November 3, 2020
Peñasco ISD Weekly Update
Due to the rapidly-changing nature of the COVID-19 crisis, all school plans are subject to change based on orders from the governor and recommendations from scientific health organizations.
Election Day Voting Locations
The following precinct voting locations will be open for Election Day voting today, Tuesday, November 3, from 7 a.m. to 7 pm.

Taos County
Rio Lucio #24: Rio Lucio Community Center
Vadito #25 and Placitas #26: Vadito Community Center 
Chamisal #27, Las Trampas #30, El Valle #31: Chamisal Senior Center
Penasco #28, Rodarte #29: Penasco Community Center
Llano #32: Llano Community Center
Picuris Pueblo #36: Picuris Pueblo Administration Building

Rio Arriba County
Velarde #47: Velarde Community Center
Upper & Lower Dixon #48, #49: Dixon Community Center
Cordova and Truchas #72, #73: Truchas Senior Center

You must be registered to vote in order to cast a ballot. There is no same-day voter registration on Election Day.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters for 12th and 7th Grade
Ms. Laumbach is starting a Big Brothers/Big Sisters program that will pair seniors with 7th graders. If you would like your student to participate, please fill out these online forms:

For seniors:

For 7th graders:
Pumpkin Carving Contest Video
Check out these awesome jack o'lanterns carved by students! Winners to be announced soon!

Blood Drive Update
Thank you to Jessica Esquibel for organizing another successful blood drive!

Thank you, too, to the community that came and donated blood, and a special thanks to the middle and high school staff for alway supporting and donating their time and blood. 

The Amazon Fire Tablet winner is:
Maricella McCauley

The next blood drive will be in February.
Does Your Child Need Learning Accommodations?
The district is working to ensure that all students who require special services are identified, receive necessary testing and assessment, and receive the services they require. If you feel that your child requires modifications or additional support, please fill out the packet below in order to refer a child for services through the district. 

Click here for a form that can be filled out online:

Click here for a link to a printable form:

Please return all forms to Nicaea Chavez, or return them to her at the MS/HS office.
Easy Link to Get Kit Carson Internet
Kit Carson now has an online form in order to get Internet at the $29/month rate for students.

If you have trouble getting Internet, please contact Community Schools Coordinator Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.
Health Care Career Fair
Daily Opportunities to Get Help for Students from Teachers
Progress reports are going out. Do your children need some extra help from their teachers?

Time is scheduled into every afternoon for students to get help from their teachers. Please ask your teachers for an appointment to meet online with them during these times:

M-Th: 3:00-4:20 p.m.

Middle and High School:
M/W: 12:30 p.m.-2:45 p.m.
T/TH:1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
It's time to apply for LIHEAP funds (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)! Click here for the application form.
HPV Vaccine Study for Boys
The University of New Mexico is conducting a study about the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine. If you have a student in your family who is a boy aged 11-14 years old, you can participate in the study by answering a few survey questions. Participants will receive up to $200 in Amazon gift cards.

This Research Study (18-657) is approved by UNM HSC Human Research Protection Office and is supported by the UNM Clinical and Translational Science Center.

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Lila Martinez
Childcare Available at Vadito YDI
The YDI Headstart program in Vadito currently has open slots for children in the following programs:
  • 3-5 year old program
  • 8 month-2 year old program
For more information, call Frances Romero: 575-758-4558
Have Questions or Concerns?
Let us know.
The district has set up an email address specifically for questions and concerns:

If you have suggestions for the newsletter, contact Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.