For our service project, we painted over 150 Kindness Rocks on Sunday! Make sure to hide your rocks so we can track their progress.
PJ Whelihan's Give Back
On Wednesday September 26th, PJ Whelihan;s in Malvern will donate 15% of food sales back to GVFL. We hope to see everyone there!
Fall Festival Ball Drop Tickets
Once again, we will be transforming the practice field into a good old-fashioned country fair. Mark your won't want to miss it! October 7th
Athletes should have received their ball drop tickets last week. We are expecting each family to sell at least 5 tickets. Remember! The family that sell the most get to send two people up in the helicopter to drop the golf balls!
2018 Grandparents Day
Thank you to all the Grandparents and Special Friends who supported our teams on Sunday! Check out thePHOTO LINK.
GVFL Parents' Social
SAVE THE DATE! On October 13th, we will be having a parents' social at PJ Whelihans. There will be raffle baskets and prizes. Come support our program and meet other GVFL parents.
Family Fun Run September 29
Flag parents, Carrie and Bob Kelly are hosting a Family Fun Run.Check out their website for more details.
Cheer News
New Uniforms for Tackle!
Our tackle teams received their new uniforms last week...sort of! The new skirts are backordered. We will switch them out for the old ones as soon as they arrive.
Please take good care of these uniforms! Wash after each game and pre-treat stains. They are very expensive and need to last for a long time.
Cheer Team Moms
Thank you to these ladies who have volunteered to be cheer team moms. They will be reaching out to you soon for help with upcoming events.
Flag Cheer: Jenni Reason
2/3 Cheer: Joanne Billman
4/5 Cheer: Terry Quintero
Football News
A special "Thanks" to our volunteer flag referees!
Check out our flag refs. We are grateful for these gentlemen who volunteer their time on Sunday mornings. They are all GVFL alumni and currently play on the high school team.
(L to R) Jake Prevost, Ben Maslowski, Andy Talone and Jack Barrow