January 2022
Thank you all for supporting our organization. We are chronic pain patients, just like you, who have dedicated our time to fighting for the rights of doctors and patients.
We'd love for you to use the website to help fight this war!
COMING SOON: We are adding a few new sections to the website. One section will be called "Patient Stories." If you'd like us to post your story on our website, please e-mail Bev at bevschecht@icloud.com Please put "patient story" in the subject line. Let us know if you'd like us to take your names out or to post them. It's time the world sees exactly what's happening to pain patients. Help us tell your stories!
Our advocacy tools and resources are completely free. If you have found our website useful, would you consider sending in a small donation?
Your donations allow us to advocate, educate, and legislate on behalf of the millions of pain patients and prescribers. So, if you can donate, even one dollar, please do so!! Lobbyists are costly but necessary in this process. We are working 24/7
Remember.....you keep fighting and we'll keep fighting!!
Reply to this e-mail with any questions or comments.