August 30, 2019
Bulletin #95
Progress on RAIDA-based peer-to-peer exchange
Developers are near to finalizing the business logic of a peer-to-peer exchange for CloudCoin and other RAIDA-based assets. The next steps include designing interfaces and graphical elements and incorporating payment systems.

The P2P exchange will be one of two types of exchanges expected to launch before 2020. The other, being developed by Omni Current Technologies, will allow trading RAIDA-based assets, fiat and blockchain currencies.
"Pay with CloudCoin" moves forward
The Consortium has adopted official " Pay With CloudCoin " imagery and services to support it at both online and offline merchants, and is now in testing. The button will appear online like the three below, rotating with each mouseover.

Retailers are already lining up to accept CloudCoins, including Avalon Bay clothing store at the Fantasy Springs Casino Resort in Indio, Calif.

"I'm looking forward to accepting the payment system of the future," Vincent Puccio , the store's owner said, "and excited to introduce CloudCoin to my customers."
Final version of CloudCoin wallet software due in Sept.
Developers announced that the final 3.0 version CloudCoin Wallet is scheduled to be released within a few weeks, with the final minor bugs being eliminated.

The software includes Skywallet, a trusted transfer technology, that allows users to send and receive coins without any risk of transmitting counterfeit counts, thereby avoiding the assertion of false claims. Users do not have to provide any private information to send money--no accounts, registration, or passwords are required.

"This makes sending money completely anonymous," Sean Worthington , CloudCoin Lead Scientist said. "All you need is one CloudCoin."

The serial number from one CloudCoin is used to create each Skywallet. Users can then associate their or other users' names or nicknames with the CloudCoin serial number (which becomes the Skywallet address) using a DNS server of their choice. The Consortium is offering free user names on the domain, but any domain is possible.  
Less than five weeks left for RAIDAtech funding round
There are just 31 days remaining to participate in the second funding round for RAIDAtech , the private company that develops new applications for RAIDA technology.

The crowdfunding offering page has information about the company, applications and its potential, including the $1 trillion-plus market for RAIDAtech applications.

The offering page also features a video invitation from Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington extolling the value of investing in RAIDAtech.

RAIDAtech is now valued at $11 million and any investor anywhere can take part in this funding round with a minimum investment of $200. The earlier round was limited to only a small number of investors. This second funding round is managed by crowdfunding platform truCrowd.

RAIDAtech was founded last year by Sean Worthington and is a separate entity from the CloudCoin Consortium, although RAIDAtech's success will also benefit CloudCoin by expanding utility and value of the RAIDA network's native currency.
Earn CloudCoins & $$$ as a RAIDA Detection Agent
There are still slots remaining for people interested in becoming founding RAIDA Detection Agents.

Operators of these units help make the RAIDA network stronger, faster, and more secure. Operators earn a portion of network traffic revenues, as well as
a bonus paid in Cloudcoins. Be advised, however, there are a limited number of special "Founders" opportunities available.

There is also a referral program where you can become a Detection Agent, with zero licensing fees, simply by referring potential operators.

Email for more information about becoming a Detection Agent operator or joining the referral program.
Happy Birthday John Locke!
Aug. 29 was the 387th birthday of John Locke (1632-1704), the English philosopher and physician who appears on the 250-CloudCoin note.
Locke is regarded as the father of classical liberalism. His writings played a major role in influencing the Scottish Enlightenment and American Revolutionary Republicanism, especially the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Locke’s Second Treatise (of Two Treatises of Government ) is a cornerstone of free enterprise thought regarding property rights and their origins.

For more on Locke, Ordinary Philosophy has a Locke birthday message with some good links, or see the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)’s John Locke page.
Versions of the Locke 250-CloudCoin note
(top to bottom) from 2016, 2018 and 2019
Fast Facts
CloudCoin is at exactly the half way point in its distribution--meaning half of all 1.4 billion CloudCoins that will ever exist are now in circulation. CloudCoins are "spent into existence" each month for 60 months, a cycle that began in March 2017 and will end in February 2022.

At that point, the entire amount of 1,428,160,512 will have been released and there will be no new coins minted. That scarcity is expected to have an upward influence on the value of each CloudCoin.
What's pinned for CloudCoin?
See hundreds of pinned images at CloudCoin's Pinterest page or pin some of your own!
Interested in using your talents to make a difference?
Are you interested in using your talents and experience to make a difference? Do you have a passion for learning about the revolutionary new world of digital currency? Would you like to connect with like-minded, liberty-loving people from around the globe?

Consider joining the CloudCoin Consortium. There are opportunities available in numerous capacities. Whether you can spare a few hours a week or devote several hours a day working from the privacy and comfort of your own home, or are available to join us in our California HQ, we encourage you to apply. If you have experience in any of the following fields, visit our Opportunities page with a resume or CV.

  • Social Media pros and community managers
  • Marketers and PR experts
  • Content creators
  • Web developers
  • Filmmakers and video specialists
  • Graphic designers
  • Writers and bloggers
  • Attorneys/Paralegals
  • Grant Writers
  • Software developers/programmers
  • Software testers for all operating systems
  • Software solutions salespeople
  • Minecraft developers/modders
  • Electron programmers
  • HR/personnel professionals
  • Accounting/bookkeeping professionals