A Prayer for Action
Think about how many things in our culture we’ve added a step-by-step process. There are so many YouTube Pages on DIY and How-To's. Not to mention the numerous Reddit and Google step-by-step lists floating around for just about anything we want to improve on. So we read the articles, absorb all the information we can, and we make to-do lists to tackle whatever that goal is. But for some of us, that’s where it stops. When the time comes to take action, we get stuck and struggle to take the first step. ⁠
The same outcome occurs when we meet God in a place and we receive or feel the calling in our hearts to do something. First, we feel Him call us to take action and do something; to be obedient to an assignment He has placed upon our hearts. Secondly, we get excited. The passion begins to flow and we start dreaming of what the outcome will be. The excitement and longing of what God is going to do and how He is going to use us for His kingdom. Thirdly, we then allow doubt, fear, anxiety to take over because we feel we need to be the expert in the thing that God has called us to do, and there is no step-by-step guide on the internet about the task or assignment you are being called to. We may wait, listen, pray, and do anything we can to get more information, but we never do the one thing God has asked us to: just start. ⁠Take the step, one step!
1 Peter 4:10-11 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God.
If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”⁠

In that verse alone, God states that ⁠what will happen next. JUST "DO SO!" It doesn’t say, “If anyone speaks, they should wait until they’ve listened to the latest podcast on serving and Christian life, attended at least 5 Sunday School classes on Spiritual Gifts, completed a five-step program, and earned a degree in their field.” This is a passage of action. No need to stall or stay stuck. God doesn’t need you to be an expert in your calling. He just wants you to take the first step and rely on Him to show you what comes next. When we trust Him to guide us and spend time seeking His direction, He turns us into the person we need to be to start and continue the job. With God guiding our paths, we don’t have to be worried of failure. He is ready to catch us when we stumble, and He will set us back on our way. Let Him Order your Steps today.

The books, the degrees, the checklists, the step-by-step lists are all great support resources to help us learn, gain a better understanding, encourage/edify and become stronger in our faith, but the only way to truly follow after God’s call on our life is to just begin. To Do So! It’s like getting behind the wheel of a car for the first time, learning to ride a bike, or going away to college for the first time. It may be scary, but after that first go or stop, confidence and freedom are gained to do it again. When we finally step into action, God equips us in accomplishing all He has planned. Don’t spend so long writing and decorating your latest vision board that you forget to actually start. Just do so.

Psalm 37:23-24: The steps of a man are established by the Lord. And He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, Because the Lord is the One who holds his hand.


God, Order My Steps Daily. I trust you completely and lean into your will for my life wholeheartedly. Thank You for always being there to guide my path. Thank You for not expecting me to be an expert in all things but giving me exactly what I need to follow You in what You have called me to do. As I go about my day, help me remember to be a person of action. Help me to be a disciple carrying out your commandments daily; fulfilling your promise for my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Our prayer for you in this season is to eagerly await what the Lord will do for us, in us and through us during these very special 30 days. Our heart is to spread the hope of Jesus to the world around us. Invite your family and friends to this daily devotional, save the image below, and share via social media!
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Prayer & Devotional Tips
Before you even begin your devotionstart with a prayer asking God to share His wisdom with you. The Bible says in James 4:8, “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” By reaching out to God at the beginning of your devotion, you'll be more likely to feel His presence.
Prayer Requests & Testimonies
Our prayer for you over the next thirty days is that your passion for God and His Word will be ignited, and that you will develop a hunger for His presence that is greater than ever before! We pray you make a spiritual investment and seek clarity in the areas of spiritual, personal, family and community. Don’t ever settle for anything less than a life full of passion and spiritual zeal for God. Keep the fire for God burning in your heart and do whatever it takes to feed your spiritual hunger for God.

Each day of prayer and fasting, we encourage you to keep a daily journal. Write any revelations that God gives you about yourself and about life in general. Share your prayer requests and your testimonies. Let's go into the War Room together!
Fallbrook Church | 281.444.2733 | www.fallbrookchurch.org