Fall 2019 Newsletter
“Run-raising” for
Hearts & Noses
Several times a week, the Hearts & Noses clowns walk the hallways of local pediatric wards, looking for kids who need a little encouragement and cheer.
And on August 18, several of our friends honored those walks by going for a run . 👟 👟
Hearts & Noses board members, and their friends, laced up their running shoes to raise money through the Falmouth Road Race.
Our 2019 Falmouth “run raisers”: Justin Florence (board), Paul Rabinovich, Dmitri Rabin (board), Adriano Escribano, and Eric Shaff, with cheerleader Tic Toc.
A ‘Crown’ for our
Top Clown
Notable CEOs, sportscasters, military leaders, a pro hockey player, a Pulitzer prize winner … and Tic Toc the Clown. These are all recipients of the Needham High School ‘Distinguished Career Award.’ 🏅 🎉
On October 25, Cheryl Lekousi, executive director of Hearts & Noses Hospital Clown Troupe, will be honored by her former high school for the contributions she’s made to her community and her profession.
Clowning for Creativity
Hospital clowning isn’t about gags and balloon animals. Mostly its improv – creating stories on the spot, free-flowing imagination, and adapting to another person’s cues.
Hearts & Noses shared that skill with students from the Richi Innovation Camp. The prestigious 3-week program, which draws high school students from all over the world, gives campers a solid grounding in the science of inspiration and creativity.
Flu Clinic Follies
Laughter is the best medicine, they say! And it’s pretty powerful, for sure. But sometimes you still need to get a shot!
Members of the Hearts & Noses Hospital Clown Troupe entertained and distracted local kids at the Boston Medical Center’s flu clinic in early October.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Concert & Benefit for
Hearts & Noses
Hosted by Artistic Director Kenny Raskin 
Light refreshments, cash bar, dancing & fun!  
The Making of Babka
A Q&A with Pete Sperber
aka Babka
How did you hear about the Troupe? I first heard about the Troupe maybe 10 years ago. My wonderful wife somehow stumbled upon it and knew it would be something I’d be interested in and that would fit me.

How was the clown training? What was your favorite part? The clown training was one of the hardest and most fun experiences I’ve had! Honestly, I was really intimidated by the improvisational aspect and the need to trust and work with a partner who you just met. That said, once I was able to relax into it, I found tremendous joy and fun in just playing with my partner and the “child.” Though I enjoyed everything we did and learned that weekend, I think my favorite part was when we practiced/simulated entering a hospital room, getting permission from the child and playing. To be able to dive in and practice while getting constructive feedback, support and encouragement from experienced hospital clowns was an incredible experience!
Hearts & Noses Hospital Clown Troupe
Hearts & Noses Hospital Clown Troupe is a 501 (c) (3)non-profit corporation.