January 18, 2022 Vol. 52, No.1
Annual Meeting Registration is OPEN | Travel Grants to Get YOU There | Nominate Your Peers
Dear Co-op Colleagues,

While each of our schools is unique, we are likely all united in the fact that our communities are still trying to manage in the face of Covid. The current Omicron tidal wave has many of us frustrated with recommendations and regulations that seem to change almost daily, when really we just want to focus on children.

Know that you are not alone. I find that the connection I have with people in other schools across the US and Canada is a huge comfort, a learning resource, and sometimes just an affirmation that we're all doing the best that we can.

I hope you will seriously consider attending the PCPI annual meeting this year. The first time I went, I didn't know anyone, and I didn't really know what to expect. What I found was a dedicated group of warm and caring people who share my belief that co-ops are good for children, families, and communities, and that we are stronger together.

Dianne Rose, M.Ed.

Get Ready to FLY!
(or drive, or hop on a train)
by Kathy Ems
It’s time to start planning your trip to Portland, Oregon for PCPI’s 2022 Annual Meetings. We promise you’ll have a great time. You will learn so much, have a chance to ask questions, and help guide and support PCPI.

Please join us Friday, April 29 and Saturday, April 30 for meetings, school visits,the Awards Luncheon celebrating 60+ years, and informal time to network and chat about co-op preschools. Thursday and Sunday are travel days.

What do you need to do to get to the meeting?

  • If you need help with expenses, please apply for a Marika Townshend Travel Grant. (Scroll down for more information.) And ask your school or council for assistance, if possible.

  • You will need to register for the meeting. You can register by mail or online.

  • For those not living in Portland, make hotel and transportation reservations.

  • Plan to bring your Covid 19 vaccination card (photo on your phone is fine) as everyone attending the meetings must be vaccinated. We will be following all safety protocols, so bring masks, too.

It’s time to make that leap and join us! Please do. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Kathy Ems at rkems@comcast.net.

See you in Portland! And bring your swim suit – the hotel has an indoor pool and hot tub.
We're so excited to meet you!
Are you planning to attend the annual meeting?
Not sure yet.
Can't make it this year, but maybe the next one.
PCPI Will Help YOU Get to Portland!
by Natalie Hall
Do you need financial help to be able to attend PCPI’s Annual Meeting? 
The Marika Townshend Travel Grants exist to help PCPI members attend the Annual Meeting.

Why should you attend?
Preschool visits, networking and sharing opportunities, meetings to determine the future direction of PCPI, the 60+2 Anniversary Celebration, and making new friends with other co-op preschool advocates will be some of the highlights.

What do the grants cover?
The grants help defray the cost of registration, hotel, food, and transportation. The application is easy to complete. It can also be found on the PCPI website. The application deadline is February 15. Grants will be announced by March 1.

Contact Natalie Hall and Vaughn Hatch at travelgrants@preschools.coop.

See YOU in Portland!

Recognize Your Colleagues
by Carole Cordle
Is there a member of your coop community who deserves a special thank you for their contribution to your program? Each year, PCPI is honored to recognize teachers, parents, board members, directors and community supporters for their involvement with and commitment to the preschool cooperative movement. 

The deadline for this years awards nominations is March 1, 2022. The awards criteria and the nomination instructions are available now.
Join Our Google Group
A PCPI Members Google Group has been created to give us another avenue to share ideas and information. This has replaced the Yahoo Group which is no longer active.

Joining is easy!
  1. Click the button below to send an email to PCPINews@preschools.coop.
  2. Use the subject line: Add to Google Group.
  3. Include your first and last name, your school and/or council name, and the email address you'd like to have added. (If there are multiple people in your school who should be added to the group, you are welcome to include all of their information in one email.)

Group members will receive a daily digest of messages exchanged. Message threads will be grouped by topic for easy searching later. Spread the word!