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Reminders and Updates from Superintendent Cummings
Dear Parents,
I hope these early days of Spring have brought you some opportunity to enjoy our area. Despite the many signs of Spring and opportunities to get outside, relaxing of restrictions on gatherings and businesses, and the local and national progress on the Covid-19 vaccines, we are a long way from being “out of the woods” in terms of individual infections and spread of the virus.
I am writing to review our policy regarding travel in light of the upcoming April break.
Travel Guidance
In response to the changes in guidance from the CDC, RIDOH, and the Governor’s office, the Narragansett School System will follow the guidelines below based on the executive order for domestic travel from Governor McKee. This guidance will apply to all staff and students in the Narragansett School System. If you have questions about travel, please contact your principal or school nurse.
NSS Protocol for Return from Travel:
Any person returning to NSS from locations with a high community spread rate as set forth on a list maintained by RIDOH which can be found HERE must immediately self-quarantine for 10 days unless one of the following exemptions applies:
- the person obtains a negative COVID-19 test result from a specimen taken after arrival in Rhode Island; or
- the person has received the final dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccination series no more than 90 days and at least 14 days prior to the date of the person's arrival in Rhode Island and is asymptomatic upon arrival in Rhode Island; or
- the person (i) was tested positive for COVID-19 from a specimen taken no more than 90 days prior to the date of the person's arrival in Rhode Island, (ii) had no COVID-19 symptoms previously, (iii) completed the isolation requirement in accordance with Executive Order 21-17 or its successor, and (iv) is asymptomatic upon arrival in Rhode Island.
Additionally, I am asking that all families fill out the permission slip to have their children tested for Covid-19 at school. It is a simple, non-invasive test that is amazingly quick. This is the most effective means we have at our disposal to keep our schools open, and I urge you to take part in this program. The form is available here: NSS Testing Consent Form.
To read the full update from Superintendent Cummings, please click below.
School Committee Meeting
Our next scheduled regular business meeting is Wednesday, April 14th, at 6:00pm.
To join on the night of the meeting, please use the information below to join.
Attend by Video:
- Meeting ID: 892 8046 7769
- Passcode: 942944
Attend By Calling In:
- Phone: 1 929 205 6099
- Meeting ID: 892 8046 7769
- Passcode: 942944
Important Student Reminder
We are extremely proud of our students who continue to be conscious of health and safety guidelines in an effort to keep our community safe throughout the year.
While we are making progress, we want to remind our community that we still need to be mindful of the precautions we put in place, specifically mask wearing and social distancing on buses and in hallways.
As a refresh, please watch our video on the importance of these pieces so we can continue down the road of health leading into school vacation and the summer season.
Updated School Calendar
To help prepare for the next school year, below is the district's School Committee approved 2021-2022 school calendar to make note of.
As a reminder, all of our calendars can be found on the district website, which is updated regularly.
Resources Available from DCYF
Recently, federal legislation was passed increasing federal funds accessible by youth involved in foster care past their 14th birthday. The guidelines typically in place when administering these funds have been temporarily lifted to provide greater access to assistance for youth in, or transitioning out of foster care. Some identified uses include: technology, assistance with costs related to higher education, vocational training, housing assistance and costs associated with obtaining a driver's license.
We are sharing this information thanks to the Office of the Child Advocate and DCYF to help inform youth about this wonderful resource.
For more information, Click below.
A Note from Narragansett Prevention Partnership
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Daffodils in full regalia, trees budding, outdoor sports underway, and April vacation just days away…it seems safe to say Spring has sprung in Narragansett! With vaccine eligibility for all adults opening up this month, many of us may begin to move forward, hopeful about the possibility life will start to feel more “normal” in the months ahead. Won’t that be a welcome relief?!
After a year of unprecedented changes that required us to pivot at a moment’s notice, it’s important for
us to take inventory of our needs and those of the people around us. A little reflection may help us
recognize not only the sacrifices and hardships our families may have endured, but also the resilience
we’ve all shown in navigating these uncharted waters. That resilience and strength should be
acknowledged! A year ago it didn’t seem possible. With those reflections in mind, now is a perfect time to really think about what has proved to be most important to us. What priorities do we want to be mindful of as we move forward? We can consider what negative habits we want to shed and whether we need to reach out for help to do that. What changes have we made for the better that we should continue to embrace as we emerge from this experience? What do we want our “normal” to look like when we get there?
For those who are ready to “Spring into action” we’re happy to share a great opportunity to do just that
– but you have to act fast! An NHS senior has designed her senior project as a virtual 5k walk/run
fundraiser for the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI). Registration is free so it is donation based.
Please consider supporting her efforts and raising awareness to an illness not always recognized, often
stigmatized, and unfortunately right now, very familiarized. Grab some friends, get some fresh air, and
And if you’re looking for something for your middle schooler to do over vacation, check out the button below for more information on a free media literacy program at the YMCA to learn how teens can be a savvy consumer, not a victim of marketing techniques that target them.
Wishing you hope and new possibilities this Spring,
Narragansett Prevention Partnership
LAST CHANCE TO TAKE PART! 2021 Town Banner Contest
The Town of Narragansett, RI and Narragansett School System is excited to once again host a town banner contest, but this time asking both Middle and High School students to help design the newest artwork for the town.
Two student designs will be chosen to adorn the streets of Narragansett for the upcoming installment, which will be in the Spring of 2022.
Who Can Submit: Students in Grades 5-12
Deadline for Submissions: May 14, 2021
How to Submit: Follow the website below and read the official guidelines. Once students create artwork, they will be able to upload completed documents to the form, which is linked on the website and on the template.
Students can draw, use computer programs, paint, or use any art technique they're most comfortable with. Those needing some guidance or help, please be sure to reach out to your art teachers, Ms. Burke (NPS) and Ms. Gabrilowitz (NHS).
Each month, we are happy to share a little more about one of our educators here at our schools. We hope this will help better connect you with the wonderful individuals who work hard to give our students the best experience each year, while learning fun facts about them.
Velena Foster | NPS Teaching Assistant
How long have you been working within the Narragansett School System?
I have worked full time since April 2009 and have worked at all of our schools starting at NES, then NPS, then NHS and currently, I am working at NPS.
Where are you originally from?
I grew up in Warwick and moved to Narragansett in June 2002. My husband Craig and I raised ours sons, Ben and Dan here, and they attended Narragansett schools.
What is your favorite part about working at your school?
I enjoy working with the students and staff and seeing them in the community.
What do you enjoy doing outside of the school day or during the summer?
I enjoy walking with my chocolate lab, Kodiak, kayaking, and being outside with my husband and sons at our fire pit.
What is one thing that your students and staff may not know about you?
I worked as a Medical Technologist at the Rhode Island Blood Center for 20 years.
Over the past year of uncertain times, what is one thing you've learned, taken away, or a motto you've implemented to help stay positive?
Every day is a new day- a fresh start.
Narragansett Elementary School
Important Elementary School Dates
April 14th & 15th: RICAS Testing for grades 3 and 4
April 19-23rd: Spring Recess (NO SCHOOL)
May 12th & 13th: RICAS Testing for grades 3 and 4
May 25th: NES Family Code Night | 5pm (details below)
NES Family Code Night!
We're excited to announce the Spring Family Code Night!
This is a free, fun and valuable experience for you and your K-5 childen. No sign up , no coding experience needed. Just join the live stream on event night!
When: Tuesday, May 25th, 2021 | 5:00pm
Watch the below video to learn more about Family Code Night!
Narragansett Elementary School RICAS Testing Beginning
In third and fourth grade, we are required by the state to administer RICAS ( Rhode Island Common Assessment System). Despite the pandemic and the several models of teaching and learning that have occurred in the past year, this year is no different. Students will be asked to take English Language Arts and Math assessments aligned to their grade level learning standards.
This assessment provides the school community with important data, especially individual strengths and needs of each student, and how they learned during the pandemic.
All grade 3 and grade 4 students are expected to participate with testing sessions taking place in the morning. Please make sure your child is at school on time and if you have any appointments for them please reschedule for the afternoon or another day.
- April 14th & 15th | ELA ( 2 hour sessions).
- May 12th & 13th | Math (1.5 hour sessions).
Narragansett Pier Middle School
Important Pier School Dates
April 16th: Crazy Sock Day
April 19-23rd: Spring Recess (NO SCHOOL)
April 25th: Spring Sports Sign Ups Closes for Baseball, Softball, Girls' and Boys' Track, and Coed Tennis
April 26th: Slipper Day
May 3rd: Spring Sports Tryouts Begin
May 4th & 6th: RICAS Math all grades
May 18th & 20th: Next Generation Science Assessment for Grades 5 & 8
Students Donate Clothes to the Community!
Students at the Pier School made quite the impact during a clothing drive that took place at the end of March.
The school was able to collect and then donate more than 1400 pounds of clothing to Big Brothers Big Sisters!
Thank you to our students and staff for making this such a success and to the PTO for organizing it.
Quantum Computing Summer Camp for Middle School Students
Interested in math, physics, coding, or engineering? This camp is for you!
Described by campers as "life-changing" and "eye-opening," these camps introduce students to the exciting world of quantum computing.
Through hands-on activities, students learn about quantum mechanics, quantum computation, and quantum algorithms. Through the camp, students learn how to construct quantum circuits and algorithms all while developing programming skills in Python.
There are 1-4 week camp options! Learn more by clicking on the buttons below.
NPS Spirit Week Impresses
During the week of March 22nd, students and staff donned their best outfits for a themed Spirit Week!
The celebrations kicked off on Monday with everyone wearing their class colors. Tuesday they 'traveled" to Hawaii and Wednesday everyone dressed their best! On Thursday, the school time-hopped through many decades and on Friday, the school ended the week by dressing up as their favorite character.
In addition to the themes, there there was a school wide scavenger hunt. Thanks to the PTO for their support during such fun and spirited events like this!
We're Looking for Coaches!
Attention Parents and Teachers:
Do you like coaching youths and like making a difference in a youth’s life? Do you have a passion for a sport or want to try coaching Baseball, Softball, or Coed Tennis? Do you know someone that might fill this role?
NPS is looking for new coaches for Baseball, Softball, and Tennis! For more information, please contact Athletic Director Michael Millen Sr. by clicking below to send him an email requesting more information.
All school coaches must have RI Certification and other certificates before coaching.
The season starts May 3 and ends by June 19, 2021.
Spring Sports Update
NPS Spring sports are ready to go starting May 3, 2021. Please note that students will need to be signed up on FamilyID before April 25 in order to receive the email with all the Spring Practice and Tryout information.
Please make sure you have a current physical on file with the nurse (dated after May 30, 2020), and make sure you have turned in a New 2020-21 RIPCOA RISK form. It must be notarized. You must also turn in a COVID testing permission slip. All athletes and Coaches are tested every week. If you have played any sports this year, you only need to sign up on FamilyID and have a current physical.
Sports offered for NPS are Baseball, Softball, Girls and Boys Track and Field, and Coed Tennis.
RIPCOA has decided not to offer Wrestling this year. All teams will have limited roster size set by RIPCOA. There will be a parent meeting after tryouts in the first or second week. Stay tuned for more details!
Important High School Dates
April 13th: SAT Exams – Juniors
April 15th: PSAT10 - Sophomores
April 19-23rd: Spring Recess (NO SCHOOL)
April 27th: ACT Testing - Juniors
NHS Service Project Highlight!
The NHS National Honor Society student mentor coordinator, Shelby Lefoley, organized the honor society virtual service project for the 2020-21 school year. The honor society student president, Alayna Bellavia, led a wonderful initiative of making a video highlighting this project and Nick Archambault, the society’s secretary, was the technical lead and created the video.
This service project, which is a weekly social hour with the residents at the Scallop Shell Nursing Home, began in early November 2020 and will continue to run through the end of the school year.
All members have participated in these weekly social hours at least once during the first semester. New members are now invited to join at least one social hour with their mentors.
Great job to our students and advisors for bring so much positivity to the community!
A Reminder from Nurse Field
This is a brief reminder for Parents and Guardians of NHS 11th Graders:
ALL 11th Graders are mandated to have an updated Physical Exam and a second meningitis vaccination prior to entering the 12th Grade OR turning the age of 16.
Please don't hesitate to call the school nurse at 792-9400 or email at if you have any questions. Take care and be safe.
Thank you!
Kristen Field RN at NHS
NHS VEX Robotics Competition!
We're so proud of our newest high school team in VEX Robotics who competed in a virtual challenge on Saturday, April 3rd. The team was coached by Mr. Chris Herz and in this challenge, teams had three rounds to try and score as many points as possible in sixty seconds (1:00). This “Remote, Pre-Recorded” Skills-Only Event was held exclusively via videos of Robot Skills Matches that are submitted to and scored by an Event Partner and/or Head Referee. Teams will be ranked based on their combined score in the two types of Matches.
Team 30049A
Curtis Soloff
Ben Hoxsie
Ethan Gonzalez
Team 30049B
Alex Goldstein
Harrison Quilliam
Nadezhda Sutyrina
Lily Weisz -Nesshoever
VEX Robotics Competition "Change Up" is played on a 12’x12’ square field. The object of the game is to attain a higher score than the opposing Alliance by placing Balls in Goals, and Connecting Rows.
High School Quantum Computing Summer Camp with IBM Quantum
Described by students as "life-changing" and "eye-opening," Qubit by Qubit's Quantum Summer School is an intensive 4-week program designed to introduce the next generation of STEM leaders to quantum computing.
Through daily lectures and labs, students will learn about key topics, including quantum mechanics, quantum computation, and quantum algorithms.
Dates: July 12 - August 6, 2021
Time: 9am - 1pm PST, Monday - Friday
NHS Student Merit Finalist
Narragansett High school is proud to recognize a student that has become a National Merit Finalist.
Congratulations to Andrew Simone for this achievement! Andrew has been a student in our district since Kindergarten and has worked hard to earn this status.
This is a tremendous and difficult recognition to receive and hasn't taken place in Narragansett since 2013!
The National Merit Scholarship Program is an academic competition where high school students can receive recognition and qualify for scholarships based on PSAT scores and by taking the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT).
More about the Program:
A total of about 50,000 participants receive recognition in the National Merit® Scholarship Program. In early September, about 16,000 of the 50,000 high scorers are notified that they have qualified as Semifinalists. Semifinalists are the highest-scoring entrants in each state. On a rolling basis, beginning in March and ending in June, Scholars are notified if they have been offered an award. To learn more about the program, please visit the organization's website HERE.
NHS Science Bowl Updates
Narragansett High School’s Ocean Sciences Bowl team competed in the Rhode Island-Connecticut regional competition of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl on Saturday, March 27, 2021
This year, 2 teams represented Narragansett. The A-team (Julia Highcove, Shelby Lefoley, Liam Manchester, Aivan Durfee, and Gary Jennison placed 5th overall. The B-team (Rob Kisilywicz, Zoe Berghorn, Leah Hart, and Danielle Hart) earned 1st place in the Science Challenge competition!
The National Ocean Sciences Bowl is a Jeopardy-style competition that tests students’ knowledge of all issues and areas of science surrounding the ocean.
March Athletes of the Month
The Athlete of the Month campaign highlights a student who exemplifies sportsmanship, dedication, and standout participation in any sports offered at the school. Students receive a certificate as well as their photo featured on the wall in athletics for the entire month.
Congratulations to our athletes of the month!
Helena McCarthy, Junior, Girls Swimming
Helena swam the 50 free and 100 back every meet for the Mariners this season and even swam relays when her team needed her to, improving her times as she went. She was a constant voice on the sidelines cheering on her teammates. Helena and her team went on to be the Undefeated Girls Swimming DIII State Champion earlier this March. If you missed the live stream events this year, you can also catch Helena swimming in the Special Olympics this summer!
Brady Butler, Senior, Football
After being crowned a state champion with the boys soccer team this fall, senior Brady Butler was able to join the football team for the first time in his high school career. In his first game Brady led the team in scoring, catching 2 touchdowns (53 yard and 34 yard). Switching to defense, Brady went on to return a 17 yard interception for a touchdown. The team started their season off with a win during their first ever Spring season vs Hope High School.
Narragansett Elementary School
55 Mumford Rd, Narragansett, RI 02882
(401) 792-9420
Narragansett Pier Middle School
235 S Pier Rd, Narragansett, RI 02882
(401) 792-9430
Narragansett High School
245 S Pier Rd, Narragansett, RI 02882
(401) 792-9400