Note From Principal Atkins


Happy Friday! Happy beginning of your Winter Break!

We have ALL earned this rest and I hope it is a time filled with joy.

Students will have an extended break as our teachers come back on January 3rd to prepare for the new year and new schedules. Our Stedman students will return to school on Wednesday, January 5th. Students will be returning to brand new schedules as we shift the art and library classes to service the next grade levels. Lunch, recess, Specials, and academic times will shift for all students.

Many students are already getting excited about the Lexia Challenge taking place over the Break! We hope you encourage your child(ren) in 1st-5th Grades to take part as they can. See below or watch the Stedman News for more information. Keep those brains active!

I know the holidays can be a difficult time for many of us. I encourage you to take time to care for yourself and your family in any ways you are able. We have an incredible resource in the Mental Health Center of Denver's Dahila Campus nearby, and I hope we all remember that there is strength in reaching out for support.

Don't forget, SchoolChoice opens mid January and we have prepared information for prospective parents. We will also be hosting a few tours and Open Houses to share with others more about our incredible school and community. Families with children entering ECE3, ECE4, Kindergarten, Middle School, or High School MUST participate in SchoolChoice (Jan 14-Feb 15).

I wish you all a joyful holiday season and look forward to seeing you in the new year!

Michael Atkins