See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
April 29, 2021
This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace
in worship and in ways to connect and serve.
Pastor's Message
Dear Grace Lutheran Church, 
Pastor Maria and I were able to get away two weeks ago to have a visioning and planning retreat. This is the first time that we have been able to do something like this, in part because we have had to be so reactive due to COVID-19. For three days, we used the text of Jesus walk on the road to Emmaus as our backdrop for our conversations. We envisioned Jesus walking with us along the uncertain road and leading us into the future.   
We spent time reflecting on the values that our congregation discussed during Lent, reading your feedback and reflecting on your input. I am grateful for the conversations that some of you had and your willingness to share your experience. One of the things we noted is that our values are not something that are fully realized, instead they are ongoing work that we need to do. For example, one of the values is to be "accepting of everyone." This indeed is the goal, but if we are honest, we might wonder if this is true. Are we living out this value or is this part of who we are along with an aspiration we need to grow into? I believe it is both. I do know that COVID-19 has made this virtue even harder especially because we are told to socially distance from each other and so I wonder if we are still going out of our way to be welcoming and inviting to new people? I hope so. I hope that we will still pay attention to new people, and that we will be willing to greet someone we don’t know and connect with them if they are willing. I hope that we will branch out beyond our group of comfortable people in order to welcome in a stranger and to let them know they matter to us and to God.
In the end, Pastor Maria and I revised the values list a little and I shared it with the Vision Board and got their feedback and revised again. We all decided that the definitions of our values are necessary, but also hard to memorize, so the values themselves are important in reminding us who we are and how we want to grow and live as community of faith. 
Here are the revised values: 
Grace Lutheran Church is a community that is inspired by Christ to: 
  • Accept everyone 
  • Care Compassionately 
  • Deepen Connections
  • (Be empowered to) share God’s love 

Our values stem from our relationship with God and the grace we have experienced from Jesus. I believe that we are always learning, growing and being transformed by God to do better at living into these values. Our values are important; they help set goals and make decisions about our future. As we look forward to a building project, our values also will guide us in what changes we need to make to our building so that we can indeed be accepting of everyone and so that we can deepen connections, care compassionately and share God’s love.   
Thank you for all the ways that you are indeed inspired by Christ in living out your faith. 
Pastor Joanna Mitchell 

Online Worship is now being recorded at our Saturday evening service. Online Worship will not be posted until late on Saturday nights. It will be available here for you to join us online on Sunday morning.

For In-person Worship, we are asking for people to sign up for a worship service (see links below). We ask you to stay home if you are sick and to follow all of our COVID-19 protective guidelines. Thank you!
We will be continuing to have sign ups through May due to the rising COVID-19 numbers.
Ministries News
Suicide Prevention (QPR) – Sunday, May 2nd,
1:00-2:30 PM in the sanctuary
QPR – Question, Persuade, and Refer – are the three steps anyone can take to help prevent a suicide. Just like CPR, QPR is an emergency response to someone in crisis and can save lives. QPR is the most widely taught “gatekeeper training” program in the United States. (Gatekeeper training teaches people to identify individuals who are showing signs of suicide risk and help them get the services they need.) This 90-minute class is for anyone over the age of 16 who wants to learn best practices in suicide prevention.
We hope you’ll consider joining us for one or both of these important presentations. A link to registration will be included in Grace-at-a-Glance as we get closer to the events. 
Raising Awareness Around Anxiety
Virtual Film and Panel Discussion
Tuesday, May 4th from 6-7:30 pm    
Please join us for a virtual screening of the documentary “Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety.” This is an honest and powerful film about youth and families facing anxiety and can only be viewed via private screenings such as this. This screening and panel discussion event is available through the combined efforts of several organizations: St. Francis Area Schools, SF Community Education Advisory Council, Anoka County Library, and Anoka County Children’s Mental Health.
The film features Michael Phelps (the winningest Olympic swimmer and athlete of all time), national experts on anxiety, and youth and families who have experienced the effects of anxiety. The film is one hour, and there will be a 30-minute panel discussion immediately following. The panel will include a local mental health provider, school counselor, students, and parents.
To participate in this virtual screening, please click the link below to register in advance.
Men's Ministry

Men’s Ministry will be meeting at Chad Handler’s house on May 4th at 6:30 pm for grilling and games. Everyone please bring your meat to grill, beverage to drink and lawn chair to sit in. If you have a lawn game you would like to bring, feel free to bring it along.

If you have any questions please call Stephen Hirt at 612-850-8815 or Chad Hadler at 763-350-3918. This is in the spot of the Men's Ministry Buffalo Wild Wings gathering.
OK@Play will be meeting outside IN PERSON in May!! Yahoo!!

We are planning a picnic gathering to simply socialize in person and eat together outside. Here are the details:

  • Thursday, May 13th, from 6:30-8:00 pm on the Grace lawn and/or parking lot.
  • Adjust the image above, as we will still require masks (except while you are eating) and social distancing per our guidelines.
  • Bring your own food and drink for what you wish to eat.
  • Bring your own lawn chair and roasting fork for marshmallows.
  • We hope to use the church fire pit to enjoy S'mores. Ann will be bringing supplies for making the S’mores and Joe J will be bringing for Gluten Free S’mores.
  • In case of rain, we will meet the following Thursday, May 20th.

Any questions, please contact Mary Jo Trapp, Deb Stang, or Ann Lange.

Hope to see you in person on Thursday, May 13th!!

Ann Lange
Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser

The youth are selling $25 dollar Green Valley Garden Center gift cards to raise money for their Christikon camp adventure in Montana this summer! The gift cards never expire or lose value. Students will be selling gift cards before and after worship on May 2nd (this will be the last Sunday) or you can call Kris at the front desk to arrange for a pickup. The sale ends May 10th. Questions? Contact Kris Miller or Kristi Larson at
Prepare and Enrich Marriage Day Retreat

Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:00-2:00
(we will break for lunch) in the fellowship hall.

It is important married couples do things together to keep their marriages alive and healthy. Prayer, good communication and fun as well as dedicated time together for ongoing growth and understanding are all necessary tools. Join Pastor Maria for a day marriage retreat.
Total Event Cost: $45.00
$35.00 for Couples Assessment (details below)
$10.00 for lunch. Lunch will be provided by Nelson's Deli in Spring Lake Park.

When you register for the event, you will need to provide your email address and the address of your spouse. After you have registered, you will each receive an email with a link to the prepare and enrich couples assessment. Pastor Maria is a certified Prepare and Enrich Facilitator. The Prepare and Enrich assessment and curriculum has been #1 in marriage assessments for over 35 years. Your assessment should be taken on your own (not together). The assessment takes about 20 minutes. Whoever logs into the assessment first will be asked to pay the assessment fee of $35. Only one of you will need to pay this fee. This fee is paid through Prepare and Enrich and not on through Grace or Realm. I hope you consider taking the assessment and joining us for our day retreat. You must take the assessment prior to our retreat to attend. 
Grace's Opportunities for Giving
Show your appreciation for our Law Enforcement

Needless to say, the job of being a law enforcement officer has become increasingly difficult and dangerous over time - particularly over the past year. We asked a few officers what we could give them to show our support, and they came back with three simple requests: Bottled water, Gatorade, and granola bars. So we’ll be collecting these items in the narthex for the next few weeks. If you’re so inclined, please consider writing a note of gratitude or encouragement and bring it in with your donation! A basket for your notes will be on the table. And as always, please remember our law enforcement officers in your prayers. 
Help our neighbors in need

Cross of Glory Lutheran Church in Brooklyn Center is serving as a collection and distribution site for emergency supplies following the recent civil unrest in their community. They are gathering the following items: Toilet paper, laundry detergent, baby diapers (all sizes), wipes, baby formula, feminine hygiene products, bath soap, bottled water, and nonperishable food items. If you would like to help our neighbors in need, please drop off your donations in the narthex over the next few weeks, and we’ll be sure they get delivered to Cross of Glory. 
Books and DVDs wanted for Family Promise
We are seeking donations of gently used books and DVDs for Family Promise. All proceeds from the book sale will help Family Promise support families who are currently experiencing homelessness. The book sale has been postponed due to road construction but we will continue to accept donations. If you would like to donate, please contact Gayle Pacholl by phone or text at 612-750-2910 or email her at to arrange for pick up. This is a great way to make a difference to homeless families while cleaning out your bookshelves! Thanks for your support!
Noisy Offerings

Noisy Offerings collected May 1st-15th will go to the Robin’s Nest Scholarship Fund that helps pay tuition for students in Haiti to attend sewing classes. On a mission trip several years ago, Harold Zupon and the Haiti team had noticed there was a need to have uniforms made for children to go to school and for teaching sewing skills to older students, providing them with both an income and a career option. This scholarship fund was initiated to help meet this need. Thank you for giving generously! 
Give Electronically through GraceRealm
Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Grace's Resources
Welcome David Phelps!

David Phelps is Grace Lutheran's Interim Music Director. David is a native of Anoka, MN and a graduate of Concordia College in Moorhead, MN. He has over 11 years of Music Education experience and was a Music Director for a church in Rochester, MN. We are excited to welcome David to Grace Lutheran!
The Farmer's Market is Back!

Beginning Tuesday, May 4th from 2pm-6pm and every Tuesday through October, The St. Paul Farmer's Market will be having a satellite location at Grace Lutheran's Parking Lot. Come support local farmers and get lots of goodies, beautiful flowers and fresh veggies!
Prayers of the Church

We pray for Law Enforcement and National Guard who are keeping watch over protestors and property. We pray for those who are peacefully protesting for racial injustices and change.

For all who call upon your healing name: Mary Hockemeyer, Emily Austvold, Justin Richards, Stephanie Fernandez, Pam Overson, Jake, Tom Boshart, Gladys Heys, Carroll Potter, John Malecha, Christopher Sluis, Julie Swedberg, LaDonna Lilyquist, Charlotte Montei, Lynn Zirkle, Elsie Weisenberge, Linda Christiansen, Judi Wold , and Ralph & Colleen Wernimont. 
Draw near to all who grieve especially for Phil & Shannan Gautschi & family as they mourn the death of their grandmother, Kathleen Quigley and all who are grieving. 
Virtual Connections

During this time of high COVID-19 cases, we encourage you to connect with Grace and others! If you are looking for ministries and groups to connect with please visit our web site at and click on Church Online to see opportunities to connect.