Our VISTAs on their time with HOSC
I really enjoyed my time as a VISTA and I look fondly back on the year I was there. It was a very supportive place to learn and grow.
-Asha Anne 2009-2010
I truly value my experience as an AmeriCorps VISTA with HandsOn Suburban Chicago because I was able to make real impact in my community while also learning valuable skills. As a VISTA, I gained experience in marketing, relationship building, and project management, all while helping to connect volunteers with meaningful service projects. Some of my favorite experiences were helping to motivate hundreds of students through the CHiL after school program, and bringing in volunteers to build community gardens in schools. I'll always cherish my time with HOSC and the friendships that I made while serving there!
-Emily (Mihalcean) Bentley 2011-2012
My time at HOSC was very valuable and formative as my first job out of college. A few highlights from my time at HandsOn Suburban Chicago include developing and delivering training for nonprofit leaders on volunteer management, developing a newsletter, spearheading volunteer opportunities for experienced high-capacity volunteers to do marketing campaigns and product launches for a local organization, and mobilizing local writers to do reporting for a pioneering micro-journalism initiative. The diverse experiences, opportunities to be creative and take risks, and the amazing supportive supervisors and mentors made HOSC a memorable and invaluable experience for my career, and a gratifying time to make friends and make a difference for the community.
-Joshua Little 2012-2013
Working at HandsOn Suburban Chicago changed my life. I learned what it was like to care for your community, and that is a lesson that I will take with me forever.
-Elisabeth (Libby) Boer 2015-2016