National Vocation Awareness Week is not to be missed! If you are new to helping in vocations, in addition to a bulletin blurb and announcement, pick one main thing you can do that will bring the most awareness to vocations. If your ministry has been operating for awhile, consider doing 2 or 3 activities that week, hitting various areas of the parish.

SAMPLE WEEK OF ACTIVITIES for a Vocation Ministry:

Sunday : Is there a pancake breakfast or some other gathering of parishioners to eat? If so, put out crayons and use the Vocation Place Mat for kids (see right). Place an  educational insert  into each bulletin, like "How to Become a Priest, Brother, or Sister" (see right). If there are leftovers, place them in the church book rack. Pass out a  prayer card for vocations  or download and pass out the document  “Try the Alphabet" (see right).

 Monday : Parish school religion teachers and catechists introduce vocations to their students using the Teacher Guide to Vocations (see right) . Pass out a prayer card to each student.

Tuesday : Host an assembly for 5th-8th graders with a guest speaker, who could be a priest, seminarians, and/or a sister or brother. Ask if they can visit classrooms of school children, especially those who did not hear them in the assembly! They will be eagerly greeted.