In This Issue
New Zeldis ESG Thought Leadership Research Is Underway! 
Register Now For The August 1 Webinar On Phase I Findings
Zeldis is excited to announce a webinar on our recent thought leadership research on ESG/ socially responsible investing. Our new proprietary Qual/Quant research study, conducted with MarketCube and Schlesinger Associates, sought to better understand investor and advisor perceptions of ESG investing- the conceptual and attitudinal barriers as well as challenges in the marketplace and how they can be resolved. How well do end investors - even those traditionally considered in the "sweet spot" for ESG investments - understand the concept? What are the barriers to adoption? What are the perceived benefits of ESG investing? What about the philosophical and political implications? Is there room in the investment marketplace for different ideas? We'll share the quantitative results related to these questions and more in a new webinar on Thursday, August 1 at 1 pm EDT.

Even More Thought Leadership
And check out our Thought Leadership page  for a look at other publicly-released studies   Zeldis has   conducted   for our clients and   for   the research community.   It's part of our ongoing commitment to share   findings on   topics of broader global and national interest, particularly those with potential to move the industry forward and serve the wider public. Topics include the Consumerization of Healthcare, millennials' attitudes towards insurance and investing, changing trends in   financial wellness , and much more.  
Click HERE to watch a video about our recent Thought Leadership research, released by Guardian in collaboration with Zeldis Research Associates. The study will be highlighted in upcoming issues of the Buzz. Contact  Christine DiMeola  or  Kathrin Schumacher  for more information.
Five Things You Didn't Know About The Consumerization of Health Care
Our recent study on Consumerization of Health Care, in  partnership with Schlesinger Associates, revealed some surprising results on attitudes towards wearables and other health care apps among both consumers and physicians. If you are planning a research project on aspects of Health Care consumerization, these findings from our study might be a good place to start:
  1. There is strong interest among consumers in wearables and apps for disease management, in addition to wellness and fitness, but consumers do not expect their physicians to be savvy about these apps.
  2. Many consumers trust their physicians but, worried about increasing their insurance costs, are more reluctant to share health app data with their health insurers. In fact, millennials in particular actually trust their health app maker more than their insurer with their health app information.

How Clean Is Your Data?
Panel data may still be the "king" of the Quantitative world today, but we all know there are potential pitfalls that come with it. If you want to ensure that your research project will overcome these problems and ensure the right people are providing the best feedback, check out our new White Paper on "Who Are You Talking To? Three Ways to Maximize Data Quality When Using Online Panels." You'll find down-to-earth advice on techniques to vet panelists and other advice to ensure better quality in your Quantitative surveys.

Finding The Right People
Collecting the highest quality data for your project is also greatly dependent on finding the right respondents for your research. If your objectives require reaching niche audiences or other hard-to-find people, make sure your research partner has the experience and ability to find and screen for the appropriate individuals. Watch the video for a look at some of the nuances in recruiting now required by many projects.
" The ability to do both Qual and Quant - and to plan for the best blend and timing of methodologies -- has been part of our DNA the whole time I've been here. "

Meet Fred Gaudios, Senior Account Director at Zeldis, who combines his day-to-day research responsibilities with helping to grow the company's business. Learn more about the unique perspective this provides Fred, and more about his 10-year career at Zeldis.

If you have any questions, or suggestions for articles you'd like to see in future issues of The Zeldis Buzz , please contact me by calling (609) 737-7223, x207, or by emailing .


Doris Kaiser, Managing Partner 

Zeldis Research Associates 

609-737-7223, x207


About Zeldis Research
Zeldis Research  can help you do smarter, more impactful research. In turn, this allows your stakeholders to market products and services more successfully to their targets.

Our deep and broad industry knowledge in the markets we serve, customized solutions blending Qualitative and Quantitative methods, highly responsive boutique size, and actionable results have helped clients effectively improve the development and communication of their products and services.

Zeldis Research Associates

1230 Parkway Avenue, Suite 311

Ewing, NJ 08628


p. 609-737-7223
f. 609-737-9272