State Stimulus!

California is supporting low-income residents with a one-time payment of $600 to taxpayers who qualify for the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) during the 2020 tax year. There is also a $600 payment available to taxpayers who file their taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) and earned $75,000 or less in 2020.

To qualify, you must:
  • Have filed your 2020 taxes
  • Be either:
  • A CalEITC recipient
  • An ITIN filer who made $75,000 or less (total CA AGI)
  • Live in California for more than half of the 2020 tax year
  • Be a California resident on the date payment is issued
  • Not be eligible to be claimed as a dependent

You must include your ITIN on your tax return. Your ITIN cannot be pending. Wait to file your tax return until you have your ITIN. You are eligible for the GSS if you file on or before October 15.

Qualify for CalEITC
To qualify for CalEITC, you must:
  • Have taxable earned income up to $30,000
  • Not use “married/RDP filing separately” if married or RDP
  • Meet all other qualifications
Visit CalEITC for more qualifications and other information.
Family Health Centers of San Diego
This program assists individuals and families experiencing or at-risk of homelessness with prevention, preparation, and response to Coronavirus.

Provides Street Outreach/Case management and housing stabilization assistance.

This program provides linkage to available homeless resources for individuals and families experiencing homelessness towards responding to Coronavirus.

Some of the services include but are not limited to, street case management for linkage to medical and non-medical services. E.g. enrollment with a Healthcare for the Homeless Case Manager, assistance for obtaining identification cards, and other documentation necessary for housing. If the client has income to cover their ongoing expenses, ESG may provide rental assistance

This program provides temporary shelter for individuals and families experiencing or at-risk of homelessness with prevention, preparation for, and response to Coronavirus.

The client might be sheltered if they have an exit plan. An exit plan must have a transition plan to temporary or permanent housing.
Goodwill Industries of San Diego County
Goodwill Employment Center

Offers free job search assistance, including one-on-one appointments, job readiness workshops to job seekers in the community. Partners with local employers and community agencies, job seekers may participate in the job readiness certificate program. Workshop topics include Resume, Ace the Interview, Find a Job, Conflict Resolution, and Workplace Communication.


Provides free job search assistance and guidance to San Diego veterans and their families with the development of a job search plan, creating or updating a r̩esum̩e, help with paper and online job applications, navigating job market, interviewing and vocational skills. Job developers work with one-on-one with clients to discover what they need to do to convert their military skills for today's job market. They will help build a plan that meets the client's needs and will allow them to obtain work that suits their interests.

To provide employment and training opportunities to people with disabilities or other barriers to employment. The program supports career development for Social Security Disability beneficiaries ages 18 through 64 who want to work. This voluntary program is free and helps people with disabilities progress toward financial independence.

Young Adults (16-25) will be coached by Job Developers or Case Managers and provided with specialized services through unique employment preparation activities. Young Adults will learn more about the meaning of "soft skills" and why it is the single largest requirement of today's employer. And how to communicate and work well with your supervisor and peers, meet the expectations of the employer (such as being to work on time and bringing your best each day), respect for others and their opinions, appropriate workplace behavior, the difference between personal and professional relationships, and social media do's and don'ts. 
Your input and feedback directly impact the value and use of CIE. If you could please take 5-10 minutes to complete this survey, we would greatly appreciate it! This will help inform and shape our work.

By completing this survey, your name will be automatically entered into a raffle for a chance to win a $25 gift card.

Please respond by April 30, 2021.

If you have any questions about this survey or have difficulty accessing the site, please contact

Thank you in advance for your response and participation!

Lyft Rides Opportunity ends April 16, 2021
In Partnership with the United Way Worldwide, AT&T, and Lyft, CIE partners were able to help some of our most vulnerable clients get connected to transportation services. 

Since the launch of the Lyft Rides opportunity in 
September of 2020, CIE received nearly 2,000 referrals from clients in need of transportation to COVID-19 vaccination sites, job interviews, access to public health services, and more. Nearly 50% of the clients referred, received services by Lyft.

We are sad to announce that we have exhausted the funds this fiscal year and this opportunity will close today, April 16, 2021. We look forward to sharing information on future Lyft ride transportation opportunities.

See the link below for other transportation options in our community.
Doordash Essential Goods Opportunity ended March 9, 2021
Last year, 211 San Diego responded to the food demand during COVID-19 and stood up food delivery distributions for Central and Greater San Diego.

They proudly have coordinated and worked with multiple CIE Partners and other community organizations to accomplish this feat including San Diego Food Bank, American Red Cross, FACT, Aging and Independent Services, UMCORP, and Team Rubicon. 

One year into the pandemic, many more service providers stood up to meet the food demands in San Diego County. 

On March 9, 2021, 211 hosted their final delivery day out of the American Red Cross distribution center. Going forward, they will work with partner organizations, including the Rock Church to hand off existing clients enroll in ongoing food delivery. 211 will continue to work with direct service providers to maximize access to all available food resources.
The CIE team thanks you and your teams for your contributions. 

See the link below to get connected to other food delivery programs.

The CIE Team is offering monthly training on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 10:00 am to 11:00 am via zoom! The next Training is on May 12, 2021. Learn how to navigate the CIE platform, search for clients, send direct referrals to other partners, how to add program enrollments, care teams, and more.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 910 0222 8786
Passcode: 115961 One tap mobile +16699009128
The CIE Partner Network works to improve the overall service delivery system for clients. Our meeting provides a forum for partners to discuss the CIE platform, provide feedback about the CIE platform, and participate in ongoing discussions and improvements to the social determinants of health, risk rating scales, system functionality, as well as network with other CIE partners to coordinate better care for clients. We meet on the 4th Thursday of every month (except November and December) at 9:00 am via zoom.

Next CIE Meeting, April 22, 2021, from 9:00 am to 10:00 am