FRWA eNews
August 16 , 2019
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FRWA Annual Conference
2019 FRWA Award Winners
One of the most exciting parts of our Annual Conference is recognizing the "best of the best" in the water and wastewater industry in Florida.  Each year we recognize individuals and systems that excel in their fields.  This year was no exception.  Congratulations to this year's award winners!

Please click on the slide show below to see the winners of this year's awards

2019 Best Tasting Water Contest
FRWA first started holding the Best Tasting Water Contest in 1989.  Since then there are many similar contests held nationwide.  

This is the third time that this year's winner has won the Best Tasting Water Contest.  Congratulations to the City of Stuart for once again having the Best Tasting Water in Florida!

Mike Woodside was on hand to accept the award for the City of Stuart that was presented by Tom Jackosn, FRWA President at the FRWA Annual Conference. 

The City of Stuart was selected from entries submitted from throughout the state as having the best tasting water in the state of Florida.  A panel of distinguished judges judged each sample on color, odor, taste, and quench factor.  The City is now be eligible to compete against other states at the 2020 National Rural Water Association's Water Rally in Washington, DC.

For more highlights of the Best Tasting Water Contest.  Click on the slideshow below.

National News
AWWA and partners send PFAS letter to U.S. Congress With members of the U.S. Congress on recess through Labor Day, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and other water sector organizations continue to prepare for upcoming legislative discussions related to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water. more

EPA Commits To Final RMP Rollback Rule Before 2020  A top EPA official is vowing that the agency will soon send for White House pre-publication review of its final rule to undo Obama-era changes  more

EPA Launches Comment Period for CWA Overhaul EPA is proposing to modify Clean Water Act regulations to simplify permitting for pipelines and other infrastructure projects as well as restrict states' power under the rule to halt or postpone these projects.  EPA issued the rule Thursday, beginning a 60-day public comment period.

USDA Invests in Rural Water On August 8th, USDA Rural Utilities Service Administrator Chad Rupe announced that USDA is investing $135 million in 49 projects to improve rural water infrastructure in 24 states more

EPA "Exceeded" Its Goals of Cutting Regs According to the EPA Inspector General, the Trump Administration EPA cut 26 regulations, saving the agency more than $96 million, and created four new regulations more 

NRWA Source Water Protection and New Farm Bill: The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (i.e. the Farm Bill) requires that 10 percent of conservation funding available to farmers through the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), approximately $4 billion over the next 10 years, be targeted for source water protection. more
State News
SFWMD finds 44 percent drop in phosphorus output from farmers inside EAA | Florida Politics The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) says the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) basin area has seen a 44 percent reduction in phosphorus over the past year. more

St. Pete looks at robots to detect sewer problems | ABC Action News A new high tech solution could soon prevent sewage spills in St. Petersburg. more

Business as usual in south Brevard, but boil-water notice remains in effect | Florida Today It appeared to be business as usual Thursday afternoon in south Brevard hours after the City of Melbourne issued a precautionary boil water notice to approximately 4,000 people until at least Saturday when bacteriological tests come back. more

Heavy Rains Affects Cocoa Utilities Water Meter Reading,  Customers May Receive Estimated Bill | Space Coast Daily Due to recent heavy rains, a number of properties in the Cocoa Utilities service area are inaccessible to the Utility Field Services Division for water meter reading purposes. more

70,000 gallons of sewage spills into Manatee County neighborhood | Herald Tribune  Wastewater backed up into a home; rain and a homeowner draining his property are suspected, according to a state report. more

Opinion: 60 million gallons of reclaimed water are wasted each day in Tampa. Let's use it. | Tampa Bay Times The board of the three-county utility Tampa Bay Water will meet again Monday to discuss Tampa's plan to convert treated wastewater into a new drinking water supply.  more

Action News Jax Investigates: Growth outpacing current water supply in Jacksonville-area | Action News Jax  The board of the three-county utility Tampa Bay Water will meet again Monday to discuss Tampa's plan to convert treated wastewater into a new drinking water supply.  more

Bartow's George Long recognized as administrator of the year | Polk News-Sun  Bartow City Manager George Long was named Manager/Administrator of the Year by the Florida Rural Water Association August 9 in Daytona Beach. more

Manatee County utility customers could pay higher rates | Herald Tribune  Households are likely to pay $1.06 more per month for water, sewer and garbage collection service from Manatee County next year. more

Heavy rainfall creates complications for stormwater, wastewater infrastructure | Polk News-Sun  According to the National Weather Service, last month was the eighth wettest July in Winter Haven since 1935 and second most since 1998.  more
This Week in Water History

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309