FRWA eNews
August 23 , 2019
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Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
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FRWA Annouces a
The Florida Rural Water Association is embarking on a new training program to increase and enhance Water Utility Operators and Workers.  The program will help provide water and wastewater utilities with skilled and trained employees through apprenticeship. Apprenticeship is a tried and true method of enhancing employees' skills and technical knowledge.  Our  goal is to provide the future work force the technical training and on-the-job training needed to become effective operators. 

The Program is approved through the US Department of Labor and Florida Department of Education.  New hires and current employees are eligible for the two year program.  Requirements include On The Job Training (OJT) that the system will supply and Related Technical Instruction (RTI) that will be roughly two days a month. 

Apprenticeship offers many benefits to both future operators and systems. The apprentice gets full-time employment from an established system that offers on-the-job learning. This apprentice learns about the system that employs them, picking up critical knowledge about the system's assets. The apprentice also gets the chance to learn from a mentor, an operator already licensed and with experience in the field. This mentor can offer helpful information on how to advance within the industry. 

Apprentices receive technical instruction in addition to their on-the-job learning. This instruction helps to strengthen and round out the knowledge base of the apprentice, making them a more valuable employee. This training is provided by FRWA staff with assistance from our associate members and vendors to ensure the apprentices receive the highest quality training. 

The program also includes the coursework required for receiving a Class C operator's license for water or wastewater. Since apprentices are also full-time employees of a water or wastewater utility, they will earn the required hours for their license.

If you are interested in finding out more about the apprentiship program, click here for more information .  If you have further questions, you may contact us through email at or call Mark Hallet at 800.877.8207.

Exhibit Hall Activities
Our overflowing Exhibit Hall was the place to be during the 2019 Annual Conference!  It was packed with people, food, and fun!  We want to thank each of our Exhibitors for their participation.  Please continue to support them throughout the year.  Click here for a list of our Exhibitors.

Click on the video below to see more of the antics in the Exhibit Hall.

Fun in the Exhibit Hall
Fun in the Exhibit Hall

National News
NCRS Chief Tours Delaware Conservation District's Successes Last week, the Trump Administration's Chief of NRCS Matt Lohr toured various conservation projects implemented by the Sussex Conservation District (Delaware).  District Coordinator David Baird (pictured left of Chief Lohr) introduced the Chief at luncheon attended by local farmers during event. more
State News
Opinion: Local officials to DEP: We need more regulation of sewage sludge | TCPalm The Florida Department of Environmental Protection asked for input on new sewage sludge rules, and local governments responded - and then some. more

6,500 Broward Water Customers On Boil Water Notice | CBS Miami A precautionary boil water notice for 6500 Broward water customers. more

PCB City Council looks to raise sewage rates | My Panhandle  As part of a five-year plan, wastewater rates may be going up in Panama City Beach.  more

Gov. Ron DeSantis to clean water advocates: Keep pushing legislators on conservation issues | Sun Sentinel  Gov. Ron DeSantis this week encouraged advocates for clean water to keep pressing lawmakers to pass conservation measures in the upcoming 2020 legislative session. more

St. Petersburg pumped 6.6 million more gallons of dirty water into the Floridan Aquifer over the weekend | Tampa Bay Times  After rain pummeled the Tampa Bay area last week, Mayor Rick Kriseman on Sunday tweeted a laudatory note about the way the city's sewage system handled the inundation.  more

High sewage overflows after heavy rain on Monday highlights Panama City infrastructure problems | Panama City News Herald Panama City reported six incidents that totaled more than 300,000 gallons of wastewater overflows from various manholes, pipes and lift stations to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. more

Janet Cruz takes 'Get the Lead Out' initiative back to the Legislature | Florida Politics Sen. Janet Cruz on Wednesday filed legislation aimed at providing clean and safe drinking water in Florida public schools. more

Fort Lauderdale tries to catch up with years of water system neglect | Local 10 After a pipe feeding the treatment plant was ruptured and the backup valves were damaged last month, Fort Lauderdale officials have been trying to find ways to deal with years of neglect. more

DEP investigating Lake Wales sewage spill | ABC Action News It smells, it's messy and each time it rains sewage streams down a Lake Wales and into Crooked Lake. more

Water boil notice issued for parts of Springfield | My Panhandle  The notice is in effect for those along Helen Avenue to Russ Lake Drive, 11th Street to 8th Street, and along Transmitter Road from 8th Street to 14th Street.  more

Temporary Fix In Place For Northeast Miami-Dade Sewage Spill | CBS Miami A temporarily fixed has been completed on a broken pipe that had been leaking raw sewage into the Oleta River State Park and surrounding areas.  more

'Serious' break in Melbourne water main caused by snagged construction equipment | Florida Today Melbourne city officials said a "serious" break in a city water main Wednesday night was caused when a piece of construction equipment snagged on a smaller service line connected to the main.  more

Here come the robots: St. Petersburg inks deal for pipe-inspecting robots | Tampa Bay It's official: Robots will soon be crawling under city streets. more

City of Stuart Wins FRWA Best Tasting Water Contest | TC Palm Taste like victory?  The city won the best-tasting drinking water in the state at the annual Florida Rural Water Association competition earlier this month. more

This Week in Water History

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309