Traffic and Children at Play on Turing
Dear Turing Residents,
We wanted to follow up with you since the previous communication we sent regarding traffic and children playing on Turing. Some of you may know that a group of homeowners, ICHA staff and UCI PD met on Turing at the beginning of this year to discuss speeding on your street. Following the meeting, we immediately placed stanchions on the street in an attempt to slow traffic. As part of this same meeting, other options were discussed, such as speed bumps, but they were not feasible due to regulations and recommendations regarding school buses and fire trucks. Also at that time, ICHA moved quickly under the impression that a lower MPH speed limit could be enforced. Contrary to our wishes, we have been informed that 25 MPH is the designated enforceable speed on a residential street design like Turing. Adjustments will be made to the street conditions to reflect this change.  
We understand that you have concerns and we want you to know that they are being heard and addressed:
  • First, we would like to remind you that Gateway Park is open at the corner of Angelou/Coltrane and that Playground Park and Vista Park will be opening shortly. Since you have expressed concerns with vehicle speed on your street, please note that these parks are far safer places for children to play. 
  • Second, we communicated with UCI PD and they have assured us that they will and have increased their patrolling and enforcement on Turing, especially during peak hours. Please keep in mind that UCI PD cannot be onsite 24/7, so playing on the street is not recommended. 
  • Third, we plan to begin gathering data on vehicular traffic flow on Turing by performing traffic counts registering speed, time of day and number of vehicles. Once we are able to collect and analyze this data, we would like to share it with you and meet with those interested sometime in January. 

Thank you for your assistance, patience and helping to make the community safer.                             
Community Relations Manager
Irvine Campus Housing Authority
(949) 824-2424
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