2019 | Volume 2
Mercy Care Provider Newsletter
Mercy Care wins statewide BH/PH Integrated DDD Health Plan contract
As announced earlier this year, Mercy Care was awarded a statewide contract by the  Arizona Department of Economic Security (ADES), Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)  as one of two contractors that will administer the DDD integrated health plan starting October 1, 2019. 
Mercy Care Annual Provider Forum
Mercy Care’s Annual Provider Forum is on September 5, 2019 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. We have a very exciting forum planned this year that you will not want to miss that includes special guest speakers!  

Contacting Provider Relations

Our Provider Relations Department is your touchstone to everything Mercy Care. We want to provide you with our most recent Provider Relations contact information in order to assist you with all your needs. 

You can reach our Provider Relations department at 602-263-3000 or at 800-624-3879.
Constant Contact: Sign up to stay connected

As part of Mercy Care’s comprehensive communication strategy, we use Constant Contact, an email marketing vendor, to assist us in getting important information directly to our providers via email. 

We continue to post all provider communications to our website.
Mercy Care Provider Advisory Council 
On June 5, 2019, the Mercy Care Provider Advisory Council met for our second quarterly Provider Advisory Council. Highlights of this meeting include:      

  • Transportation Update
  • DDD Health Plan Contract Award
  • DDD Health Plan focused Mercy Care Provider Forum Feedback
  • Provider Forum
The way you check a blood pressure can increase the reading
Did you know?
Some common practices used when taking a blood pressure can raise BP readings artificially, for example:
Developmental screening tools

The website is an online learning platform that offers certifications, videos, publications and other resources, including MCHAT and PEDS Tool training/certification. This valuable website can assist you in meeting EPSDT requirements for our pediatric members. 
Recent provider notifications

Mercy Care’s provider notifications contain important information for your use. You can click on the links for details:  
Upcoming events

Mercy Care’s Events section provides information regarding current events, including training opportunities: 

There are no current events except for our upcoming Provider Forum on September 5, 2019. Please refer to above article for details. 
Statewide Health Information Exchange

Below is a visual of all the resources, inputs, and outputs from the Health Information Exchange (HIE). As part of the AHCCCS initiatives for all healthcare providers to use electronic technologies and resources, we are encouraging and supporting efforts to get practices engaged. 
Mercy Care is proud to introduce...

Sahar Osman A. Mohammed
Manager, Provider Relations 
Mercy Care
Sahar joined Mercy Care in January 2018 as a Provider Relations Behavioral Health Supervisor and was swiftly promoted to a Provider Relations Manager in December 2018. Sahar currently manages long term care providers, primary care physicians, several behavioral health providers, specialties, hospitals, and ancillary providers in Maricopa County. She also manages Apache, Coconino, Mohave, Navajo and Yavapai Counties.