November 19, 2020
Remember to Return Your Pledge Card
We are grateful to all who have returned their pledge cards for 2021! Our letters of thanks are going out this week. If you haven’t returned your card yet, please send it as soon as possible. Your pledge helps us plan our ministries for the new year.
Your Advent Devotional Is Here
The first Sunday of Advent is November 29. Members of FPC have prepared a booklet of devotions to help us as we reflect on the coming of Christ. Copies of this devotional are available in the narthex and Fellowship Hallway and on our church website. To receive a devotional by mail, contact Scottie Bales at [email protected] or call the church office at 423-764-7176. Please take only one booklet per family.
This Old House Needs TLC
We are looking for a handy volunteer to renovate the little red house that has been in a corner of the Fellowship Hallway for so many years. It’s really a big, rolling collection bin for items we’re donating elsewhere, such as snacks for Fairmount students and nonperishable items for the Bristol Emergency Food Pantry. This old house has served us well, but there is no denying that it is now rundown. If you have an idea about how to renovate what we have or an idea for a different form of receptacle, please either contact Beth Flannagan ([email protected]) to brainstorm, or stop by the church, take the box home, and get to work. We think it would fit in most vehicles, but we suggest measuring first.
Connect with a Connect Team
We’re developing new resources for church communication, and we ask you to share your time and talents in this vital ministry. Are you interested in helping others in the church stay current and connected? Do you have the skills, gifts, and time to make a quick call once a month to approximately eight members of the church, to see how they are doing and share what’s new at FPC? If so, please let Dave Welch know. Contact him at [email protected] or 423-764-7176.
Cheerios for Fairmount Students
We are collecting boxes of Multi Grain Cheerios for the students of our neighborhood school. Fairmount teachers use them for math lessons at snack time, and the whole grains are just sweet enough to appeal to the children. Please drop your contributions in the little red house in the Fellowship Hallway or leave them on Dottie Havlik’s porch, only four blocks from the church. For more information, email Dottie at [email protected] or call her at 423-956-6747.
Give Safely
During the pandemic, we encourage you to give by way of our website or by text or mail. Your continued, faithful giving ensures that we have the resources to continue our ministries. You can give online by going to and clicking on “Give” in the upper right corner. You can send your pledge, offering, or special gift by texting fpcbristol to 73256. You can also mail your checks directly to the church at 701 Florida Avenue, Bristol, TN 37620.
Please Help with AV in Worship
We need you on our audiovisual team! We will train you to control the cameras, modulate the sound, or run the videos and graphics. Just contact the church office to join.
Deadline & Subscriptions
Deadline for contributions to Windows is the Monday of the week of publication.

Subscribe to our free e-newsletter by sending your name and preferred email address to [email protected].
Gifts to the Church
Memorials and honoraria are published in the newsletter only after the family has been personally notified by our business office. Today we gratefully acknowledge a gift in memory of:

  • David Mott (brother of Betsy Galliher): to the Technology Fund from Barbara Duncan
Organist’s Footnotes
The hymn “Spirit of the Living God” was written in 1926 by Daniel Iverson (1890–1977), a Presbyterian minister from Tarboro, North Carolina. The words to Sunday’s prelude were initially inspired by Jeremiah 18:1-6. A friend helped Iverson set them to music during an evangelistic meeting in Orlando, Florida, where the song was first sung. This festive 2019 handbell arrangement by Robert Greene (b. 1957) is five stanzas long.

“Ar hyd y nos” is Welsh for “throughout the night.” This tune has been associated with the vesper (evening) hymn “Day Is Done” as well as with the thanksgiving hymn, “For the Fruit of All Creation.” Frank Stoldt (b. 1958) has been Director of Worship for Augsburg Fortress and Cantor at the Church of St. Luke in Chicago. His 1988 setting of “Ar hyd y nos” is short, quiet, fuguelike, and perfect for Sunday’s offertory.

David Cherwien (b. 1957) has served as Director of Music Ministries at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Minneapolis. He has written a neo-baroque setting of “Nun danket alle Gott” (“Now thank we all our God”), Sunday’s postlude. It maintains active figures in the manuals, while the main melody is heard in the pedals.
Pray for One Another
701 Florida Avenue | Bristol, TN 37620 | 423-764-7176 |