Newsletter, December 2021
REU Students Launch Impact UTD Campaign
Members of the National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) program recently launched a crowdfunding campaign, ImpactUTD, to support CCF's Play With Me program and the children and parents it serves. The campaign, launched on #GivingTuesday, met and surpassed its goal in a few short days. But, there is still an opportunity to support CCF and REU students with your gift. Help us strengthen the outreach services CCF provides, building a foundation for children to grow, develop, and thrive.
Play With Me at UTD!
Children (ages 0-3) and their parents from our Fall Play With Me programs met at UT Dallas to celebrate the end of the program and to receive a special gift, purchased with funding from our ImpactUTD campaign. These future Comets had a blast!
Recent Faculty Research
Faculty affiliates of the Center are highly productive scholars whose research crosses the fields of human development ranging from parent-child relationships to social-emotional health. Recent publications include:

Factor, L., & Goffman, L. (2021). Phonological characteristics of novel gesture production in children with developmental language disorder: Longitudinal findings. Applied Psycholinguistics, 1-30.

Mills, C., Danovitch, J., Mugambi, V., Sands, K., & Fox, C. (2021). "Why do dogs pant?": Characteristics of parental explanations about science predict children's knowledge. Child Development, 00, 1-15.

Nelson, J., & Holub, S. (2022). Mothers' and fathers' perceptions of daily mealtime coparenting. Appetite, 168.

Pace, A., Rojas, R., Bakeman, R., Adamson, L., Tamis-LeMonda, C., Caughy, M., Owen, M., & Suma, K. (2021). A longitudinal study of language use during early mother-child interactions in Spanish-speaking families experiencing low income. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research. 10.1044/2021_JSLHR-21-00329
From the Director
It has been a really exciting semester: teaching and learning from the REU students, supporting children and parents in virtual and in person programs, and conducting research that will impact children's lives for years to come. We are thankful for the opportunities we've had to come together and remain hopeful for the future. We wish you and yours a very happy and safe holiday season.