Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
Orignally sceheduled for 10/10
from the
Board and Staff
Florida Rural Water Association
Happy Friday Rural Water!
As we approach this Labor Day weekend there are a few things that come to mind. The first is a genuine thank you to our industry for the hard work we do. The water and wastewater industry in Florida works tirelessly to provide valuable services to our customers and environment. Thank you for all you do.
The second is the looming Hurricane Dorian. If you haven't been watching its progress you probably should start now. Hurricane Dorian is approaching Florida and the National Hurricane Center has it predicted to make landfall Monday morning. However, as we all should know with hurricanes, this can change rapidly. Keeping an eye on weather models and predictions is just the start to preparedness. You can access the latest information on Dorian by
clicking on this link.
Since emergencies can strike at any time, it is important to be prepared. Per DEP rules, you should be exercising your generators on a regular basis. Your generators should also be serviced and in working condition. It takes only a few minutes to change oil, flush coolant, and top off the gas tank so make sure it's done now.
In addition to physical preparations, other preparations are needed. Answering questions such as, "Should our employees shelter in place at the plant?" or "Who is our contact for spare pipe if our stocks get wiped out?" are important to have answered prior to an emergency. To help organize this information it is important to have an emergency response plan (ERP). A template can be found on the FRWA website,
linked here
, along with other emergency response information.
Carl Hongell Golf Tournament
More than fifty dedicated golfers withstood soaring Florida temperature to participate in this year's Carl Hongell Golf Tournament. However, the players perservered and some even came home with the gold.
Highlights from the 2019 Carl Hongell Golf Tournament
Thank you to our sponsors for their support
Holley-Navarra Water System
Florida Piping Solutions
Destin Water Users
Hawkins Water Treatment
Pace Water Systems, Inc.
US Water Services Corp
South Walton Utilitiy Company
Souther Corrosion
Congratulations to the Tournament Winners
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Closest to the Pin
Longest Drive
Bobby Barker/Damon Boutwell
Ben Keen/Justin Pyron
Russell Burton/Jason Hopp
Todd Potter/Jackson Reeves
Robert Williamson/Mike Kennedy
Chris Legg/Kevin Strickland
Christopher Funnell/Scott Johnson
Christopher Funnell/Justin Pyron
For more information on the 2019 Annual Conference, please click here. |
Equipment Chosen For Efficiency And Reliability In Lift Station Overhaul The City of Hot Springs wastewater treatment system serves 23,000 customers and requires maintenance of more than 600 miles of gravity and force mains. more
4 Benefits Of Utilizing Reverse Osmosis Wastewater Treatment For Reuse When a municipality or business wants to reuse their wastewater, some applications require more treatment than others due to the quality of the wastewater. more
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EPA Urges Regions To Step Up Actions To Reduce NPDES Noncompliance: Susan Parker Bodine, Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, transmitted a July 12th memorandum to the United States Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") Regional Administrators. more
Georgia Court Faults Obama-Era Waters of the U.S. Rule More than nine months after the last hearing in the case, and nearly nine months to the day of the briefing deadline for that hearing, more
U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Schedules Oral Arguments for Maui Indirect Groundwater Discharge Case: In November 2018, the Attorney General announced a new policy governing civil consent decrees and settlement agreements with state and local governments. more
Polk approves funds to acquire land adjacent to water treatment plant | Polk News-Sun Polk County Commissioners last week okayed spending $2.1 million to buy a 10-acre plot of land to upgrade and expand services to its northeast water treatment plant and also approved a suggested plan to alleviate flooding in the Crooked Lake area. more
Deltona cautions residents about suspicious activity | Daytona Beach News-Journal Deltona is warning residents after reports of suspicious activity in which a group of people are claiming to represent Deltona Water. more
ECUA customers will see higher bills in October as board approves rate increases | Pensacola News Journal The Emerald Coast Utilities Authority board approved a rate increase of 2.3% on its water and sewer customers and a 5% increase for trash collection during a meeting Tuesday. more
Nestlé wants to take 1.1 million gallons of water a day from Ginnie Springs | WTSP A proposal to allow Nestlé Waters to extract millions of gallons of water from Florida's Ginnie Springs has started gaining attention from conservationists who worry about the plan's potential impact on the spring and the nearby Santa Fe River. more
Town of Oakland starts sewage construction | West Orange Times & Observer Construction of a force main sewer has begun in the town of Oakland. more
Santa Rosa County moves to stop discharging treated wastewater into the Santa Rosa Sound | Pensacola News Journal Santa Rosa County is preparing to stop the discharge of treated wastewater into the Santa Rosa Sound. more
Key takeaways from the 2019 Save Our Water Summit | Florida Weekly I hope you were able to attend last week's Save Our Water Summit, presented by the News-Press and Naples Daily News and supported by the Southwest Florida Alliance of Chambers. more
Another round of flooding possible for Levy, Dixie counties | Gainesville Sun Tropical Storm Dorian bearing down on Florida and could produce heavy rain in North Central Florida. more
State turns off water at Ocala's Recharge Park, for now | Ocala Star Banner Florida's environmental agency asked for the pause after several sinkholes opened at the wetland park. more
City of Tampa to spend $3.2B to replace aging infrastructure | ABC Action News Officials with the City of Tampa say they responded to more than 1,200 water main breaks in 2018 and nearly 1,000 wastewater cave-ins since July 2017. more
FEMA announces $6 million in reimbursements for the Panhandle | My Panhandle FEMA announcing Friday they are reimbursing over $6 million to the Panhandle for Hurricane Michael related costs. more
This Week in Water History
1924 Richmond VA Grocery Store
August 29, 1924: A complete filtration plant is finally built in Richmond, Virginia. Albert Stein built the first effort to filter a drinking water supply in the U.S. in Richmond in 1832. However the filtration plant was not successful and it was abandoned in 1835. Other efforts were made over the years to treat the Richmond water supply.
"Although Richmond did nothing effective to improve its water supply until well into the twentieth century, settling basins were proposed from time to time. In 1860, the city council asked the superintendent, Davis, and its city engineer, W. Gill, to make plans for a new reservoir "with a proper filter." They proposed filters cleaned by reverse flow. A new reservoir was put in use January I, 1876. Later, under Superintendent Charles E. Bolling, and the health officer, two narrow settling basins, about a mile long, with provision for drawing off the sediment alternately, were provided. On December 22, 1909, large coagulation basins were added. Chlorination with hypochlorite was begun June 26, 1913, on Levy's recommendation, following a few cases of typhoid fever in Richmond. In 1914, apparatus for applying liquid chlorine was installed. But not until August 29, 1924, was a complete purification plant available, with coagulation basins, mechanical filters, aerators and a clear-water basin, for the whole of 30-mgd capacity."
For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here.